
Friday, November 26, 2010

[Audio & Brief Trans] Jung Min Interview in RainbowTown 11.19.10

Pushing this post up to show you the brief translation of the interview of Jung Min at RainbowTown with DJ Cristy. Much much thanks to rin_pochi for doing the translation.


Firts update...

Remember I blogged yesterday DJ Cristy's reaction when she met Jung Min at the dressing room of Kizuna and that she mentioned that he will be appearing in RainbowTown last night? The audio interview is in YT now. Thanks to Enaminnie for the tweet and to MAMADOO1110 for uploading in YT.

Here is brief translation on the interview by DJ Christy with Jung Min.

Btw, according to DJ Cristy, the radio station couldn't broadcast the video interview, but Jung Min's manager said that they are planning to upload the video on his HP [probably on his Japanese HP] but no date was mentioned.

On with the summary...

courtesy of rin_pochi/

:: On Jung Min's fluency in Japanese
According to JM, he had some Japanese friends in 2007
but he had lost his handphone, he couldn't contact
them anymore after he went back to Korea.
JM said that he has no Japanese friends now. ^^

:: His goal of becoming the 'hot/sexy man'
He said he would try to achieve the goal until next year with a serious mind!
The title of his goal is "the unforgettable, hot/sexy man whom you want to hold" ^^

:: His gym training
For his solo activity、he is on a diet and is on a gym training.
He said that he has no "six-pack" yet.
But inside his abdomen, he sure has "six-pack"
which is not visible yet.
But if you touch his abdomen,
you can feel his "six-pack". ^^

:: His skin maintenance
He usually goes to beauty salon treatments.
Also he does aerobic exercise at gym.

:: 12kg diet
He limited his diet to reduce his weight by eating chicken breast.
When he saw himself in the activity of SS501, he thought he needs to go on diet.

:: the difference between solo and group activity
Whenever he rides a car alone, he can have all the space.
But if he doesn't speak, it's very quiet and he feels sad (lonely) sometimes.
Also on the stage, he can feel the pressure being alone.
But it will make him progress, he said he would try harder.

:: funny Japanese words he remembers
Jung Min said that he can't broadcast because all of them are dirty jokes.
Many Japanese staff tried to teach him those words and jokes.
When he speaks those words, the staff would laugh often.
He loves everyone's smile, so he wants to make them laugh more.

:: to the fans and listeners
JM said...
"I will try hard on my solo activities both in Korea and Japan .
Please give me your huge support to me!!
Merry Christmas!!
It's Jung Min saying goodbye-! See you tomorrow!!"


  1. Nayongchi1:09 PM

    have 2 audio in interview,same in her channel YT....

  2. Thanks Nayongchi!

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    jungmin's laugh made me laugh. i've not heard his laugh for a long time already..

    aww! wish there's subs. I knew SS501 and MERRY CHRISTMAS (?) only. AHHAHAH

  4. Anonymous9:50 PM

    yes mal's laughter is contageous and i miss that big time

  5. sinthia4:12 AM

    woah, JM saying dirty jokes... O.O
    I never thought … LOL
    My dear so hard-working, I'm sad for known he feel lonely. =(
    I hope all his hard work be rewarded..he deserves

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    thanks for the trans, rin_pochi! ^^
    JM is already my "unforgettable, sexy man who i want to hold most". <3
    lol his "hidden six pack" again. XD just hope he stays healthy and happy!
    i wish much success to all the members who are missing the others and feeling lonely but trying their best on their solo activities!! fighting!
