
Friday, November 19, 2010

11.19.10 S/Tweet Treats ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

Update : [1:06PM 11.20.10] Yesterday's tweets completed. Check out tweet of Kyu Jong with photo at Lotte.


English translation of today's tweet is here courtesy of course of xiaochu of Quainte501. Thanks thanks!


[Trans] 11.19.10 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.comBold

2010-11-19 @ 1+am
KoJongHee @2kjdream Wow our KyuJong Hwaiting~~~ Must (meet?) soon!!!!

2010-11-19 @ 3+am
mystyle1103 @jjjjjin2yo How about short hair??kekeke

2010-11-19 @ 3+am
jjjjjin2yo @mystyle1103 Shor hair suits me that well too keke I'm worried I will look even younger kekekekeke
2010-11-19 @ 5+am
mystyle1103 @zerotic0124 What if you take out all that is inside your head...?
*in reply to zerotic0124 (2010-11-19 @ 4+am) : Should be sleeping....But somehow couldn't get to sleep.....Many thoughts are packed in my mind so it's too noisy, couldn't get to sleep;;

2010-11-19 @ 5+am
mystyle1103 @zerotic0124 Puhahahahahhaha

2010-11-19 @ 5+am
mystyle1103 @jjjjjin2yo Sure enough - - but I think just long hair is better....kekeke

2010-11-19 @ 5+am
zerotic0124 @mystyle1103 If I take them out, it'll be even more noisy

2010-11-19 @ 5+am
zerotic0124 @mystyle1103 By the way, the photos are funny isn't it ke

2010-11-19 @ 5+am
mystyle1103 @zerotic0124 Photos are DaeBak*!!! keke
*DaeBak = Big Hit, in this context, he meant the photos are hillarious

2010-11-19 @ 6+am
zerotic0124 @mystyle1103 ke It's a fun app ke pu

2010-11-19 @ 6.16pm
HyungJun87 I will eat my delicious dinner well ^^ ah happy

2010-11-19 @ 6.34pm
my7chan Delicious lunchbox?! Thanks for the dinner ~ HyungJun will also eat these and get his strength^^

2010-11-19 @ 6.41pm
Estella816 @HyungJun87 Nice to see you Babu-ya

2010-11-19 @ 7.35pm
musicalcafein Very cute lunchbox!!! Thanks for the meal

2010-11-19 @ 7.56pm
orangeheejin @HyungJun87 keke ah what is that?? ke The dark (eye) circle bread is an illustration of you?? heehee Cute.

2010-11-19 @ 9.35pm
2kjdream This is the amusment park!!! hee All of us felt the innocence of childhood, all of us!!! hee

2010-11-19 @ 10.15pm
3rangka @HyungJun87 Seems delicious TT TT


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    hello.. guess there is a typo error for the "mydream1103"

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

