
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[Article] Hyun Joong Thoughts About the Motorcyle Accident

You've heard about the accident of Hyun Joong in May but only few knows before that it was a motorcycle accident and not a car accident as what had been reported on the news. The reason why they kept it as a secret is for fans not to worry much. Now that it's been months since the accident Hyun Joong can talk about it. And that's what he did when MetroSeoul interviewed him recently.

I'm sure many are waiting for this article since it came out early this morning. Much much thanks to wonderrrgirl for letting me know about the post of June on LoveKimHyunJoong forum. I actually emailed to wonderrrgirl the link to this, as she's about to trans someone did and she gave me a heads up. Glad to know that someone from LKHJ did it and I hope that June wouldn't mind posting her translation here. Thanks June so much for sharing this on LKHJ. From the note of June on LKHJ, she didn't translate anymore the part on BYJ as they've already been posted.

Check out this article by June posted on


Disclosure of Accident: Asia Top Star KHJ Innermost Thought
Source: Metro Seoul
Reposted & Translated by: Baidu Hyunbar News Department
Chinese to English translation by June /

Singer and Actor Kim Hyun Joong (24) had a motorcycle accident and cheated death,
before the commencement of his solo work apart from SS501.
The cruelty of such a happenstance right when he had to begin working solo on his own
led to a focused outlook in life.

Heartily enjoys the work he likes, while forgoing all distractions.
Harbouring an increasingly calm mentality, and gradually permeating through the whole of Asia.

Rebirth In May
In a recent interview, Kim Hyun Joong mentioned,
for the first time ever, the facts about his motorcycle accident.

On 28 May afternoon, on a road in Seoul’s Gangnam,
[liezle : the date written is what was on the article but we all know that it is wrong because SS501 appeared on Dream Concert on May 28]
Kim Hyun Joong, driving with his friend on a motorcycle as a passenger,
was hit from behind by another vehicle.

Helmets and protective gears fell apart. It was a major accident.
His right arm and elbow suffered from 3 fractures.
His left knee cartilage was injured as well.

‘It could have been a fatal accident, but luck was on our side.
The motorcycle is not a good vehicle to carry passenger but I was travelling with a friend that day.
My over-100kg friend flew from the vehicle and I fell atop him.
Thus, I landed on the ground with less impact due to the buffer.’

After the release of the final mini-album at his former company,
the period before the end of his contract was a critical moment
when he worried about the repercussions of the accident.

He was also concerned that there may be discussions about his enlistment.
He can only bear his guilt during treatment till his discharge from the hospital.
With the end of the filming of the drama, he is currently undergoing a full body check-up.
‘I will definitely enlist. But I shall not receive any further more body check-up till then.
I would not want anything, no matter how small, to become a hindrance to my goal.’

Due to the accident, his will to carry out activities is even stronger.
Kim Hyun Joong said,
‘I do not like to rest.
Happily working, I’ve never had a moment when I feel like resting.
I would like to give it all… when I can still sing, dance and act.’

In the aftermath of his accident,
the process in which he signed with his new company also became a hot topic.
Even though several companies offered him billion-dollar contracts,
Kim Hyun Joong chose to sign with his current company which offered a much lower fee.

His pride as an artist led him to refuse the high pay but accept a domestic car,
which in turn led to further misunderstanding from some fans.
The gift of a car in replacement for higher pay was suggested by representatives from his new company.

‘I do not work with the aim to earn money.
If I do, I shall have to bear all the negative effects.
What I want to do is to display my stage and my work to all of you.’

Pre-Enlistment: 5-year Plan
On 12 November, he participated in the Asian Games Opening Ceremony
with a stage performance of the theme song ‘Sunshine Again’,
gaining the chance to show himself to 1 billion viewers.

‘It is the biggest stage in my life.
Besides the billion who viewed on TV,
there were one hundred thousand spectators on the spot
which created such a grand stage that I felt overjoyed and lost for words,
with the thought that my name would appear on such a stage.'

His drama ‘Playful Kiss’ was highly popular overseas,
but the low domestic rating was still a bitter pill to swallow.

‘Now I am more confident.
The next drama will bring about even more difficulties,
thus the main issue here is to become an actor with the right attitude and mentality.’

Now, he is preparing for his solo album to be released in May next year,
and planning to attend a 3-month music studies in the United State early next year.

‘I would like to learn more about stage performance, dancing and singing, while building up my physique.
I have already submitted a learning plan to a famous teacher from LA Millennium Dance School,
and shall present a music that is different from SS501.’

24 hours a day, he wonders about his future plans.
He said, ‘My future 5-year plan is already in place.
Each year, I shall participate in a drama and a movie, release 2 albums, hold a concert tour, and release a Japanese album.’

‘On the eve of my enlistment 5 years later,
I prepare to hold, for all my fans, a large-scale free performance.’


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Gosh! You just gotta love this guy. God bless him.

  2. Anonymous12:51 AM

    I'm speechless
    How come he amazes me in every interviews...
    right! He must be an ALIEN

  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    omg.... and to think that in june he was dancing 'love ya' with bruised ribcage, injured left knee cartilage and and fractures on right arm, all barely healing.
    .... truly a will of steel.

  4. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Oh my! I hope those injuries will not have any affect of his health in the future. He's very lucky indeed.

  5. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Coming to US? Yahoo!!!! I would love to know when. My life would be complete if I got to see him.

  6. Anonymous3:04 AM

    After reading this interview, I truly have a greater respect and admiration for Hyun Joong. He's an amazing person with a strong will to succeed in life. I can only imagine the pain that he must have felt after the accident but because of his determination and love for his fans, he gave 110% of himself during the Love Ya promotions. Thank you Hyun Joong, you've got a fan for life!!

  7. aprilstar4:56 AM

    Wow ,such an overload of news from the man himself .

    Finally, discussions about that accident will be laid to rest. KHJ came clean . Honesty is always good and then move forward .

    He has doable work plans and just have to sustain his efforts . I do not doubt he will run out of. For so long as he doesn't go overdrive(don't do 220 mph ok?) and land in burn outs -he'll be doing fine .

    By the way ,find the time to also smell the roses ,Hyun Joong -its good for your soul . Don't also forget your heart must beat for someone ,too .

  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    the motorcycle accident was May 28? i thought it was first reported as a car accident around May 12 or something, before Dream Concert May 22, when they couldn't perform "Love Ya" because of his injuries? does that mean he had 2 accidents in one month?? O_O and right before the "Love Ya" promotions! poor HJL. T_T well, amazing HJL, too. *_*

    that's quite an ambitious annual plan. hope he doesn't overwork himself. but everything he does will be a success! HJL fighting!

  9. thank you liezle.

    i was hoping to see a translation of this after i read your tweet yesterday..

    poor Leader, that must be quite a major accident for him to suffer so badly.. and yet, he continued with Love Ya promotion..

    truly respect the guy..

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Amm.. the accident should not at May 28 ah... I recall the accident was before Dream Concert when was at May 22 wor...

    Would it be May 18 or 8 instead?
    This is still a Mystery...

  11. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This is why I love this guy. Even though he was hurt and trying to recover from a huge accident, he still managed to do the "Love Ya" promotions. His will to succeed and professionalism are just absolutely amazing and admirable! I am just speechless.

  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    12/5 accident,18/5 accident news,21/5 dream concert,28/5 promotion roughly like that.

  13. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Wow....totally speechless.....
    Truly amazing young man!!! Can't but respect him in every thing he does and thinks. How happy I am to be his fan forever. All the best wishes and love to him.

  14. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I love Kim Hyun Joong...he is #1 in everything he does. I'm not suprised that he can dance during his injury, he is an amazing young man!!! LOVE his work. Hope I have a chance to meet him in USA. You always have a fan for life in the States. GOOD LUCK & LOVE YA!!!
