
Friday, October 01, 2010

[Vid & Trans] 100930 GTV News-SS501 Park Jung-Min in Taiwan

Super thanks once more to WonderrrgirlLiz501 for shoving the translation of this news in my email! Woot! Woot!

Hee, the content of this news is quite interesting. ^_^

Alright, let me share with you what WonderrrgirlLiz501 said about this program. According to her, GTV news is one of the most popular Entertainment Talk show in Taiwan. She hopes [I'm also hoping as well] for Jungmin to attend this talk show. WonderrrgirlLiz501 went on to say that , the hosts will really ask very VERY detailed questions [naughty questions] about Jungmin's past [oohhh I like]. ^_^ Yah, i wish they will guess him.

Btw, definitely the lower part of Jung Min's of his body is really wonderful. long legs, nice butt and nice strong thighs. ^^ Check below trans to know what I'm talking about.

Thanks again for this WonderrrgirlLiz501!


[Vid & Trans] 100930 GTV News-SS501 Park Jung-Min in Taiwan
Uploaded in YT by yinglisa5387
Chinese to English translation by WonderrrgirlLiz501 /

100930 GTV News - SS501 Park Jung Min in Taiwan
Boldby WonderrrgirlLiz501 /

Reporter: SS501 Park Jung Min has signed the contract today with the company and officially begin solo activities.

Reporter: Today at the press conference, Jung Min announced that he will go into many different areas in future, be in dancing, acting, singing.

Reporter: The warm and friendly him had showed us all the Chinese that he has learned so far.

Reporter: One of the phrases that he has learn had cause quite a shock for some of us(the media).

Jungmin: Ah~ *Ni Hen Jian! (You are very cunning/bad/evil)

Note: For Non-Chinese speakers, this phrase is something that people usually say to someone who has done really bad things, like cheating on someone, that sort of "bad". Though at times this has been said by people just for fun, if said in a casual and joking manner.

Interviewer: Does he know the meaning of that phrase?

Jungmin: Ah~.. I don't know... I don't know. BUT... (in Korean) because most of the time when you are learning a language, won't everyone start learning from the "bad" words? In every country it seems to be like this as well?! This makes it more interesting and easier to learn.

Reporter: Park Jung Min who is now doing solo activities without SS501, the media is curious if he is comfortable with dealing with the media alone now?

Jungmin: While doing solo activities there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that I will feel lonely when I am alone. But since now I want to advance in my career, so this will further motivate me to work harder. I think this will be the advantage, I guess.

Reporter: In future, Jungmin will have the chance to star in Taiwanese idol dramas. He also hopes to act as characters that suits his character, though of course, a "bad protagonist" is okay as well.

Reporter: As for how much of skin is he willing to reveal, he said, even revealing his full back is perfectly okay with him?!

Jungmin: I am now working out~ So as compared to the upper part of the body, I have more confidence in the lower part of my body~

Jungmin: My back is REALLY pretty~


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Thanks for the trans, WonderrrgirlLiz501!! Very interesting. "My back is REALLY pretty~" LOL JM <3

  2. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Everything's great, but the make up is way too thick -.- the eyeliner was overdone...i liked it better the way his make-up artistes used to do it for him.
