
Sunday, December 05, 2010

[FanCams & Pix] Young Saeng Focus by HSScandal

Thanks again to veggiedelight for shoving links to hjcoco videos on YT.

Here are three videos from HSScandal taken from yesterday fan meeting in Seoul.

First vid is during the the talk when Young Saeng mentioned that he might be spending Christmas with Hyun Joong because he gives Christmas party ^^. Just in case you missed my earlier post, I am shoving here again the tweet of reena29shadow regarding this. Thanks again reena.

reena tweeted that Young was asked who he will be spending Christmas with and he mentioned Hyun Joong and other friends [Hyun Joong answered this as well when asked].The Young Saeng asked Kyu Jong if he's sure that he has company and doesn't want to join them. ^^ Hee, check the reaction of fans when he mentioned this. ^^

Below is afternoon performance of Young Saeng's own rendition of Rain's 'Love Song'. Sexy Young Saeng

Last video is again Young Saeng's perfomring Rain's 'Love Song' but this time this was taken from the 2nd session wherein Jung Min watched and according to fans clapping and laughing while Young Saeng is doing the performance.

Btw, I read somewhere that Jung Min was seated at the 3rd floor of the hall [see photo below that SusieSS of TripleS Thailand tweeted]. The portion where he sat is 'dead seat'. When fans were looking at him he signaled to them not to pay attention to him but instead direct their attention on the stage. Also, he didn't go up the stage but instead just greeted Kyu Jong and Young Saeng at the backstage.

I love it! But I'm hoping that in Bangkok, he will not use this costume anymore instead something that is so Young Saeng. I certain everyone will go crazy!


Photos of Jung Min @ Kyu Jong and Young Saeng Fan Meeting in Seoul
courtesy of SusieSS / TripleS Thailand


Added 12.07.10 @ 12:14AM

I am adding the following photos from HSScandal. Much thanks to Sudal for sending them to my email.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I can't get off ys's naughty look when he sang love song!! Jm must be laughing because of that too!
    And so sweet of jm not wanting to take the spotlight, instead he just went to the backstage and congratulated them!! Loving this bond sooo much!
    And such an amazing fan to be able to spot jm!! She must have eagle eye!!

  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    yeah that mischievious grin when he did the dance move just makes him even more adorable

    visualizing mal's clapping and laughing makes me smile continuously and yes, it's awfully sweet of him to show up and give support

  3. Kreza5:45 AM

    Young Saeng WOW! I've always thought that there's something about him that is sexy-naughty hahaha!
