
Thursday, November 25, 2010

[Article] Hyun Joong only stored 40 phone numbers on his mobile phone

Another article of Hyun Joong translated, much thanks to xiaochu for sharing on Quainte501.

Since mobile phone was invented I seldom memorize phone numbers. ^^ But Hyun Joong is different [the exact opposite of me] he only stored 40 and the rest he memorized. ^^

11/24 [news] Kim HyunJoong “Only Stored 40 Numbers in Mobile Phone”
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


When asked Kim HyunJoong about his close entertainer friends, he said “Really just a few of them. Those whom I contact and meet up with are mostly normal (non-entertainer) people.” He stored about 40 numbers in his mobile phone, he likes to memorise numbers so he deliberately doesn’t store them into his mobile phone. His close friends are the SongPa-gu ShinCheonPa neighbourhood friends whom he knew since young and brothers from dancer team, also his health/gym trainer and soccer team members. “My health/gym trainer’s name is Sander. Do you know what is his real name? It’s Kim SangDeuk. It is the exactly the same as the Kim SangDeuk in Alaska in the episode of ‘Infinity Challenge’.” Kim HyunJoong said laughing his head off.

1. Xiah Junsu – Became close with him and Hero JaeJoong because of our similar activity period during initial period of debut. Lee Wan, Kim Bum, Micky YooChun, Hero JaeJoong are the members of celebrity soccer team ‘Men’. Lee Wan hyung went for military service thus rarely joins for soccer. Everyone likes soccer so much so that we can come out to play soccer at our neighbourhood stadium even at 2am. We don’t have specific positions or numbers. Neighbourhood soccer is that everyone is mixed up together and swarm after the ball. There was once Xiah Junsu suggested making uniforms with numbers on it and said ‘I want to have route 3’ and then we ‘gave up’ the idea.

2. Micky YooChun – Although didn’t get to meet frequently, he is a drinking (alcohol) companion who will come whenever you call even if it’s in the wee hours of morning. It’s good because we can meet without any pretence. Our nickname for each other is vulgar (?) words. When filming ‘Mischievous Kiss’, Micky YooChun is filming ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, thus we couldn’t monitor each other (drama work). Later when my drama ended, I watched ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, and just as it was getting interesting, it ended, it was quite a pity.

3. Gummy – A close sister who even my mother knows. Not long ago, I went to Gummy noona’s mother and elder brother’s oyster specialty store at BoonDang, and drank by myself.

4. SS501 – Will release an album together next year. They are my brothers whom I must go together for my whole life. Recently, HyungJun said at the press conference for his musical that I didn’t reply the text message sent to me when I was at China Guangzhou Asian Games, it was a misunderstanding. I didn’t see the message because my mobile phone battery went dead. I didn’t bring my charger so I couldn’t send any reply. Charger will be the first thing I will pack in whenever I go overseas in the future.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    .......i like KHJ 4D MIND ...40 numbers in his mind very impressive i hope he won't forget his own number???

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    "They(ss501)are my brothers whom I must go together for my whole life"....I like this statement very2 much....leader, love u soo much...fighting!...

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    12.41: yes, that's such a cool brotherhood statement.

  4. wait... didnt he say that he called hyung jun after the opening ceremony ends?

  5. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Don't be too confused. LOL.

    This matter is really confusing to me too. At first, HJB said that he didn't receive any reply. But HJL said that he couldn't reply because he was busy preparing for the show. What I don't understand is HJB texted him AFTER seeing him on stage, but HJL said he couldn't reply with that reason even though at that time (according to HJB), he hadn't even texted at all. Next, I couldn't understand why HJB said HJL didn't reply because the press conf. where HJB stated the matter happened a long time after HJL had returned to Korea.

    There is one more thing. HJB said that they are so busy so that they can't contact often ( he said that HJL seems to disappear somewhere ), but HJL said he contact the members almost everyday.

    But don't misunderstand me, I don't mean the members lie. I once thought about this a lot and felt very sad. But I'm sure that this is because of the media or translation, etc. And maybe, just maybe, some interviews are not direct, the members didn't answers all the questions directly.

    No matter what, I strongly believe that they want to contact and see each others often.

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    LOVE HIM !

  7. Anonymous3:14 PM

    for the above comment^
    maybe HJL has contacted another members (i guess YS since they're at the same age)just my two cents only^^

  8. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Don't worry Anony at 2:14 we just are going to make ourselves miserable if we take into account all what they say or do . HJ is super busy ...and couldn't even find time to eat and sleep enough .

    I just wish Maknae just keep those personal communication between themselves so it doesn't create anymore misunderstanding specially when what we get are media reporting and translated at that.

    I also think Maknae should refrain anymore from saying anything about HJ and just stick to information about himself . I like how JM ,YS and Kyu's minding their own personal business .NO TALK NO MISTAKE .Better be careful than sorry,

  9. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I agree with the above comment. He probably doesn't contact all the members on the same day. To me it also makes sense that HJL and HJB would go a period of time of not being in contact with each other since they seem to be two with the busiest schedules.

    I can't wait for their comeback! If they do release an album next year it probably won't be until the end of the year. I believe they want to come back as quickly as possible but also give each other enough time to do their individual activities.

    Just have to add that I loved the line about the members being like brothers that he needs to be with for life. It's such a great way to describe the relationship that they have with each other.

  10. Anonymous4:14 PM

    This is getting predictable. As soon as their is an article about HJL and the other members someone feels the need to critisize another member. Please keep in mind that this website is for us to share our love for ALL 5 members. You may feel that you are just defending your bias but you could end up offending the fans of the other members and starting a pointless back and forth.

  11. yes i agree...some of the things are too contradicting but i believe in baby (lol, and khj of course, but i think this time...he may be trying to cover up)
    DONT GET ME WRONG!! i love em all, and the fact he sed that theyre brothers that he has to be together with for his whole life...clears my mind a little bit.

  12. Anonymous6:56 PM

    We can't always take everything they say too seriously. They are still humans, after all. Besides that there could be misinterpretation here and there.
    For whatever happens, I love 5 of them!!

  13. Anonymous8:47 PM

    some peoples are too serious....

  14. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I agree.. I guess some people do not know that by defending their bia they would be hurting other people's biases..
    And I think HJB did not want to talk about their personal things but the media are the one who asks whether the 5 of them still communicate so I guess he brought the Asian Games thing up. I don't he is really angry with leader and complaining about him. Well, if you really know HJB you would know he's not that kind of person!! ^^
    This is just what I think, no hard feelings ^^

  15. Anonymous1:06 AM

    I think it is not a matter of defending bias ,its a matter of sticking to one's own territory to avoid any misunderstanding. If everyone is around (I mean 5 of them) then its alright-they can just laugh it off).Its different now.Media always provoke -and then release it sensationalized -it their business to do it that way .

    HJB has even talked about HJ drinking in his radio show -is that appropriate ? Even if it was true -why broadcast it ? Here there is no Media to blame .

  16. Anonymous3:11 AM

    HJL said he contacted Baby just as soon as he got the message. If his phone was dead he wouldn't have got the message until he charged his phone back up. I doubt he even knows which day is which with his schedule so don't take it to heart if he gets the exact time wrong. He contacted Baby so leave it at that.

    As for Baby talking about the members, I don't see anything wrong with that, but I do believe he needs to be careful. The media is always trying to find the next "big" story and conflict between the SS501 members would be one and with the current situation of SS501 it just makes fans worry. All the members need to be careful with the media right now. In a little while the media will move on to the next "big" story.

  17. Anonymous9:40 AM

    why are you guys so serious??

    i dont know, but i dont like read the comments here.

    but thx liezle for sharing ^^

  18. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I'm getting confuse really..
    These articles could make people who takes seriously misunderstood..
    And, the one who innocent is going to be blamed.. *sigh*

  19. Anonymous6:06 PM

    The comments in prev article about "HJB proud of HJL" has made me crying..
    And these comments also..
    They love each others in their way..
    If you know them well,you'll know what I mean..
    That's not meant I know them well too..
    Just believe,, if something came up bad,, it's accidentally incidents..
    they do it not for particular meaning..
    be positive!!

  20. Anonymous11:06 PM

    i'm glad this hasn't gotten as bad as some previous article, but i agree that fans should be careful not to defend their bias to the point of blaming another member or their fans.
    i don't think it's fair to ask HJB not to talk about HJL. one, he has every right to, and two, the media keep asking them about it.
    HJB probably was just trying to make light of a situation where, if he had simply said, we're both too busy, people might take it as their relationship isn't as good, but instead he said it in a light, humorous way, for a chuckle, not to be taken seriously.
    i'm sure HJL still felt bad about it and wanted to explain further, but it still got confusing. (and maybe when he called HJB hours after the ceremony and text, HJB didn't know it was in reply to the text, just a random call?)
    anyway, we know that none of the members lie, just have different ways of handling the press, and we know they all love each other, even if they can't talk every day, which family doesn't have to, really. let's just trust them.

  21. crazynoona12:28 AM

    usually I don't like to leave comments here, I'll just shut this windows when I see comments like some that were posted here.

    To the person who said if it was appropriate for Hyung Jun to talk about Hyun Joong's drinking habit on music high, i bet you didnt listen to the full sentence. You just took "drinking" and "hyun joong" and then formed that bias against Hyung Jun.
    Hyung Jun was responding to a listener about having a friend or someone drinking before sleeping and Jjun merely said sometimes he worried for his hyung health because Hyun Joong too, drink and sleep immediately which is actually not great for his health. THATS ALL.
    AND Hyung Jun frequently talks about his members, be in YS, JM or Kyu. I don't blame you if you don't listen to MuHigh frequently, but do not just use statements like this at your convenience to prove a point.

    What about Gummy saying that Hyun Joong is a heavy drinker right after he helped her film the MV?

    And if you do realise, its mostly the media ASKING about Hyun Joong during Hyung Jun's interviews. Only because Hyun Joong is the leader of the group to which Hyung Jun belongs to.

    As for JM, YS And Kyu, do you realise that news articles about them are mostly reporting facts without real interviews just like the ones Hyung Jun had recently!?

    I know there are many Hyun Joong supporters who read this site, but please bear in mind that liezle is keeping this site as a SS501 site.

    And I thought the matter is about whether Hyun Joong replied OR NOT. because he was the one who keeps changing his statement about it, so why did you shift the blame to Hyung Jun now?

    So please do refrain from shifting the damn blame to anyone else just to make yourself feel better about the contradicting statements being issued. If you do think that your bias is Perfect, we respect that, but please also respect that other fans may not like it when you put other members down.

  22. Anonymous2:28 AM

    at first when i read the report, i though those KHJ bais will push the fault to the reporter inorder to defend him. But instead pointing finger at the other member whom KHJ wanna spend the rest of the life with.

    Yes you like KHJ, but there are others who like HJB. Just to defend your bais and you can push the fault to the rest?

    The previous report KHJ mention that he did call back and people are point finger at HJB for lying. now in turn KHJ is the one changing statement. Some KHJ fans choose to ignore the statement and magnify other sentence to cover it. and the other group choose to push the blame to HJB.

    Lucky nobody say inorder to leave some face for HJB, KHJ cover HJB and change statement. WOW such a good hyung!!
    or actually someone actually think about it?

    btw i don't think HJB would like to use KHJ name in any report, since he know well that KHJ name will cover his name.


  23. oh geez, really this has got to stop. like i mentioned earlier, it hurts me more to read fans talking ill about member/s.

    i have closed quite a handful of posts and i don't want to make that as a habit. if you wish to write something about your bias please write only something about him and not drag other member/s.also be objective and sensitive.

    thank you.


  24. Anonymous7:19 PM

    THANK YOU Liezle!
