
Friday, December 10, 2010

Pix Young Saeng and Kyu Jong at Incheon 12.09.10

Thank you so much Imane for shoving these photos here of Kyu Jong and Young Saeng at Incheon from last night. Thanks as well to Harunohi [501_dg] for the wonderful photos once again.

I always super like any members of SS501 when their hair is not curly. It makes them more hot, don't you think?


credit 501 dg/baidu


  1. I thnk Kyu Jong is the only one who is not into branded stuff. So far, I have seen the rest of the members of SS501 with that LV travelling bag. Don't get me wrong. I am sure he will buy one for his younger sister but not for himself.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    ditto to that ms. choong... almost all SS501 members are using LV or branded items, but i seldom see sweet, modest Kyu use these.. not that he can't afford it, most probably he showers his dongsaeng and omma with these not him....

    anyways, with or without these items, all SS501 members are beautiful and shining as they are

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    ah i saw the letter Y.S on young saengi bag...kk

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Do agree with Joyce & anyms@8:23, Kyu has that down-to-earth feeling that makes him more "human" than a celebrity on the stage, and that's why he's always my no.1 fav. amongst the boys, just can't stop loving him XD
