
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Notice from CNR Regarding FanMeet & Album Release Postponement

Much thanks to Ode for sharing this news on her blog. I'm sharing here the English and Chinese translation.

Geez, it sure is a tough decision to make. Hoping for everyone's understanding.

I wonder how Jung Min is right now.


[English] Notice from CNR

Dear Park Jung-Min’s fans, this is CNR MEDIA.

We are very sorry to inform you that due to today’s North Korean rocket attacks,

we have decided to postpone Park Jung-min’s upcoming “Come-Back” Single album release (Nov. 25th) and Fan Meeting Showcase (Nov. 27th).

After serious discussions and meetings, we have come up with this difficult decision. We are more than sorry to have to declare this sad news to all of you.

Jung Min’s “Come-Back” stage is supposed to be a gala event to share with all of you. However, concerning present political tension between 2 Koreas, it is definitely not a good timing for Jung Min to celebrate his new album release.

Once again, we apologize for having to postpone album release and fan meeting. We know that all of you have been waiting to see Jung Min’s new performance. Jung Min also has been working extra hard just to present you with his best performance….

Dear fans, please be patient and let’s pray for regional peace and stability together. We will let you know Jung Min’s most updated schedule as soon as possible. Thank you very much.


[Chinese] Notice from CNR

各位親愛的海外粉絲大家好,我們是CNR MEDIA.

在這裡我們很遺憾的要向各位宣佈一個消息! 由於今天下午北韓對南韓的炮彈攻擊事件,造成南韓國內政治情勢緊張.目前國內各項演藝活動以及電視演出日程皆受到影響.因此本公司決定暫緩推出朴政珉的單飛新專輯(原定25日發售)同時暫時取消27號的首爾場粉絲見面會.


CNR MEDIA會隨時為各位報告政珉的最新消息!! 請大家繼續為政珉加油打氣!!

from: CNR Media (


  1. Oh gosh, this is sad... but it's understandable...

    I just really drealy hope B2M won't postpone too because of the situation... It's my only chance... T_T

  2. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Oh that is too bad..was totally looking forward to seeing some fancams and his album release. JM must be so disappointed but it is understandable due to the current situation. It's okay, we will wait for your comeback..not going anywhere.

  3. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Aishh!! I just hope everything goes back to normal again and that this whole war stops! This is scaring me out specially knowing that's it's our boys country who's concerned!O.O Jung Min-sh fighting!! We'll wait for u!;)

  4. Anonymous8:33 AM

    WAHHHHH!!!but yeah, i was waiting for JM;s songs about a month now XD but its understandable. i pray for korea.

  5. Anonymous11:01 AM

    it's real unfortunate but it's understandable though - we'll definitely still be here for your comeback mal dearie - it's not your fault

  6. Alex Ho2:22 PM

    Now that's exactly why I always hate North Korea, those shameless bastards !!!!!! I've been counting down for so long and look what they've done !!! Poor Jung Min :(
