
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong @ HK Airport from TVDaily

I was checking Naver and searching for any news of the members of SS501 and found many news about Hyun Joong receiving three awards from the just concluded 2010 Yahoo! Buzz Awards in Hong Kong.

Most of the news carry photos of Hyun Joong from the even but the one from TV Daily that I saw has this photo of him at HK Airport being escorted by Hyun Joong good looking bodyguard Mr. Jeong.^^

In the news from TVDaily, it says there that fans greeted Hyun Joong holding banners and signages when he appeared wearing knits, black sunglasses with earphones. Hyun Joong greeted the fans by smiling and waving which captured the hearts of fans in Hong Kong. There was quite a commotion though when fans tried giving gift to him but he escaped safely.

Hyun Joong received from the 2010 Yahoo Buzz Asia Award : Hong KongTop Buzz Korean Artist, Taiwan Top Buzz Korean Artist and the top award which is the Best Searched Asia Buzz Award 201o which again proved his popularity in Asia.


  1. Yes, Congratulations to the Heavenly King again! Is Mr Jeong taller than Hyun Joong Ssi? Hyun Joong Ssi's shoes size is bigger than Mr Jeong's? Ha ha ha ... just curious since Liezle mentioned his name.

  2. hahaha Mr. Jeong is really really handsome.. i my eyes people usually fade when they are in the presence of hyunjoong but with mr jeong i actually noticed him after a couple of seconds HOT HOT HOT...
    but then as always after a couple of seconds of my eyes swaying, my eyes again focused on HYunJoong... there really is noe competing with him. he really is like a HEAVENLY KING...!!!

    does this mean the Mr. Hottie will be the permanent of Mr. UBER SEXY & GORGEOUS..
    what a pair...

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    congratulations hyun joong~!! ^^ you are the only one in my eyes ^^

  4. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Yes, what a pair, the dropdead gorgeous celebrity and his handsome bodyguard. It's funny how the bodyguard even has fans of his own.

  5. Anonymous11:25 PM

    like this page then :
