
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Playful Kiss Promo Trip to Taiwan is Cancelled

Much thanks to kelemama for the translation of this notice and posting on 501wangja.

Here's info on the cancellation of Playful Kiss promo trip of Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min to Taiwan which is supposed be slated this week.


  1. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Must be seriously sick or else I don't think he will cancel for a small matter.

    Will pray for your speedy recovery.

  2. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Oh no! I hope it's not something too serious. A simple fatigue would not cause a cancelation of the whole promotion trip, which is involved lots of people and resource to begin with.
    His health is quite fragile, especially when it comes to winter time. Aisshh... so worry. Hopefully, he's recovered soon.

  3. Anonymous3:41 AM

    In the past, we have seen leader push himself to do his activities even if he is unwell or is injured.

    I'd like to think that Keyeast is taking care of him a lot better in that his health is the first priority. HJ may not be very sick but we don't want him to get worse, right? He needs to rest so he can recover quicker. I m sure that they would not have cancelled if it was not necessary.

    Hoping for his speedy recovery.

  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The trip is cancelled may be not because of leader's sick or not,may be the organiser can't compromise with keyeast about their request@@! TW playful kiss FM venue is really small only few TS can go.....& lots of questions e.g would leader sing songs in FM?if so the cost is different.......I really hope that leader is not sick=_=

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Any fans following KHJ news should be able to notice the tired look on his face from his past few events/activities.

    I sincerely hope that he's not sick and he can have plenty of rest/sleep during this Xmas holiday.

    Feel rather sad for him. Be it he's in DSP or KE, it seems that he has to work non-stop. As of now, i don't see how KE is managing his health better than DSP. But well, this is the price to pay for high popularity i guess.

  6. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I think fatigue got to him. I hope he take good care of himself. This the time that I wish he has special someone to take care of him. His bff is sick also but his bff have sisters to take care him

  7. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Should follow YS & KJ to take a long vacation for re-charging, see how YS & KJ look so healthy and awesome in their FM. Take a good rest, leader, you're no more than a human being, can't just keep on working without stop, "all work no play make jack a dull boy"!!!!

  8. Anonymous4:35 PM

    get well soon leader
