
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[Article] Hyun Joong : "Those Kisses..."

Here is one more article and this time translation is courtesy of happiebb of LoveKimHyunJoong forum. Heaps of thanks bb!

This one is another must read [well, actually, all is a must read ^^] as this article contains information that Hyun Joong hasn't revealed in the other interviews.

Go on, read now...


[News] Kim Hyun Joong: “Those Kisses & Almost-Kisses… In Reality, were…”
Reposted from HYUNBAR
Translated into English: BB @

To Kim Hyun Joong (24) who is taking the leading role of a TV drama for the first time as “the fussy guy” Baek Seung Jo in MBC’s Playful Kiss, although the 3% rating was far from the initial expectation, to him personally, he still felt that he had gained much (from it).

- What are your thoughts after the drama’s ended?

“Feel that I’ve good wrap-up for this year. As this is the first TV drama whereby I’m the main lead, so it’s particularly meaningful. I felt a great sense of responsibility during the filming, because the drama evolved from and developed around me, so my condition could affect the entire team’s mood and ambience. Only when I relaxed myself and worked, then the crew could carry on with the filming in a more relaxed manner.”

- There’re unusually many kissing scenes in the drama!

“It just looks that way, but actually there’re not many. There’re many scenes that involved lips nearly or barely touching; in terms of real kissing scenes, there are only three.”

- You’ve been labelled as the second Bae Yong Joon, do you feel any pressure or burden with the label?

“As opposed to pressure, what I feel more is joy. I suppose it’s because sunbae is the first generation of Hallyu star, and I’m also carrying out Hallyu activities, that’s why the label of the second Bae Yong Joon.

We (SS501) were also referred to as the second SechsKies when we first started out, but later, people gradually remembered our name. I suppose it’s the same this time.”

- Amongst the presents that Bae Yong Joon gave you, which left you with the deepest impression?

“Pu-erh tea. Said that’s something good.”

- You’ve even sung the theme song at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. What does that feel?

“As that’s a big stage (platform), and I was representing Korea on-stage, so the pressure was tremendous. I really heaved a great big sigh of relief after the song that day. One whole month of listening to the same song and practising everyday, that was really tiring.”

- Are you still running the chicken eatery now?

“My friends are still running it. As for how much money it’s made, I’ve absolutely no idea. I would go look for them there once in awhile. Times like this, I’d stay in the kitchen to wash the tomatoes or fry the chicken pieces and stuff. But since I always just stay in the kitchen, the patrons wouldn’t know that I’m in the shop.”

- Heard that you’ve moved to Seongsu-Dong in Seoul recently, is this true?

“Yes, I’ve moved, but no, it’s not to Seongsu-Dong. Because many fans used to always hung around my home, so it’s brought a lot of inconvenience to the neighbours at the old place, and there’re also many complaints, so I had to move. This time, it’s a rented place.”

- Why rent instead of buying a house?

“Because I’ve no money. (laughs) There’s someone who’s helping me to manage my finances; other than my monthly allowance, everything else goes into the bank account. Of course, I may earn a bit more than people my age. But when it comes to money, once it exceeds a certain amount, it becomes quite meaningless. I don’t have hobbies like drinking expensive red wine, so that really is the difference between having more money or a little less money? I don’t even have a car. I use the company’s car every time even if I’m doing my personal things.”

- Rumours have it that you’ve a close relationship with Hero Jae Joong, T.O.P from Big Bang, how about you guys forming a group?

“That should be not bad. When we were drinking together, we too joked about this, and talked about holding a joint concert. Although it’s gonna be quite tough (to pull off), but if people really wish to see us together, and if the companies agree too, perhaps it can be done.”

- What are the future plans of SS501?

“Truth is, many people have questioned if we’ve already disbanded. Since we’ve already concluded our discussion about the future activities of SS501, so all of us have joined different agencies. During the time when our contract with the previous agency expired, no agency was able to accept all (five) members. So we plan to have solo activities, and then come together as a group to present to everyone through performance.”

- Amongst the gifts from fans, which one left the deepest impression?

“A 10,000-won bill. That bill’s serial number is my date of birth. Initially I had thought that it was a fake bill, but when I took it for a closer look, I realised that it was real.”

- What do you do when you’re resting or on your off days?

“I play soccer. I’ll play soccer every week. Although I’m not a professional footballer, and I also don’t have a regular or fixed position, but i play attack generally.”

- What do you want or pursue in life?

“I wish to live happily with people. When with friends, we practically go Dutch every time. Regardless of who you are, everyone forks out 10,000 korean won, just like club fees. Friendship can collapse because of money. I feel that amongst friends, there should be no distinction about whose achievement is more, and who has done more, or less.”


  1. he doesnt hve a car???
    I thought he own Porsche Cayenne 2010 Limited Edition???

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    and didn't another article say that the company gave him the car as part of his contract fee? maybe he still doesn't see it as his own? but if he's using it all the time, for work and personal, and no one else is, then it's basically his, right? XD;

    thanks for the trans, bb! the title is such a fake-out. ;P
    wow some fans could have unknowingly eaten chicken cooked by HJL himself! lol
    i hope the fans leave his new home alone. >_>;
    HJL, please work out joining the SS501 members together for activities before you try it with Jaejoong and Top. ^^

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I think leader is being humble and low profile and again who knows he donates most of his money but still i dont want im to be peniless...hua ha ha...but i like his philosophy and principles of life...

  4. Hyun Joong Ssi, out of the 14 kisses we have seen, only THREE were real lips contact kisses??? My, Amazing! The acting was good ... which 3 kisses are bona fides 1) Graduation kiss 2) Rain Kiss 3) Wedding Kiss 4) Honeymoon Kisses or 5) Christmas eve Kiss : Kiss in the mini cooper car 6) Hospital Bed Kiss 7) Jisu is History Kiss or 8) The Birthday Kiss??? You had me fooled there ... Ha Ha Ha!

  5. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I think the question to ask is exactly what does he consider a "real" kiss to be? I would be very interested to know the answer to that question especially since he says there were only 3 "real" kisses in Playful Kiss. They all looked quite real to me although even I will admit some were nothing more than lips touching or little pecks but they were still real kisses none the less. Yes, I would be very interested in his answer for that question. lol

  6. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Joyce, that's HJ 's secret >actually he wants you to watch PK again so you can find out . If still you can't watch again .

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I heard that Porsche Cayenne was owned by DSP. So it was returned to the DSP.

  8. Annyeong Anonymous @5:01pm, (501 what a coincidence!)I have watched them over and over again but there were more than 3 lips contact kisses ... ha ha ha. You are right - for Hyun Joong to know and for me to find out!

  9. @Anonymous 5.11pm,really??? OMG!! DSP owned that car?? where did u find out??

  10. Anonymous7:23 PM

    i think what he meant as "real kiss" is that, they really kissed, not the scripted kiss. i think that explains the no NG part. from my recollection, i think the three he was talking about are: rain kiss, honeymoon kiss (bedscene) and the car kiss. i bet he didn't count the hospital kiss in the YT edition.

  11. annoy @7:23pm

    we have the same "selection"!
    I'd choose rain kiss, honeymoon kiss and mini cooper kiss. Play again fancam by PERFECT, we can see the kissing scene very well and clear.

  12. Anonymous1:24 AM

    I think it is sad that he had to move out of his previous place because of complaints from the neighborhood. Hope he will have peace and quiet in his new home. Fans need to give him his privacy and not cross the line. But I guess that is the price of being a star.

  13. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Just the kisses in the mini cooper alone are more than 3. I think he really enjoy the kisses there.
