
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

[HQ Screencaps] Mischievous Kiss YT Ver Ep 1

I was wondering, do you still like screencaps when you can actually see the video 24/7 on YT? Whatever, since there are available HQ screencaps on JangKi/dc I thought of sharing them with you. So here they go...

To all those who made the screencaps on JangKi/dc thank you!

I added captions courtesy of maimai via email. Thanks!

Episode Title : Morning of the Newlyweds

A year after their wedding... [alright can someone correct this please if this is wrong as maimai is also not sure. thanks! ^^]

Seung Jo and HaNi were left in the house on a Sunday...

as the rest of the family went on a vacation.

HaNi wanted to take the chance to make a nice breakfast
for Seung Jo. She went to the grocery early in the morning
to buy what she needed for cooking and when she returned
to her shock saw Seung Jo on the living room
about to have a piece of bread...

She stopped him from having a bite

and told her that she will make breakfast...

and that he has to do the household chores...

in which Seung Jo obliged.

As expected HaNi's breakfast is a disaster. ^^
Seung Jo then asked for coffee which he said is delicious.

Then she gave him an apple which is a gift from the sales lady
in the the grocery. Hani felt sorry for the breakfast
she prepared and said she will make better
breakfast tomorrow. ^^

After breakfast Seung Jo then asked her 'What's next.'
To HaNi's surprised she thinks that he knows what she
had planned for them for the day.

Seung Jo then told her that she heard her last night.

She planned on preparing breakfast, wake up early then go
to the supermarket, do household chores...

then after breakfast
go out and watch a movie wearing couple clothes
in which Seung Jo agreed. ^^

After breakfast both husband and wife went out.
HaNi feeling so happy as both them wearing couple clothes...

Seung Jo being so sweet tying her shoelace.
Because of his cheesiness HaNi called him 'Hubby'
to which Seung Jo said 'Yes?' ^_^
Then she kissed him on the cheeks.


  1. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Thanks Liezle.
    U help me to know the story because it has no subtitle yet..

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM

    though this episode is only 10 mins but i really appreciate it because i never tired to watch this lovely couple. how i wish they are dating in real life which i know all pkers wish the same thing:D

    hyunjoong as usual is hot and handsome ever while so min is pretty as well. i hope keyeast give hj's long break so that he can rest well. minjoong believers fighting!

  3. janjan11:51 PM

    that's a year after and they're still wearing the same pajamas? keke

    cute couple!

  4. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Are you still called newlyweds after a year ? And Hani attempting to cook after a year and failing ? Even her simple toast is burnt ? Why do they make SJ still cranky ?

    Something unrealistic in the script there.Hope tomorrow and the days are better .I really like the couple but not the little story here-should they retitle this -"Still inept housewife after a year".

  5. Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thanks for sharing what's going on in the story.

    totally love that pajamas that they wear. Hyun Joong is still ever so handsome. & oh hani... her cooking is still ever so "oh hani" style. haha

    so sweet of BSJ to help tie her shoelace =D and that kiss!! haha.. so cute.

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    @ Anonymous 12.30 am

    Yes! you're still regarded as newlyweds after a year :)and i promise you, a girlfriend of mine can't cook, won't cook, and will (maybe) never be able to cook anything that's edible, no matter how hard she tried (anf she has a boyfriend T_T). and i wonder how many years it has been :S so i don't think it's any different for Hani.
    Seung Jo beeing cranky is just his personality? the most difficult thing to change in the world is off course your personality isn't it? we can't blame him:) at least he's trying hard, i think it's cute that way:)

    PK fighting!

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM


    joni couple is toooo adorable..both hot and gorgeous ever! they never failed to amaze me in this drama.

  8. Anonymous11:16 AM

    In the beginning scene, Hani was actually dreaming. It was a year after marriage. SJ smiled at HN and said "It's Sunday", then hugged her closer and said "five more minutes". Then the alarm went off at 6am, back to reality. Hope this helps.

  9. Anonymous1:16 PM

    They even wear the same shoes. Good advertising for the sponsors especially the pjs.
