
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yahoo! Buzz Awards 2010 Tutorial

When I first read about the Y! Buzz Awards on Ode's blog, I tweeted it right away but didn't blog about it. I'm just blogging about this now due to some requests from visitors. Mianhe if it took me some time to blog this.

Before you read below info let me just inform you first of the following important dates:

Voting period: 2010 October 8 ~ November 30
Announcement of WINNERS : December 6
Awarding Ceremony :
2010 Y! Buzz Awards
December 17
Hong Kong

We only have little time, right?

Alright, I think it's time for our cute little fingers to get busy once again. Do you want Kim Hyun Joong to win? Do you want SS501 to win again? Do you want BOTH Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 to win?

Remember last year, SS501 won the Asian Buzz Award and Hyun Joong the Male Buzz Award [was there another one for leader?] and they were in Hong Kong to receive their trophies. It happened a day after Persona in Hong Kong.

So are you now all aready to make it happen again? Okay, let's all make our fingers busy for the Y! Buzz Awards.

Oh, but wait! I have been reading requests and suggestions on how we should go about voting. There are 2 awards in which Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 are both competing they are Male Star Category and Asian Buzz Star Category.

In order for us to make Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 win I agree to the suggestions of the others that we concentrate our voting for Kim Hyun Joong in the Male Star Category and for the Asian Buzz Star Category for SS501.

Can we do this TS?


Yahoo! Buzz Awards 2010 Tutorial...

First of all, please make sure you are logged in @
- ------ international user, of course
- ------ korean user, of course too

If you are not logged on, you will not be able to contribute to the reflection, even if you do vote / click on "Search"

This is for the Buzz-Voting-In-Korean only; for voting in HK/TW/Indonesia side, it is about the same procedure, except only in different language.
You may refer to HERE for coaching in mandarin.



1. Main page. Click on the red boxed
That is the "Male Star Category" [liezle : if possible please vote ONLY for KIM HYUN JOONG]

2. you will be brought to this page
Select either Leader / Our lovely group
You are not allowed to first select Leader then come back to select our lovely group within 10 minutes frame.
You may, but only after 10 minutes can you select for a new choice (of the same category)

3. Click on the orange boxed as what is marked
It is the terms & conditions, or rather, things you have to be aware of. Please refer to the bottom most for T&C description

4. Click on the boxed as marked
It tells you to "Search" for KHJ on Yahoo

5. After you've done so, the following will appear. You have successfully added 1 BUZZ to him. Click on the button displaying "확인" as boxed - to bring you to the results/ranking page.

✖Even if it doesn't, don't worry, your BUZZ has already been added. Sometimes it's just slow server issue

Do remember to be logged in, as seen on your upper top-left corner - boxed in red. That proves you are logged in.

6. So let's say 10 minutes has not passed. You decided to go back to search for our lovely group, using the above 1-5 steps.When you do that, the following will appear. Why? because according to the T&C, you are not allowed to contribute to a different person in the same category (krn male,krn female,asia) within 10 minutes.

So please allow yourself to try again after 10 minutes to do so, again.


Now is the time for "Asian Buzz Star" voting. [liezle : if possible please vote ONLY for SS501]

1. Main Page

2. Similarly, choose either Leader or Our lovely group. Same T&C. No 2nd time voting in the same category within 10 minutes. The category in this case, is of course the "Asian Buzz Star".

3. Same, click on "Yahoo Search" button in yellow.

4. You will see the following - you have successfully added 1 BUZZ to 'SS501' our lovely group ^^
Click on '확인' to bring you back to results page

✖Even if it doesn't, don't worry, your BUZZ has already been added. Sometimes it's just slow server issue

5. That's it. Your only concern is in the "Krn Male" and "Asian Buzz" 2 categories.
If you wish to vote for any of your female favourite (need not be idol-wise), you may do so in the "Krn Female" category, as well.

6. Some clarification.

Give some examples:
➊In the "Krn Male" category, for instance you chose Leader

Within 10 minutes,
you are able to vote for Leader again in the "Asian Buzz" category

➋In the "Krn Male" category, for instance you chose SS501

Within 10 minutes,
you are able to vote for SS501 again in the "Asian Buzz" category

➌In the "Krn Male" category, for instance you chose Leader

Within 10 minutes,
you are able to vote for SS501 in the "Asian Buzz" category

➍In the "Krn Male" category, for instance you chose SS501

Within 10 minutes,
you are able to vote for Leader in the "Asian Buzz" category



▲How to vote for Buzz Star

confirmation picture of your selected star > Click on "Search" > Search results shown > Reflected in results

You will be able to participate in all 3 categories of "Male buzz star", "Female buzz star", "Asia Buzz star", but only after you log-in to Yahoo with your account. (Need not be; just will do. If you don't have one, do sign up for it).

After logging in, you can participate as per "1 ID to be reflected in each category only once every 10 Minutes". (Throughout this 10 minutes, you can search for maximum 3 times -- ie, 1 time per category of male, female, asia)

After you have clicked on "Search", it will then bring you to the "Results Page" where you will see the Ranking of the 30 stars --- by this time, your 1 search has already been reflected as 1 BUZZ (aka 1 vote).

▲How to select the No.1 Buzz Star

For the 30 nominees you see on the ranking list, all of them begin with 0 votes; throughout the voting event period, netizens will come onto this site and participate = 1 SEARCH = 1 BUZZ = will thus reflect onto the star's "BUZZ" count

After the voting period ends, the star with highest number of votes in each category will thus be selected as Number 1.
(one male, one female, one asian star)

Voting period for buzz star: 2010 November 8 ~ November 30
Announcement for final collated ranking: 2010 December 9

The Number 1 Buzz Star will be representing Korea to take the trophy during the award ceremony that will be held in Hongkong in December.

Award ceremony in Hongkong: December 17

▲How to determine the nominees of Buzz Star
It was determined with the highest number of searches in the Yahoo! Korea search engine; And there are 30 of them with most number of searches during the searched period.

Searched period: 2010 January 1 ~ 2010 September 15
Nominees of Male/Female category: 30 are chosen for each gender's category based on number of searches
Nominees of Asian Buzz star category: 10 are chosen from respective Yahoo! Korea, Yahoo! Taiwan, Yahoo! Hongkong based on number of searches (10 from Korea, 10 from Taiwan, 10 from Hongkong)

▲Participants who will be chosen via lucky lots will get a trip of 2 to Hongkong for a holiday

Event period: 2010 October 8 ~ November 30
Announcement of lucky winner: 2010 December 6


  1. Please vote for Lee Hyori for Female Buzz award if you don't have anyone in mind. I would like Leader or SS501 to play host and show her around Hong Kong since Hyori showed them around LA and took Hyun Joong clubbing. I would like them to reciprocate the favour since Hyun Joong and Young Saeng know Hong Kong well and perhaps have a good time at Lan Kwai Fong again ...ha ha ha. Thank you!

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    in fact,
    last year Hyun Joong won all 3 categories
    but Yahoo just gave another 1 award for SS501

    maybe this year again?

  3. Thanks liezle ^_^ hehehe We really need someone like you to encourage TS to vote both leader and SS501 in Yahoo!buzz. Coz it seems TS are undecided yet. Thanks a lot!

  4. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I think it is better to just vote for Hyun Joong since he is winning already. Somebody else may snatch the win if we split voting, don't you think?

  5. Hi, thank U for sharing this poll and because U have same idea with me. I think we can vote for SS & Leader at the same time as U have said here. But no need for us to wait 10 minutes, just vote and vote as many as possible. However, HJL now have a very high mark, I'm afraid that SS can not be the winer in the Asian Artist Category.I'm trying my best now to vote for SS but ...

  6. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Well, last year Leader won all three categories with huge gaps according to the poll. At everybody's surprise and thrill, the organizer decided to award SS501 at the end. I wonder if they will do that again this year.
    It's kind of hard to tell other who or what to vote for, since it's personal choice. Leader just gain countless of new fans, they will probably vote for him only since SS501 is inactive lately.
    Anyway, I wish to see all of them together at the award ceremony, but it's seem impossible since YS&Kyu, and JM probably will be busy with their int' fan meetings and new album. Leader.. well, he's one delusional creature, he's either everywhere, or nowhere at all.

  7. Anonymous5:03 AM

    KHJ is probably going to win anyway so I am just going to continue to vote for him. I don't want some other nominees fans voting and snatching it away from him because we split up the votes. If I can't have all of SS501 for the win I will at least have one of them as the winner.

  8. Anonymous5:07 AM

    so true!!! that's why he's into such stuff like aliens and spaceships. and maybe he's one!?? hahahaha, teleportation:P

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    im voting for ss501! Hyun joong's probably gonna win anyways, but i still have that tiny bit of hope that maybe ss501 can win.. and then we could see them all together on one stage again.. :( SS501 FIGHTING!

  10. tetsu girl10:41 AM

    Liezle, thank you for posting the tutorial and suggestions! ^_^
    Too bad we can't get all fans to agree on the plan. =/ Maybe next year we should start earlier and coordinate with all international TS so both could win.
    I hope the organizers give separate Top Star and Top Group Awards again so that both can get one. *crosses fingers*

  11. Anonymous10:55 AM

    i think this kind of thing is up to personal preference to vote who ever they like ...its hard to betray your own feeling & its even harder to click buzz for others when your biased star is there & leading all the way... TS fighting ! Hyunnies fighting! KHJ fighting!

  12. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I agree with you anon @10:26 I would love for the boys to win it together. Even though leader is leading by a large margin, I still hope they can win it and stand together on stage. ^^ Plus if SS501 wins, leader will be there too.

  13. Anonymous12:05 PM

    As much as I would love for them all to be on stage together it is unlikely it will happen even if they win. Last year worked out because first they were already overseas so they were able to go to the awards and second they were all together in the same company. I don't really think it's right to ask others to choose to vote for one or the other. Fans should just vote for whomever they want. That's the point of having the vote in the first place. To let the fans decide who is number one in these categories. Oh and just so you know I am voting for SS501 so don't think I am saying this because I am Hyun Joong biased.

  14. Anonymous1:10 PM

    of course fans should vote how they want. we're not ordering them to do this. ^^;
    it's fine if you want HJL to win both. but for those who wanted both KHJ and SS501 to win one, this was a good idea to help us manage our votes.
    some ppl wanted to vote for SS501 but thought it was pointless since HJL was leading, so they just went with HJL. with this plan, we at least know that our votes won't be wasted, that they'll make a bigger difference when we're all working together.
    next time, if we organize better beforehand, we can balance the votes. KHJ deserves an award. but so does SS501, which is still KHJ PLUS 4 other amazing guys. ^^

  15. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I agree it would be great if SS501 wins an award and it's fine to try to get people voting for them as long as no one is making others feel pressured to vote one way or the other and no I am not saying anyone on here was doing that. It's just I had a couple of people tell me they felt guilty because they wanted to vote for Hyun Joong but felt they weren't being good fans to SS501 if they didn't vote for them so they actually quit voting so they didn't have to choose! Don't want more of that to happen and have both Hyun Joong and SS501 end up losing. It's cool to make suggestions and I think it would be cool if it worked out but in the end it's best to just leave it for each individual to make their own decision.

  16. Anonymous2:32 PM

    right now KHJ is leading ... sorry to say SS501 is too far behind... what im worried is the nO. 2 in Asia is cathcing very fast.....whoever vote for khj from the start plzzzzz continue it till the end ...dont let both KHJ & ss501 lose out to someone else...

  17. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I agree w/ anonymous 1:58 & 2:32 lets just vote for whoever our hearts desire if not we will loose both ways.

  18. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Agree to 2:32, pls vote for khj so that he can keep winning till the end. otherwise, both khj &ss501 lose out to someone else as ss501 seems too far away from winning.

  19. Anonymous12:55 AM

    you know, saying that both will lose if you don't vote for KHJ is just like the otheres saying both can win if you vote for SS501. it's still telling people how to vote, not their preference. just saying. XD; but seems everyone is voting their preferences anyway. HJL will win for sure.

  20. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Can someone please tell me how to vote on the HKYahoo poll? When I click on KHJ's picture, another box pops up asking to key in something but I can't read the text. I'm already logged into my Yahoo account so I don't know what they're asking. The tutorial is great for the Korean site but don't know how to vote on the HK site. Thanks in advance for your help.

  21. Anonymous9:52 AM

    If the pop up is a white box with HJL's name and a yellow yahoo beside it just click on that box and your vote should be cast. Another box will pop up showing that your vote went through, click on the bottom box on that pop up and it takes you back to the previous page.

  22. Anonymous9:53 AM

    *Should clarify that it will be HJL's name in Korean.

  23. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Good grief I'm sorry I got them confused. All of the above is correct except there won't be another box that will pop up. That is on the Korean vote. Just click the white box and your vote will be cast. Then just go back to the previous page when you can vote again.

  24. Anonymous10:34 AM

    @Anonymous 9:59
    Thanks for your response but I have one more question. When I click on the white box with the yellow yahoo beside it, another white box pops up and there are two boxes to fill in. First box, I don't know if it's asking for a username but second box says Email. Do you need to complete this in order for the vote to count?

  25. Anonymous11:25 AM

    i am voting for SS501.... KHJ is way ahead of number of vote, if only, as a TS we could bring up the whole group together... not one but 5 together.....

    we made it happen last year, why not do it all over again this year.....

    as a TS, i stand by the members belief.... 5 TOGETHER AS 1.... SS501 fighting!!!!

  26. Anonymous12:28 PM

    @Anonymous 9:59 - You aren't registered to vote if that box comes up. If I remember correctly it's asking for your user name and e-mail. Fill that in and it should register you to vote.

  27. Anonymous5:10 PM

    OMG kim hyun joong is winning soo much. i want ss501 to be at least in the top 3 though, i'll go vote for ss501 since its pretty obvious who's gonna get first :D

  28. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hi everyone! Not sure if anybody's here but KHJ may not be winning one category cos the no 2 contender's votes are increasing crazily fast! So if we want him to win both categories that he's in, then let's do lots of clicking! And hurry!

  29. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Hi guys. I tried to click and vote but it seems like the polling is over because the selection panel didn't come out. Can anyone please confirm? thanks!

  30. @Anonymous 1:17PM the voting is still on till tonight 11:59pm. However, many of us especially Kim Hyun Joong's fans are experiencing difficulties in voting since November 27. Good luck.

  31. Anonymous1:21 AM

    GUYS!!! [if anyone's still awake around here~~]
    PLEASE KEEP ON VOTING!!!! tweet to ur fellow tripleS friends! tumblr it! broadcast it to all the tripleSs out there!!!!
    leader is losing to jang geun suk in BOTH CATEGORIES NOW!! TT^TT
    we better keep clickingggggggg!!!!!!!!

  32. Anonymous8:00 AM

    OMG LEADER IS LOSING ON BOTH CATEGORIES...i didnt look for like 2 days cause i was out...and NOW HE'S LOSING?! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??!?!?

  33. Anonymous5:28 PM

    whats wrong with yahoo just saying sorry and will fix the bug soon , leader lose already :((
