
Friday, November 19, 2010

Teaser Pix from Jung Min's MV

Saw this posted on by Ms. Lee but they were taken from ParkJungMin Cafe.
This set of photos are from the MV of Jung Min's first solo album 'Not Alone' which will be released on the 25th of November.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    *GASP* OMG OMG! it looks so awesome! JUNG MIN! hard-edged and sexy rocker! XD and a rock band and orchestra? ahhh i can't wait to hear the song and see the MV!

  2. the scene is kinda familiar. ^^,

  3. Hi Cheezemelt! 'Love Ya' ^^ That's what the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the pix.


  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    hehe me, too. ^^;
    the chandelier, orchestra, dark suits, even the sunset sky background...
    oh, well, i LOVED the theatrical atmosphere of "Love Ya" MV, so i'm sure i'll love this, too.
    but this concept is less "grand" and more "rock". looks really cool. i want to hear "Not Alone" so badly!!

  5. Nayongchi10:11 AM

    Check hirominnie43@twitter
    She just posted link,have a lot JM's pics at musical yesterday~~

  6. Hi Nayongchi! I saw her tweets and will be posting the photos later after i doing my report. [work first before play]i'll try to decipher to the text or ask someone to translate. ^^


  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Wow! Oh need someone to splash some water on me...he looks so HOT in all black. Love the trench coat and killer boots...totally goth rocker! Love it!!!

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    i like these recent photos of the new Jung Min. Whereas before he's always had soft almost feminine features this time he's more manly, lalakeng-lalake na as we say in tagalog.
