
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

[Article] HJB Proud of HJL

Heaps of thanks to wonderrrgirl for tweeting and for sharing this translation on LoveKimHyunJoong.

Hey, who wouldn't be proud of Hyun Joong, yah? I remember that even Alexander of U-Kiss were watching him on TV and he even captured him singing and tweeted. ^^


SS501 Kim Hyung Jun: I am proud of Kim Hyun Joong
Chinese-English Translation: Wonderrrgirl @

Korea's famous idol group SS501 Kim Hyung Jun expressed sense of pride towards fellow member Kim Hyun Joong.

On the 15th, at 2PM, the rehearsal ground of SS501 member Kim Hyung Jun's Musical was opened to the media at Gang-Nam, Seoul. is Kim Hyung Jun's first attempt in a Musical.

When the media mentioned about Kim Hyun Joong, who has been invited to sing at the Guangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony, Kim Hyung Jun expresses, " I am really very proud of him. Looking at him performing on the stage, my heart is full of emotions."

Additionally, he added, "I sent a text message to him. However, I think the phone over there doesn't seem to work well, as he did not send me a reply. " Upon hearing this, the crowd let out a series of laughter.


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    aww more brotherly love. ^^ i'm sure all the members are proud of each other's achievements and support each other's endeavors.

    i love how vocal JM and HJB are about it. and YS and KJ are together and always tweet, so it's reassuring to green peas. i kinda wish HJL would mention SS501 or the others more, but i get that he always gives full focus to whatever he's working on at the moment, and right now, it's not SS501, but it's always in his heart. ^^;

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I love how they support each other! Hyun Joong may seem a bit cold now, but I'm sure he will always be the same warm dorky leader we know!!

  3. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Why does HJB often do this? He is proud of HJL but on the other hand he puts him down (sort of) by saying he did not reply to his text message. During his FM in Singapore, he said he understands HJL is busy but states that HJL did not give him a gift on his birthday. I can understand if he is just stating a fact but I don't think it is the case. Ssory, just have to get this out.

  4. Anonymous3:09 AM

    baby only stated the truth. If he is busy, then at least a video would help right? Now leader is done with his work. I hope he will come to support baby first musical show like he did for JM after his BOF time. I would like to hear more about SS501 from his mouth. I heard so much from baby and jungmin. it's time to hear from him, the last member that did not mention anything about SS501.

  5. Anonymous4:33 AM

    HJB always tell these & that,why not tell us the truth on ex-president case?

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    HJB himself has been bullied and put down by a few of his SS501 members before. I hope anonymous@
    2:01am will notice and come to his defence when that happens. But knowing HJB he forgives and forget.

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I want to clear up a misunderstanding of what Baby said about Leader not returning his text. Please don't doubt Leader's heart or his love for his members again.

    This quote is taken from an article from allkpop.

    “I get in contact with the members every single day. Hyung Joon once said that I ignored one of his text messages at the press conference for his musical, but that’s not what happened. I was in China for the ‘Guangzhou Asian Games‘. I called him right away after the event.”

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

    to anony 2:01, well, Kim Hyun Joong does not need them anyway.

    Hyun Joong is the one who brings all the fame and success to was a good move to transfer to KE so he won't be with his old colleagues who always hang on to him and depend on him.

    sorry, but the truth hurts.

  9. Oh geez, here we go again. Do we really have to say again that no one needs the other member?

    In SS501 there is no I or Me, k? Fans [number of fans] only say this crap.

    And just recently it's been proven that all of them can go solo. Because all of them are talented. All of them are well love and all of them has the passion.

    So let's just support them all, k? Or if you choose to support only 1 please, please be sensitive and grateful.

  10. Ha Ha ... by now, everyone should know that Leader and Maknae are like blood brothers ... very often, Maknae will use Leader to make fun of, as he knows that Leader has a soft spot for him. Recalled them sharing clothings and shoes? Maknae asked for a sports car when interviewed for a request as Hyun Joong Ssi just got paid from BOF project.After recovering from exhaustion and on the way to Japan, Maknae was by Hyun Joong's side all the way ...just to be on the safe side in case Leader faints again. That's brotherly love and care. Leader mentioned that if they can't find Maknae, Maknae's brother Ki Bum can always replace Maknae. Maknae mentioned at interview in Singapore that Leader did not wish him Happy Birthday and called him Bad Boy and later he used his Korean translation and rephrased it Bad young man .. ha ha ha. Leader on the other hand had all their birthdays saved on his phone. Maknae also was desperate and mentioned that Leader was so busy filming MK and could not be located anywhere ...reflecting a sense of worry and concern. So, the members of SS501 are ok with each other and there are no conflicts among themselves. Leader even thanked the members' parents and wished them well on Parents Day, saying that he was thankful that they can be like brothers for so many years and years to come ... No worries, PEACE and Sunshine again ...

  11. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You’re misunderstanding Kim Hyung Jun. He is not jealous of Kim Hyun Joong or putting him down. He’s teasing him. All the members tease each other but underneath care for each other greatly. As for the birthday gift, he was just being honest when asked if he got a gift. He answered it in his cute Hyung Jun way so it wouldn’t be taken as a big deal. Remember this was at the time when the media kept saying the broke up. The members know each other better then anyone. Sometimes what they say or do to each other may seem rude to us on the outside but, you have to remember we only see a small portion of their relationship. Also, keep in mind that all the members now are in different agencies and don’t have to be in a group anymore. The fact that they choose to be proves that they love each other and know that they are loved by the others.

  12. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Those fans who give leader a hard time can go & bang the wall now!
    Think bef you talk & stop your childish behaviour,
    Leader is suffer enough previously.

  13. Anonymous4:54 PM

    HJB and JM are attention seekers especially HJB. They need to create buzz now with their talk always mentioning leader this and that to attract more attention to them.Leader do not need to use anyone of the members name because he can take care of his career himself. I remember seeing one video before where HJB used leader to talk about u-kiss in their dressing room.HJB chose leader because he knows leader has got more fans to help him promote his brother who is in u-kiss.If you follow all their video clips in all entertaining news leader seldom used ss501 members to talk about himself but used his friends outside ss501 to promote himself. That shows leader diversifies his attention to all his friends in or out the industry. Sorry for the long rant but people sometimes bluts out matters without consideration to feelings..

  14. That's it I am going to close the comment box. Tsk Tsk Tsk... such a positive post and look what others are commenting. Sigh...

    Sorry guys, if i keep on doing this. I love ALL 5 and i hate it when fans are making them look bad.

