
Monday, November 22, 2010

Missing Young Saeng? Check this out!

Here's another post that will give you a HUGE smile this Monday morning. ^^ Thanks to trust for posting this on which came from HERE.

Yah, two more weeks for the KyuSaeng Fan Meeting in Seoul!

Heo Young Saeng - 내 눈에는 from My Baby You on Vimeo.


  1. Immagnen10:44 AM

    That video just made my day. I had a huge smile on my face the whole time watching it. I miss him! Can't wait until he's active again. His smile just makes everything better.

  2. thank you for this vid... i can't say anything more..

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    omg so cute! thank you! i loved it, seeing so many lovable sides and charms of YS. <3

    by the way, where is that clip of YS holding a gun from? @_@ it's HOT. and then CUTE when he got tickled. XD

    and thanks for the song title. i'd heard it on fancams but couldn't find the song before. i just looked it up; it's Psy's "In My Eyes". ^^

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    omonaaaaaaa!! missing him more because of this..ㅠ_ㅠ young saeng!! miss u so much!

  5. Anonymous1:51 PM

    miss him so muchhhh!!!!!! huahuahua..also miss all members together again on stage.. when..when????

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    prince...whereever u go,whatever u do,whenever u feels lonely...please remember there's have someone who's always pray for u,cried together with ur sadness,smile together with you....walks together on same way with you....someone's ME,TRIPLE S,GREEN PEAS,PEA PRINCESS, matter what name of us..we're ONE for u...i miss YOU....i really MISS YOU...even in my mind only think about words can describe my feeling towards you,prince....

  7. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Makes me missing him more!

  8. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Liezle^^, if you were standing in front of me, you'd get a big hug!

    Thanks for sharing this vid especially to us who loves and miss this talented, hot young prince of SS501!!!!!

    i just can't help but replay the vid again and again, and still i laugh at the funny expressions he make (i especially like the one where he was doing an MV of coward, his hair was like a 10yr old kid!!!!)

    oh, to answer the question of the above anony, SS501 filmed a short action movie during their stay in Japan last 2006 to 2007, its one of their missions...he was pretty cool there, wid HJL and HJB acting with him (A)
