
Monday, November 01, 2010

[Pix] Mischievous Kiss YouTube Presscon 11.01.11

I have been waiting for the photos to come out today and finally they are out! Thanks to iamsom for tweeting them. I've known about this since the 25th but since this is a close preview and sorta secret one few knows about this. But since photos from different portals are out it's no secret anymore!

Hyun Joong and So Min both looking good in the photos. Both are wearing black and hee cute... i noticed that both hair have almost the same shade of brown.

Mischievous Kiss YouTube Special Edition will start tomorrow, November 2 at 7PM on / ytkiss. This will run every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until November 16 with each episode running to 10 minutes. On November 17 and 18 the NG Making film is expected to unveil.

Here are broadcast title in YT. Thanks to miyo of lovekimhyunjoong for the translation!

Broadcast Episode Title
Credits: Doubleana
Korean Translation: miyo

1. 2nd November (Tuesday) Morning of the newly wed!
2. 3rd Novermber (Wednesday) Fear of injection!
3. 4th November (Thursday) Making of Jr Baek Seung Jo!
4. 9th November (Tuesday) Baek Seung Jo is my hubby!
5. 10th November (Wednesday) Baek Seung Jo defending the patient!
6. 11th November (Thurdsday) Driving is difficult!
7. 16th November (Tuesday) Happy Birthday!
Special Footage 1 17th November (Wednesday) Special Edition Making Film & NG cut
Special Footage 2 18th November (Thursday) Special Edition Making Film & NG cut

To see more photos you may download HERE and HERE. Almost 200 pix courtesy of iamsom.

Thanks for the links iamsom!


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    JSM's dress is tooooo short!

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Does this mean Youtube broadcast is as per schedule on 2 Nov ?

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    WOW!! How exciting and interesting!! Cute couple in black!

  4. janjan2:51 PM

    me wish to see them more lovey-dovey w/ each other! ke ke

  5. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I want plenty and lotsa hugs and kisses!

  6. Anonymous3:23 PM

    wow, it's rare to see JSM in black. As Ha Ni she always wore colorful clothes. Compare to the 1st presscon they don't look awkward anymore. PK fighting!

  7. Anonymous4:34 PM

    HJ is looking really exhausted from those pics. his eye bags and panda eyes are definitely serious case. hope he gets more rest after this.

    both of them are looking good. no more awkward couple.

  8. I have just deleted a very poor post from someone.

    Please don't do it again. REMEMBER that : When you judge someone it doesn't define who they are, it defines who you are. Got it?


    p.s i'm referring to to whoever actor/actress or person you bash.

  9. Anonymous5:16 PM

    You are just simply jealous, well, I think JSM is really sweet, cute and adorable and I'm very sure KHJ adores her too! Go eat your heart out, sour grapes!

  10. Anonymous5:57 PM

    When I first saw the title of the last episode "Happy Birthday" I thought, oh BSJ or OHN will be celebrating his/her birthday in that episode..
    Then when I thought about it again.. most probably it wont be their birthday but the "birth day" of their baby ^^
    Omo, really cant wait for the appearance of Baek Seung Jo Jr.!

  11. Those two are so cute together... it makes me giddy.

    They look like close friends and I don't see awkwardness anymore. Plus they're both wearing black clothes like real Mr. and Mrs. Baek :)

  12. Anonymous6:44 PM

    JSM is very adorable and lovely! I like this type of a girl. she fits for hyun joong. Don't get too jealous over jsm. If she makes him happy, why not?

  13. Anonymous6:51 PM

    i do admit im jealous with jsm,she's lucky to be leader's wife in PK.
    but if in future leader decides to has relationship with her or any other females, all we can do is just support him. i just want him to be happy, that's it.

    fighting KHJ. fighting JSM. fighting TS.

  14. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I hope KHJ get to have some rest soon. The poor love is looking exhausted and his face is getting ever smaller.

    The two look so adorable together! Like a real couple! Don't want to put any pressure on them, but please please, I do hope they do date in real life :)

    He's so tall! With those killer heels on, he's still a good head taller than her.

    Love them!

  15. Loving the last picture which they looked at each other & smile!!! :) So cute hehehe.

  16. Anonymous7:34 PM

    JSM is looking every bit a chaebol's daughter here. so elegant but still cute but in a more womanly way. now we're really seeing her and not oh ha ni. they look so good together and i bet they would even look cuter together once khj regains his healthier weight back.

  17. Anonymous7:42 PM


    uhh the outfits and the hair the same ne??? they looking good together. looking these photos, jsm is not a trace of oh hani anymore. she's totally pretty, gorgeous, hot and sexy! hyunjoong shi is handsome and gorgeous ever!!!!

  18. Anonymous7:43 PM

    JSM is too short to stand with KHJ.

  19. Anony 7:43

    The advantage of being a lot of shorter than your bf is that when he embraces you, you feel really secured and protected :)

  20. Anonymous8:36 PM

    You know, I think I like that JSM is well, healthy. I mean, I'm not really too keen on the current fad of being too thin to the point of looking like a walking skeleton, for some anyway. However, can someone please persuade our beautiful KHJ to have a good rest, not to mention eating more so that he'll gain some much-needed weight? I'd like to see him regain his post-debut to mid-2008 physique. He really looked buff and robust then.

  21. janjan8:41 PM

    Aigoo! can't get my mind off the title of the broadcast on Nov 4th. my imagination is running wild. hope the editing will not disappoint us...can't wait!

    btw, that last pix is simply LOVE! JSM is one super lucky gal.

    : )

    and liezle, much thanks for keeping us updated. God Bless!

  22. Anonymous8:43 PM

    @Anonymous 8:36 PM
    Hear hear hear!
    He deserves a well earned rest. He's pushing himself, too hard.
    I don't mind not seeing him for a period of time but get to enjoy him for a lot longer than if he lets his health go.
    Please KHJ, take care of yourself. We love you too much to see you looking so exhausted. It breaks our heart!

    @Anonymous 7:43 PM
    I reckon that's one of the contributors to their cuteness as a couple.

  23. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I love the adoring glances of JSM to KHJ . Why not give the guy all the love, attention and appreciation and vice versa . Why not after all the diligence and hardwork of each other resulted to their very good outcome regardless of the domestic rating .

  24. Anonymous2:08 AM

    The glances are no longer between characters Baek Seung Jo and Oh Hani.

    They are meaningful glances between HJ and SM. So different when they had the PK press conference .

  25. Anonymous2:20 AM

    They look soooo cute together, despite the big gap in height difference.
    Awww... leader is getting too thin and pale. Poor thing!

  26. Anonymous8:45 AM

    HJ 5'9 SM 5'4 = Asian couple's ideal height :D

    they are so good looking together. love their glances to each other! heaven!

  27. @8:45 HJL is 181cm or 5'11 1/4. He is almost 6 feet tall. He is taller by more than 7 inches. But it is okay for he can hug her and carry her easily. They are so cute.

  28. Anonymous5:34 PM

    i really hope the are dating (I'm a big HJL fan :p)
    they are so cute together <333

    I want HJL to be happy <3
