
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

[Vid] Will you eat Hyun Joong's shrimp & pineapple fried rice?

Can't help but smile for the whole duration of this clip watching Hyun Joong cook shrimp and pineapple fried rice. ^_^ He is so 4D! Go and watch the vid shared by exlley on her YT channel.

Alright, before you watch, I'm sure you guys already know the story of the knife? No?Okay, you better click HERE to read that report from the DVD staff.

After watching that clip, I'm certain that no matter how the fried rice was presented, if it comes from Hyun Joong, if it comes from the heart, we will eat it, yah?

Oh, actually I don't need the fried rice to fill my tummy, Hyun Joong alone is yummylicous. (^_-)☆


  1. Anonymous1:11 AM

    You are right there Liezle ,Hyun Joong alone is heavenly satisfying ...can feel no hunger or thirst.

    Hyun Joong exudes all that charm ...I don't concentrate on what's cooking but on the cook !

  2. Anonymous2:24 AM

    the vid made me smile.... aigoo, trust a man, to do chopping and cooking... at first i said, ayayay, what a mess, pineapple, corn, squash, chopped in different sizes, with pineapple, with shrimp, then he added tons of sesame oil, with a squeeze of lemon- how, i wonder, did it taste... knowing Leader, he likes strong tastes of food, that's why he said it tasted good (for him)

    i enjoyed watcing the effort he was doing, but most of all, i think i will enjoy the dish because leader cooked it...also trust leder to enjoy his drink...

  3. I'm more impressed with this egg cracking abilities to be honest...
    I cook... A LOT...but can't do that. IDK why!!! T_T

  4. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Yum...looks good! The fried rice too *wink*

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    lol he is too funny.. the presentation is really good..wouldn't mind trying it if i had the

  6. tetsu girl10:38 AM

    i couldn't stop giggling through the whole vid. i like how they didn't make it like an idealized romantic version of HJ acting the perfect boyfriend, but just HJ being himself (in the idealized situation of being your boyfriend ;). HJ's being too cute, never stopping his joking, and over-seasoning as usual. it really feels like a date with him. <3

    i really miss seeing SS501 together in their own reality shows. showing their natural charming personalities is what made them lovable and popular. i wish they'd do that again, but i don't think it'll happen. *sigh* but as long as they do more variety guestings together, it's good. ^^

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Just give me Hyun Joong... I will eat anything he cooks haha... I wouldn't mind rushing to the hospital after trying his food. Because he has to be there to take care of me right??? Haha

  8. Anonymous3:59 PM

    nevermind the fried rice. all i want is hyunjoong dear!
