
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Perfect fancams of Hyun Joong @ Incheon & Changi 12.01.10

KIMHYUNJOONG Perfect uploaded on YT their videos of Hyun Joong taken at Changi Airport. I believe that they're on the same flight as him. It took a while for Hyun Joong to get out of the door as I think security has to make sure that everything is clear when he goes out.

@ Incheon


Btw, SP Shim [in red/maroon tie] seems to be really taking care of Hyun Joong well. I think that when it comes to taking care top Hallyu stars SP Shim is the best.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Oh HJL still dancing in the airport. What a 4d character... So cute...

  2. hey here is a very good quality vid uploaded in MSN:

  3. hey leizle, sorry for my ignorance but who is this SP Shim?
    is he like black ops for security for the stars..?

  4. SP Shim has been taking care of BYJ's security for years now wherever he goes. When KSW got married he was also there. Now he's always been with KHJ. ^^ He's in a good hands. Heard that SP Shim is sooo nice he's actually a well known figure in BYJ community. ^^

  5. you happen to know what flight and which airport he gonna arrive for asia tour in malaysia? thanks

  6. Hi Liezle
    will u be attending the Fan meeting tomorrow at IMM? Heard that registation start at 9am even with ticket?? what happen if i go late? sorry if i ask funny question as I have never attend such event.

  7. I Alicia. Wasn't able to go to Sg for this event as I was stuck at work. If you're in Tier 2 i think you have to be early.


  8. hi feeza_nwa i'm not sure if it's been posted here or been tweeted. if i saw any posting or tweet i'll let you know.


  9. woo..liezle u seem always online as u quick to response. In fact I have been your fan for over a year and today I decide to join in your blog. I am a young at heart aunty who really enjoy reading your blog on HKJ..u brighten my life..Thanks!!! keep it up!

  10. i try to be always on line as much as possible. can't go anywhere without my without my broadband ^^

    thanks for liking my blog.


  11. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Hi liezle, my name is elphi. I just found out your blog recently and I really like it. I love how you put everything about SS501 here. Btw,could I have your permission to translate this article to Indonesian and put it in my blog?? I wanna spread SS501 wave here ^^

  12. hi phihonest and thanks for liking my blog as well.

    yeah you may translate just don't forget to credit properly where we got the videos or photos and even the english translation. we've to give proper credit where the credit is due.

    thanks again.


  13. Dear Liezle,

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I'll never make it to see him at the airport. I'm looking forward to see him at pavillion tomorrow so hope i can see him up close. wish me luck.


  14. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Thank you very much liezle. Of course I'll post it with full credit (forget to mention it before). Thank you, thank you, thank you...^^
