
Monday, November 22, 2010

[Articlie] Another Interview this time from StarNews

Another translated article on Kim Hyun Joong from VITALSIGN of AllKPop. I won't be posting including the photos anymore as they're the same as the one from Sports Khan wherein he's wearing the white cardigan.


Kim Hyun Joong to release solo album next year + interview
Source: Star News
courtesy of VITALSIGN on on AllKPop

It isn’t a mere coincidence that Kim Hyun Joong has already played two animation character roles in a row.

The nickname ‘pretty boy’ has followed him since his debut five years ago with idol group SS501 and became only further engrained into fans’ minds after he made his acting debut through, “Boys Over Flowers.” Even with his casting for “Playful Kiss” this year, the nickname stuck by his side like glue.

A rich perfect man named Jihoo and the cranky prodigy Baek Seung Jo. Both characters were the ideal men of the female leads, but also prettier than them as well.

However, as an actor burning with desire to try other roles, such a strong one-sided image isn’t always positive, as Kim Hyun Joong states, “People look at me and just think that my image is a ‘pretty boy.’ Since I’m now a rookie actor, I think they just give me roles that fit that look. I’m sure I’ll be able to try other roles next time.”

Kim Hyun Joong is divided into two: an actor and SS501’s leader. He grew as an SS501 member and now stands as one of the greatest Hallyu stars, attending events such as the “2010 Guangzhou Asian Games” and others.

“It made me look back at myself since I attended the event representing Korea. It was an honorable experience. They told me that just one side of the stadium held 100,000 audience members. It was quite the experience.”

Another nickname that was recently added beside his name was, “The 2nd Bae Yong Joon.” The star was personally scouted by top Hallyu star ‘Yonsama’ into Kaist Entertainment and seems used to the nickname now.

“They say that I resemble him in my smiles and in the way I manage myself. I must resemble him in some ways for them to say that, I suppose. I honestly don’t know. Whenever I meet hyung, we talk comfortably about acting and living… We’re not able to meet often because he’s busy.”

When asked about his thoughts on being the first leading role for a drama, he didn’t seem too disappointed about the lag in viewer ratings and believed it to be a personal advancement for himself. “It was harder than ‘Boys Over Flowers’ since I had to lead the entire drama on my own. There is a bit of disappointment but I want to grow and work harder in my next project.”

When asked to choose his favorite actors, he chose Yoo Hae Jin and Oh Dal Su. The two are famous for being the supporting actors in various films. “I’m definitely thankful in being able to play the lead roles twice in a row, but I think that supporting roles are great as well. If I like it enough, I won’t care about the importance of the role.”

But just because he began walking down the path of an actor doesn’t mean he’s giving up his dreams as a singer. He is actually preparing for his comeback with his first solo album due for release in the first half of next year.

“I can’t give up being a singer, which is why I’m preparing a solo album. I’ll be releasing one by the middle of next year and I’ve currently received about 200 different songs. Out of the 200, I chose about 5. You can check what kind of album it is when it comes out.”

Despite going through a rigorous schedule, he calmly states, “I’m happier than I am tired. I’m able to do the things I love. I’m no longer just following what others say, I’m actually planning my future and accomplishing things. I like planning, I’m always planning.”

When asked if he wasn’t granted the same freedom before, he replied, “It’s different from now. Back then, I had to do the things I was asked to since we were a group. Being in a group and being on your own is different.”

He continued, “I still keep in contact with SS501. They’re all busy so we’re not able to meet often but we haven’t disbanded. We can be together whenever we want. Actually, I’m not sure who started the rumor that SS501 will be releasing a group album next year. Even if we do, I want my solo album to be released first (laughter).”

When asked about his dreams, he hesitated before answering, “As a singer, my dream is to open a large-scale free concert and invite all of my fans. I have to do it some day.. As for my acting dreams, I want to be an actor that people anticipate the future of.”

What about his personal dreams? “I want to meet aliens and travel to outer space. If an alien came up to me right now and asked me to leave with him, I’d leave without any hesitations. Even if they wanted to do a live-body experiment on me, I will go with him.” He plans to travel into space one day no matter what. Having already traveled to the North Pole, he is hoping to visit the South Pole next as well.

The interview was concluded with one final question: If he had to choose between Baek Seung Jo and Jihoo, who would he choose?

“Definitely Jihoo. Seung Jo is smart, but he’s poor. If I was Jihoo, I’d be rich enough to travel to outer space.”


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    wow this guy is down to earth! his honesty just amazes me!

  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Uh oh. Fans are already upset with the quote..

    "Actually, I’m not sure who started the rumor that SS501 will be releasing a group album next year. Even if we do, I want my solo album to be released first (laughter)."

    They really should just be happy and focus on the fact he has once again said SS501 has not disbanded. They will be together again.

    I just love his interviews. I hope he has more on TV and not just in magazines. I want to see him and hear him being interviewed!

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    He is really a straight forward and down to earth person.

    Here we go again...the 4D side of him always shows up.

    But I love this person who is so true to his words.

    I agree with anonymous 6:00p.m. I also love his interviews.

  4. Anonymous6:13 PM

    @ anon 6:00pm why should they be upset over that quote? Isn't someone from ss501 already releasing his solo album this month?..why is it that whenever Leader is the topic their so bitter..anyway whatever leader's plan I will definetly 100% support him.. fighting KHJ..sooooo love it whenever his interviewed .it so refreshing and yah KHJ

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    @Anonymous 6:13pm - I think they were just really excited thinking they were coming back so soon. Disappointed I guess would be a better word for it.

    I really had my doubts that they would be back that soon so I am not in the least bit disappointed. I am just glad to know they are really not disbanded and will come back together even if it may not be as soon as everyone would like for it to be.

    They all seem to be happy and are ready to do their own thing for awhile. I am more than happy to let them and wait patiently for SS501 to make a comeback. An epic comeback at that!

  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    @Anonymous 6:13pm- Oh goodness! I just realized I quoted the part about his solo album too! No one is upset about that. It's the first part about the group album. Hope that didn't cause you to misunderstand. I just copied the quote and didn't realize I had copied the whole thing.

  7. Just wondering.. isn't HyungJun is the one who mentioned that SS501 will be releasing an album early next year? LOL.. [or it could be mis-translation from the news,etc?]

    Haha.. anyway, i'm pretty much happy that they aren't disbanded. If leader said that SS501 will come back one day, then i'll believe him and wait for that day to come ^^

    For now, let's just support them individually. They all will be reunite again one day. And definitely, i'll be one of the happy fans at that time ^^

  8. :shakes head: Oh, this boy... :sigh:
    1) When the heck did he go to the north pole? Did he even have time? LOL
    2) Aliens. Aliens. Aliens.
    3) He can hitch a ride with Sir Robert Branson in the Virgin space fleet. No lie.

  9. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Hyun Joong and his love for Aliens always crack me up ! XDDDD

  10. actually I'm quite bothered when he said that 'Actually, I’m not sure who started the rumor that SS501 will be releasing a group album next year.'
    I dunno why *_*

  11. Sleepy head I think it was just a part of him bullyingnor teasing Baby again because he knew it was his favorite dongsaeng who started that "rumor". He even said if we do that means there is a possibility or maybe they all have discussed the possibility of it. He even laughed and said he wants his solo album first so then after that he can concentrate with group activities. So don't be bothered.

  12. Anonymous12:11 AM

    ha ha leader is funny. He likes to be ji hoo for the wealth but he still need to thinks like a seung jo. Both roles are soo for kim hyun joong....

  13. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Lol! Leader never fails to crack me up or impress me with his frankness. Not a fervent joongboer, but just like what Hwangbo once said, hyunjoong has this charm that if he told me I wasn't living on planet earth and that we were aliens, I'd probably take his word totally lol

    Thanks to all who made this post accessible too triple s around the world^^

  14. Anonymous12:25 AM

    I wondered why he definitely liked jihoo better. Oh, this 4D boy.... because of money to space?? LOL....
    KHJ's attractiveness goes beyond words. Can't help loving him more and more! Feel blessed living with him in the same era.

  15. Anonymous3:56 AM

    If you think about it.. it is really impossible for the boys to have an album next year. With their individual activities,they are so busy to do an album. Let us just wait,since all of them said they will someday. Don't be upset guys,, if it is a live interview..I guest you will see KHJ cracking up,cuz it's baby who said that.. it's just an endearing joke for them.

    To KHJ hope you will meet your Alien one day.... but about make an album, a drama and a movie for all of us... make us happy first before your about that :)) Good day everyone.

  16. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Gosh, this kid never fails to crack me up. He's so endearing!!! Alien, indeed...

    But wait?!?!?! When did Leader ever went to North Pole? (Reporter-nim, North Vancouver is not considered as part of the North Pole, LOL...) Maybe lost-in-translation part of the article...

  17. Valerie11:15 AM

    When I read about the "spreading rumors" part, I just laughed. I just knew right away that he was teasing baby. May be it is a revenge because baby said leader ignore his message. Dont think too much about and get upset.

  18. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Leader may be down to earth but I could also say his 4d-ness is definitely up in space somewhere. He is always cracks me up talking about aliens. LOL!
