
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hyun Joong for Hotsun chicken 2011 calendar

Heaps of thanks Imane for posting these scanned calendars from Hotsun Chicken. I want to have this. Ahh, I wish I wish someone will send me one this Christmas since I really won't be able to get myself one. Want to have this on top of my table the whole year round next year.

April seems to be the most favorite of my visitors. You know what? That pose of Hyun Joong reminds me of of Bae Yong Joon particularly Yong Joon's RayBan endorsement many years back and another pose from a magazine. I'm sure many Bae fans would still be reminded of that. I wish I can get the photo of Yong Joon to share with you but I'm too lazy to check my tons of files of him. Oh yeah February too reminds of of BYJ. Honorsville ads. ^^

credit DC/baidu


  1. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Oh!! I love the 7th one!! Once again only one way to describe him...yummy, yummy, yummy!!

  2. Anonymous5:05 AM again I decided I love the 5th one more. Even yummier!!

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Loved all the photos but my favorites are the month of April and September. He looks so cute in glasses. :)

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    I want this calendar!!!

  5. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Where can i get this calendar? He looks soooo good. I love April and August.

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    April= nerd
    Love it!

  7. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Thank you for loving the April month -that's my birth month -and he looks like a young scholar there.Looking like BYJ as well

    I love Hyun Joong more !

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

    April = Hyunjoong potter ? lol

  9. First time, I am saying this - I don't like the first shot for the month of January. The angle and lighting make him look like another person! Is it my eyes??

  10. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Oh gosh...he is so gorgeous! I like 7 & 8 for his sexiness but my daughter likes 6 & 11 for his natural and pure look ^^

  11. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Joyce Choong- After much debating with myself about why he looks different (although still good) I have come to the conclusion it's the hair! lol

  12. Anonymous2:41 PM

    @Joyce Choong - I don't what it is but I have to agree with you that it does not look like HJ. I don't think it's the hair as in their promo pic for Love Ya, his hair was styled in a similar way but it still looked like him. I do agree too that he still looks good in the photo. My faves are 4,7,9,10 & 11.

  13. janjan3:56 PM

    ha ha! am i the only one who digs January? he looks playful...

    me loves april, july and september too..

  14. Anonymous6:58 AM

    How can you get a copy of this calendar? It's a must-have for KHJ fans, i'll have to say this is much better than the eco-calendar.
