
Thursday, December 30, 2010

12.29.10 S/Tweet Treats

Yesterday's tweets translation is here. Much thanks to xiaochu @ Quainte501 for again providing the translation on their forum.


[Trans] 12.29.10 S/Tweet Treats

Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2010-12-28 @ 12:34am
HyungJun87 @90KKB My dear brother, Representative Bum, it's your birthday. Really wish you a happy birthday^^ Everytime I see the ever reliable you, it makes me stronger and I am working hard to cherish you even more as an elder brother, but I also feel sorry that I am lacking as an elder brother. Let us be even happier in the future, long live HnB, my dearest Ahwoo, happy birthday *kiss*

2010-12-28 @ 2:01pm
HyungJun87 Please be careful while driving on icy roads, weather is really cold

2010-12-28 @ 2:12pm
mystyle1103 @jjongsoohyelims Hyung~~~ keke

2010-12-28 @ 4:46pm
jjongsoohyelims @mystyle1103 Yah!!!!! What are you calling 'hyung' to noonim (elder sister), hyung!! kekeke By the way, long time no see~!keke

2010-12-28 @ 6:05pm
mystyle1103 @jjongsoohyelims Yeah~~long time no see kekeke how are you doing?

2010-12-28 @ 6:28pm
jjongsoohyelims @mystyle1103 I dont know if I have been fine, or not well; kekeke By looking at me gaining weight so fast, it seems like I am doing well ke Are you doing well too? I watched your Bi (Rain) dance +_+ kekekeke


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    aigoo!! YS is such a teaser! Calling a noona as hyung..

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    haha..ys, why are u so naughty? i want to be close to you! really! don't even care if u call me hyung! wahahahahaha
