
Friday, December 31, 2010

(´ω`pq|*A HAPPY NEW YEAR*|pq´ω`)

2010 has been a good year.
I thank all the wonderful people I have met,
some inspired me,
stretched me,
challenged me,
loved me
& encouraged me
but all helped me to realized how meaningful
and beautiful life is.

ヽ@(^ェ^*)@ノ☆.。.:☆HAPPY NEW YEAR☆*:.。.☆ヽ@(*^ェ^)@ノ


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Thank you for this amazing blog Liezle, i love it so much, In fact I live in it hehehe.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to u and all Triple S around the world, i wish 2011 to be a happy year to all of us ^^
    I LOVE YOU ALL \(^0^)/

  2. Latigre1:02 AM

    Happy New Year!
    I've always enjoyed your blog. Thanks for all your hard works.

  3. SShrimpy2:40 AM

    Thank you for your amazing blog sis Liezle. I love every minute of it. Thanks for all your hardwork!

    Happy New 2011 ^^

  4. fellyz3:20 AM

    Happy New Year, Liezle~~
    Thanks for all your hardwork n sharing in your blog, really appreciate it.. keep it up yooo~ ^^
    May u have a great health and wonderful year ahead~ God bless^^

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Happy new year to you, too! I own you a lot of "thank you". Thanks to you, I can keep up-to-date about SS501. I wish I will have a chance to go to the comeback concert of SS501 and I will have a chance to know you in person. Please keep up you great works.

    Valerie from US

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Thank you soo much liezle for you hardwork all this year!! Wish you all the best too in 2011!!
    And every night I also keep praying our boys become more and more successful!! :D happy new year everyone!!

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Happy New Year to dear Liezle and all people here! Thanks much for all your hardwork throughout the last year. I enjoy your blog so much. Please keep your great work in 2011 too!

  8. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Happy New Year Liezle from the USA. Your blog is the first I will open everytime I wake in the morning to get the news about the boys. You are my lifeline to SS501 and to triple S. Thank you so much. I wish Good Health and Prosperous 2011.

  9. Jennifer4:42 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    Happy New Year to you. Thanks for your wonderful blog on our boys. Have a great year ahead!!

    Hope to see you soon in their comeback concert.

    Love ya,
    Jennifer (SG)

  10. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Happy New Year Everyone.
    Thanks so much Liezel for all your hard work and for always sharing most recent and updating us about our beloved SS501 boys. Thanks also for the other fan sites who share videos and pictures.

  11. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Happy New Year Liezle and thank you loads for always updating your wonderful blog! I appreciate ur effort and hope that 2011 will b a blessed year for you, TS and SS501!^^
