
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

[FanCams] MK YT PressCon by KHJ Perfect

KIMHYUNJOONG Perfect was there at the Mischievous Kiss YouTube Presscon and they were able to capture and share this clip with us on their YT channel. Thank you so much!

Geez, there were so much flashing of lights. No wonder Hyun Joong and So Min's eyes look so tired in some of the photos. There is what you call a light-dazzle or "flashbulb" effect and the eye takes a few hours to recover from this glare.

Please have mercy let someone have the translation for the video below and share with us. Please.... ^_^

P.S. I hate to write this but let me remind you again to please be careful in what you post in the comment box, k?


  1. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Read the latest Korean news that they are planning major overseas promo for PK this year end!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Video is better than photos, Best video really! They look so good and cute together. Don't look that skinny for KHJ or any panda eyes as compared to photos.

  3. I love PERFECT cam, the best! Better than YTkiss cam... ^^

  4. Anonymous2:00 AM

    I enjoy the drama more when the leads and cast are also enjoying their work relationships.

    The acting becomes more natural and believable when you know they like each other .Whether reel becomes real ...that's up to the parties involved.

  5. KHJ Perfect are really amazing!

    Their fancams are way better!

    I just imagined KHJ and JSM cuddling and kissing in the bed (from honeymoon scene) and then seeing them sitting and standing next to each other like nothing happened - it just made me giddy :D :D

    I'm having a girl crush on JSM :D

  6. Anonymous8:27 AM

    the two are hot and gorgeous! if they are in perfect:-) hyunjoong deserves a nice & sweet girl like so min.

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Poor leader, he looks so frail and skinny. Aisshhh... As much as I love to see him on TV, CFs, shows..., I really don't want to see him sickly like that.

  8. joelle2:14 PM

    Hyun Joong and So Min!!! yeah!!
