
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Popularity Award (Namja) @ 2010 MBC Awards Won by Hyun Joong!

Congratulation to Kim Hyun Joong for winning the Popularity Award in the 2010 MBC Drama Awards. As for the female counterpart, Han Hyo Joo took the award.

If my memory serves me right, Hyun Joong took 41.9% of the votes for the male category.

Here are photos of Han Hyo Joo and Hyun Joong making their acceptance speech.


  1. Congratulations, Kim Hyun Joong Ssi! MANSE! So happy for you. Please eat a little bit more. You need to put on some weight or else the wind will blow you away. Hwaiting!

  2. What a coincidence! I recalled Kim Hyun Joong Ssi mentioned that he would like to co-star with Han Hyo Joo when the opportunity arises. Now, the two of them are winners for the Popularity Award! Mmm ... I think this scenario will be on the minds of some directors out there .....very soon ... in the near future ...

  3. Anonymous11:05 PM

    congrats hyun joong! you deserved it.....

  4. bellerina11:16 PM

    congratulations dear hyun joongie~!!!!! after voting, i was sitting by my computer tonite waiting for good news ^^ I'm so happy that the year has ended on a great note for you!!!! may your 2011 be full of blessings~!

  5. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Think international fans must have voted like mad, seeing how the drama did so badly in Korea. Congrats!

  6. Anonymous11:33 PM

    well, he is the star of the universe after all!

  7. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Congratulations KHJ.. !!! PK is a nice rom-com drama. Its low ratings was due to the fact that it had two tough competitions to begin with. The two other dramas started before PK and they established they're own followers. Most of PKs followers are younger generations which now prefers downloading episodes in the Internet.. So ratings are not really reliable. You tube versions of PK proves this since it has reached more than million views.. And it only tells us one thing.. that is PK is popular among the youth

  8. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Congrat Leader!!..

  9. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Thou the rating of PK was so low, leader's popularity is so high as I expected. Congrat to leader. You deserve it!

  10. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I can not believe Lee Min Ho won the best actor award. He was not even good in PT. I watched it halfway and couldn't even finish it. As for Playful Kiss, I watched everything including the web episodes. Perhaps the rating system in SK or even the awards for the best actor was rigged?

  11. Anonymous2:42 AM

    See,what rest can do to Hj . He's now looking fresh,cool and bright. More erst will be good to give him some reserves for the next work .

    Like Joyce ,I think HJ's wish to co- star with Hyo Joo might just be around the corner.

    So to the two congratulations -and I'm looking forward to their work collaboration.

  12. Anonymous2:49 AM

    To Anony at 2:42 am .

    I've read somewhere that that TV station give awards (even split awards ) to make actors happy (and their companies)so they must have spread around the awards .

    I agree with you re LMH in PT- in my POV it was a lackluster perf compared to BOF.But as I said the awards are stretched out to accomodate as many as possible .

    Somebody even said the awarding is even likened to end of the year employee party where awards are given. Think about that .If true,its not fair,right ?

  13. Anonymous9:49 AM

    agree with 2:42
    if all the awards were voted by fans, how come they only voted the most popularity award but not the best actor award.若果他以41.9% (差不多一半的票數)取得人氣獎, 沒理由最佳演員(四選二)拿不到, 可能是每人只分配一個獎項(皆大歡喜)?
    如果係咁, i prefer the TV to give the best actor award to KHJ instead of the most popularity award.

  14. Anonymous12:40 PM

    @9:49am... Much as I love HJ... as much as everyone here who have posted comments, I don't think he deserves the best actor award just yet. With a bit more experience, he'll get there and we will all be there to support and cheer him. Congrats leader! You are and will always be the most popular for us. Hope the new year will bring u more blessings.

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

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  16. Anonymous2:41 AM

    looking the female winner above with leader. i might say, they don't look good together. she looks like an ordinary girl. i will prefer HB for him.

  17. Anonymous5:12 AM

    The best that HJ can do when he has the next chance for a drama is to lessen his other commitments so he can concentrate on acting .

    He is doing a lot of multitasking but some of his jobs and his health suffer as a consequence.I am sure he was looking forward to an acting award not the popularity award all the time . I hope somebody close to him give him that well meaning advice.

    One at a time HJ ! Don't be in such a rush to do all at the same time.

  18. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Congrats to our leader! You have to take care of your health first, most!! Looking a healthy, well-figured hyunjoong like one in early WGM will be the most joyful thing to me in 2011.

  19. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Congrats to KHJ and HHJ! Hope he'll be able to work with her in the near future and fulfill his wish. Actually I think she's favourable to KHJ cos after all, isn't he a conservative person? I should think he'll be happy to be/work with someone like her who's not only talented but who's not, hopefully, too overboard with her fashion style. Rather her than someone who seems unable to be moderate in her dressing...

  20. Anonymous8:34 AM

    @anon 2.52 i agree with yr commemt. If only we were his best friends so we could tell him this.

    @anon 2.49/9.49
    you should see kbs award nite its even a joke.There is not enough awards to go around but they just announce winner to the stage to make fans and participant happy even the netizen award was given to jgs and mickey.Very hillarious...
