
Sunday, November 28, 2010

BTS from Boys Over Flowers Reunion in Japan

Just got back. Had a nice chat with friends over a cup of mocha cafe. ^^

I will be heading to bed in a bit but before I do that I have to move what aimtu posted on the sidebar. Much much thanks! The vids are BTS from Boys Over Flowers Reunion promo tour in Japan. Heaps of thanks to exlley for uploading in her YT channel.

I've to make confession, for almost the whole time watching the vids, whenever there is a chance to see Hyun Joong's legs and butt can't help but to admire and miss seeing him looking like this. I particularly like how his jeans are hugging his legs during rehearsals.


  1. Anonymous1:10 AM

    is our 4D-leader wearing slippers during e rehearsal in part 1??

  2. Anonymous2:24 AM

    I love the way he played with dog balloon.

    Girls pls vote for Leader on Yahoo buzz, the 2nd come up so fast.

  3. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Hyun Joong and Kim Bum moments...*melts*
    they're so close *wild imagination* can't help ! lol

  4. Anonymous5:34 AM

    @anonymous 2:24am - the link to yahoo buzz is suddenly not working. Is anybody having the same problem.
    The strange thing is, if the link is not working, how come the votes for the 2nd placer is increasing?
    We have to be able to vote as we need to keep wuri HJ on 1st place. Not many days left.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    ^^ I thought my pc got problem when the link not working.

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    @anonymous 5:38am - it's not your pc. the link is not working. I hope HJ does not lose top spot because of this.

  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    i've been trying to vote for almost 1 hour now but i can't access the link for local male as well.

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Same here... I've been trying to vote the entire day but the site is not working. However, it seems to be working for second place cause his votes have increased a lot since this morning (more than 30k+). Something doesn't seem right here. We can't vote for KHJ but other people can vote for no. 2.

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Why??? I can't vote too...Last night it's 1.5M plus for KHJ... and
    only 300T plus for the 2nd place..what is the gap now.. I can't open the link.. pls. tell much is the diff. now.?? What's happening?

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Liezle, I know this is off topic but do you know anyone in Korea that could report this problem to Yahoo? It's like KHJ's fans are being blocked from voting while No. 2's fans are not. Something is definitely wrong here.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    i'm from spore...still can log in as per normal..

    status as at 10.10am:
    Korea Guys
    JGS - No.1 @ 1814776
    KHJ - No.2 @ 1810467

    Korea Asia
    KHJ - No.1 @ 2951371
    JGS - No.2 @ 407636

  12. Anonymous10:18 AM

    status at 10.14am (SG time)
    Taiwan Asia
    KHJ - No.1 @ 2953877
    JGS - No.2 @ 407665

  13. Anonymous10:19 AM

    status at 10.15am (SG time)
    HK Asia
    KHJ - No.1 @ 2955832
    JGS - No.2 @ 407697

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    status at 10.17am (SG time)
    Indonesia Asia
    KHJ - No.1 @ 2,957,850
    JGS - No.2 @ 407,726

    Note tat for all the categories, SS501 remains at No.4.

  15. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Thanks anonymous upstairs for giving us the stats. Good thing that you can view the count because I cannot see anything.
    There was someone in who said that the count for JGS, who was in 2nd place before, increased by or to a million overnight? This must relate back to the first set of stats that you posted here. If this is the case, there is something fishy going on. I hope that when the link comes back up, we will not be in for a shock and see HJ no longer on 1st place just like the first lot of stats. I hope we have enough time to get him back on 1st place. We have to all work double time.
    What do we do??? I don't even know what to suggest as i don't really know what to do.

  16. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The problem is only with the Korea Yahoo Buzz poll. All other Yahoo Buzz polls works (HK, TW, Indonesia). As of last night, JGS was behind by almost 1 million votes in the Korea Male category but now he's leading. I've trying to vote for KHJ since 7am today and was only able to cast 1 vote for him. The site is not letting me vote for KHJ but JGS's fans do not seem to have any problems. Something is fishy going on here.

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM

    It's ironic that it is even the Korean site that is not working. For the sake of fair play, they should not allow anyone to vote on the Korean site until the problem is solved.
    I don't understand why the fans of JGS don't have a problem and can vote on the Korean site and KHJ fans cannot. If the problem is with the site and no one should be able to vote. What the?

  18. Anonymous11:20 AM

    does tat mean tat for korea yahoo, we're seeing different results screen??

    as at sg time 11.15am now, for korea guys category,
    JGS is at 1,945,432
    HJL is at 1,814,957

    dun scare me pls...
    if we're seeing different results screen, something is really really wrong wif korea yahoo buzz site...

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I can't even get to the list of stars to select to vote. It's displaying a blank screen most of the time and the few times that the list shows up, I select KHJ but my vote doesn't count. An error message pops even though I've already signed into my Yahoo account. I can't understand why only KHJ's fans are having problems. It wouldn't be a problem if we were able to vote as well but that's not the case.

  20. Anonymous12:01 PM

    @anonymous 11:20. I don't think it's a case of seeing different results screen. I think that the votes for JGS (frankly, I don't even know who this guy is) is increasing at such a fast pace because most of KHJ fans cannot vote. Because the problem has not been solved yet and I am not even sure now if Yahoo Korea is even trying to solve the problem, i hope that JGS votes do not rapidly increase that we are unable to do anything to catch up. I feel so terrible about this. So unfair! I feel so helpless.

  21. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Anybody from Korea here? Perhaps someone could inform the Korean side that there's really something terribly wrong with the voting site for KHJ. I've been amazed and horrified seeing the No. 2 contender's votes increasing crazily fast whereas for KHJ, well, it's not even moving much!!? I don't believe that his fans have stopped voting so as someone above has said, maybe something fishy's going on! If someone's able to help please do so ASAP!!

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I've read from Kathy's blog that on HK site they are now experiencing the same problem. They think our votes are being hacked. This is really not fair. We do our very best for the past weeks to give KHJ this millions of votes how come JGS can earned it in one day. If all of us are having the same problem how come JGS votes increases while KHJ's not. Come to think of it.

  23. Anonymous2:38 PM

    There is definitely something fishy going on here. I am from Canada and cant access the site as well. Isnt JGS the guy from You're Beautiful? Fans shld play fair, if their idol wins before he has more fans that voted for him,then so be it! But not this way!

  24. hillary2:58 PM

    I am from Vietnam, and all KHJ fans in Vietnam couldn't vote as well. We have been trying to vote but have the same problem. Should we report this to Yahoo??? This is so unfair!!!

  25. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I still can't vote for been more 20 hours now !

    it weird...
    JGS vote increases 1 million in just one night
    while we can't vote for HJL at all !

    it like HJL's vote being blocked !

  26. Anonymous3:37 PM

    This is so frustrating and annoying. We've lost an entire day to be able to vote. I've gone out for the day and to come back and the site is still not working. I'd like to remain positive and think that the site will be up and running soon and even if we all don't sleep, we will cast our votes until HJ is back on top. But right now, i am no longer hopeful. Because JGS fans can vote, Yahoo Korea probably does not think there is a problem. I wonder what the Korean fans are saying though. I live in melbourne, Australia and I have not been able to vote since waking up this morning. I have stayed up late almost everyday to vote. I share the sentiment of anonymous upstairs that it's ok for JGS to win for as long as it's done fairly. But I don't think it is fair if we are not able to vote. How can that be fair? I have all these thoughts running thru my mind that someone has hacked HJ's votes. I hope I am wrong. I just want the site to come back up so we can start voting again. No use crying over spilt milk but at least PLEASE, PLEASE someone.. PlEASE get the site back up and working again.

  27. Anonymous10:41 PM

    i am from myanmar, i can't vote too. the fans are talking about this at some received reply from yahoo korea, but fans said it's like no answer. they[yahoo korea] don't see it as a we need > 700,000 votes to catch up the first place. the real problem is we can't vote. what do we do???

  28. Anonymous11:03 PM

    i tried the yahoo buzz & ITS WORKING AGAIN!! so PLS VOTE FOR HYUN JOONG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN NOW!!! lets work together to ensure HJL win!! :D

  29. Anonymous11:04 PM

    i tried the yahoo buzz & ITS WORKING AGAIN!! so PLS VOTE FOR HYUN JOONG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN NOW!!! lets work together to ensure HJL win!! :D

  30. Anonymous11:25 PM

    i'm from the phils. and i also cannot access the yahoo buzz since yesterday and until now,its nt working.whats going on,its so unfair.

  31. Anonymous11:49 PM

    i am 10:41 ann.
    i also still can't vote.
    but i see the vote difference now is 100,0000 in male category.
    i can't open the page for asia category.

  32. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Helpless,voting site totally halt.
    Yahoo,if you want netizen to trust your website,pls give a fair explanation on why only khj was block for voting & the other party can run so smoothly with so many vote at a time without any blocking,don't waste fans effort & time keep on trying.

  33. Anonymous3:20 AM

    If possible,fans pls send comment to yahoo feedback column to reflect the problem faced asap.

  34. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Hi all,
    No change for me since yesterday. The link is still not working for me - both the korea and HK links.
    Have a look at this link gals

    You will see the voting patterns, how the vote counts fluctuate. If you pay attention to the time, you will see that there is really something fishy going on. It's not only how the vote count for JGS has significantly increased but also in the way HJ's vote count goes up and down, up and down.
    After seeing this screen shots, I don't know if I should even bother voting as there is really something going on that we don't know about. I wonder what the final count will be. Whatever that may be, it will be hard for me to trust the result now.

    Apologies to Liezle that we have used this topic to discuss our frustrations on the Yahoo Buzz voting scandal.

  35. Anonymous4:38 AM

    It is certainly fishy as to what is going on in Yahoo Korea. I think they want JGS to win. I think there is some kind of conspiracy going on in S. Korea to control KHJ popularity. First the ex-president incident. Second, the motorcycle accident. Third, the playful kiss ratings. and Now this. Hmmmm....

  36. Anonymous5:54 AM

    im from USA, i find it funny that JGS votes increased super fast... i've been voting for SS501 since the day the vote was opened and they were in no. 2 for best male and best group asia, now SS501 are in no. 4 spot for both categories.. the weird thing is i noticed that the number of votes are deducted for SS501 even if i and my friends votes constantly and on time fo this group... it's frustrating really and i am annoyed!!!!

    if the organizers can't find a solution to fix this problem of hacking votes then yahoo Asia should stop this right away and announce the rightful winner(s)

  37. Anonymous6:19 AM

    any kind soul who has time to share the translations for the above vids? ^^ ... please

  38. Anonymous11:39 AM

    this is so ridiculous!i cant imagined how come jgs became no.1 in just 1 night,its totally unbelievable!this is not so fair to hyun joong & to us,fans.if yahoo korea,acknowledged and announced that jgs is the winner,then they are no longer credible & cannot be trusted anymore.i would no longer believe them.that kind of poll would bec. rubbish if they do not announced the true winner,which is hyun joong.

  39. Anonymous12:06 PM

    until now,i still cannot access to yahoo korea and even yahoo hk.this is so absurd!to the cheaters who's responsible to this kind of mess,they are so PATHETIC! what's the purpose of winning if they attain it from doing dirty tricks,and being unfair to everyone,no one would believe them anymore.tsk,tsk..i'm so dissapointed.the yahoo polls should not count the points that happened beginning saturday & onwards,wherein,the problem started rises.otherwise,its not credible in any point of view,if they dont take primary actions.

  40. Anonymous12:34 PM

    @anonymous 12:06pm Actually what you said is not a bad idea at all but I doubt if Yahoo Korea will even admit that there is problem. So I don't think that they will disregard the votes made from Saturday. I don't think they are even fixing the problem because if they were, the link should be back up by now but it isn't. Voting ends tomorrow and we already lost 2days. Can anyone please tell us what the vote count is now? Is HJ still in 1st place for the Top Asian award? I really don't understand why things like these happen to HJ. If ever, I think he has been and is a good ambassador for Korea. I don't want to point the finger at anyone. But for everything that has been happening, Yahoo Korea should at least take responsibility and be accountable for the problems that are happening. There has been a total breakdown of security. Before all these happened, we all know who was winning the vote count. It was definitely HJ.

  41. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Someone shared in LKHJ that "there are messages in the Yahoo KHJ poll message board saying that the current no.1 fans (fans of JGS, I guess) created a autovote program for the poll, that is why they can vote nonstop and thus also blocking us to vote". I am not sure how true this is so please take this with a pinch of salt.
    But you know what.. if it is true that someone created an autovote program, then the number of votes that JGS will get is not a result of hard work from his fans. It's a reflection that he does NOT have fans who would sit down in front of the terminal and vote for him, who would stay up late just so they can vote. His fans needed to create a program which will do the work for them. Looks like he is not loved the way we love HJ. If ever JGS wins the poll, I hope he does not think that the fans love him that much... it was not his fans voting for him... it was actually some computer program that was voting for him.
    If HJ loses this poll, I want him to know that he is the true winner because of the kind of fans he has. He is not loved by some computer program but actual people.

  42. Anonymous1:20 PM

    love your comment @1:05 pm.
    still i can't vote and can't even open for asia region. definitely something fishy happens. all the fans worldwide are discussing about this in every sites of hj and SS501.
    we all know the real winner for both categories, that is hj since his votes are at the very top from the start. i actually plus all the votes of other 29 people/groups, still that total votes is way less than hj [on the 26th November]

  43. Anonymous1:21 PM

    there are really smthg wrong somewhere.. i think maybe, yes, someone hacked KHJ & SS501 fans votes & i kinda think maybe..just maybe those votes for KHJ are redirected to JGS.. and those votes for both SS501 & KHJ are manipulated UNFAIRLY as you can see.. or maybe there is a staff over at YahooKorea who doesn't really liks SS501 & KHJ.. or maybe YahooKorea is judt testing us fans.. there is just so much possibility for this problem.. anyways TripleS i hope you guys keep trying so we could prove that we love SS501 so much, show 'em that we won't back down.. let's go and cast our votes SS501 & KHJ!!!!! GO GO GO!!!

  44. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Yahoo Buzz (as of last time I looked at it) is done for. But what is the use of winning this way??
