
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jung Min Zipping Off to Japan 12.20.10

Much much thanks to saylalala of Quainte501 for sharing this information on the forum.

As most of you know Jung Min will have his fan signing in Japan on the December 22 and 23. With this he will be zipping off to Japan tomorrow. Below is his scheduled as tweeted by DrMyStar.

Jung Min's flight arrival @ Haneda Airport, Japan on 20th Dec
Credits: + English translations by
Please credit properly when reposting

【CNR 副社長より、ファンの皆様へ】いよいよ、パク・ジョンミンさんのファンミが近づいてきましたね。■来日 羽田空港 便名KE2707 12月20日(月)11時05分到着です!!! 副社長からのちょっと早いクリスマスプレゼント情報です~~(>ε<)

[From the executive vice president of CNR, to all fans] At last, Park Jung Min's fanmeeting is getting closer. ■The arrival in Japan will be at Haneda airport, flight KE2707 on 20th Dec (Mon) at 11.05am!!! This is an early Christmas present information from the vice president~~(>ε<)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    lucky lucky for those attending!couldn't think of a better x'mas gift!

    go mal go! lets give your loving fans a memorable x'mas moments with you!
