
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Yahoo Buzz Award Real Winner ! ! !

Credit : hvnitura2008@youtube


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    who is number 1 in the polling now?

  2. OMG!!! I nearly teared up watching this..huhuhuhu poor uri leader..T_T..LEADER FIGHTING!!! NO.1 FOREVER!! MANSAE!!!

  3. Anonymous7:05 PM

    KHJ is so lucky to hv so many people who loves him. I'm so proud to be his fan. N to all the amazing fans who hv supported him all the way , I'm so proud of u. Yes, KHJ FOREVER.

  4. Anonymous7:30 PM

    hope many people will watch this video to show Yahoo Buzz organizer who the true real winner is.

  5. Anonymous7:37 PM

    hey guys WHAT happened?? O.o
    KHJ Lost in yahoo?? how that happened
    he was NO ..

    What about SS501 ??
    What happened to them?

    i went to Yahoo and saw SS501 on the top ?? i capture it ^^ please check
    i don't understand korean ><

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    sorry i forget the link ^^

  7. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I still can't believe it... YAHOO did not do anything about it. What a shame. I'm still upset, cuz, I've been voting from start until it stop
    Nov.27.. IT'S UNFAIR.!. I don't believe in Yahoo Asia Buzz anymore.
    Sorry.. but that's how I feel.
    FORM ME... KHJ.. is the winner!! Thanks for making this video.

  8. Anonymous8:50 PM

    i voted til the last minute on nov. 30,.. khj is leading over a million when i last voted on sat. evening, i was really at peace bec. of the big gap! but when i open up my comp. early in the morning of monday, he is loosing over 3 million votes! really unbelievable! how can a vote accumulates that fast! it really hurt my heart watch the numbers of his opponent keep moving up! i almost cried in anger the moment i saw the poll result! i even ask my friends to vote for him til yest.... but... it really breaks my heart!

  9. Anonymous9:35 PM

    We lost because of someone cheating
    Its so obvious and Yahoo done nothing about it...

    Hyun Joong is the real winner !

  10. Anonymous9:55 PM

    does anyone know where to complaint to yahoo taiwan and hong kong?

  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    how can that guy (what's his name?) accept the award when he knows very well that his fans cheated! it's an 'empty' win! karma where are you?

  12. Anonymous11:59 PM

    what's the use of winning,when deep inside,they know that they've's useless.If yahoo acknowledge jgs as the winner,& for instance,he accept it.their credibility is at stake,all my respect will be LOST!tsktsk..shame on them! we all know,who's the REAL WINNER,and that is,KIM HYUN JOONG!

  13. Anonymous12:23 AM


    That is the only way INTEGRITY AND RESPECT can be restored and to teach those people who have used and committed these unethical ways -that their efforts were just- that wasted efforts.

  14. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Thank for sharing the vid.

    I am one who had voted for HyunJoong, even on the weekend that we had the problem of accessing the website.

    I am proud that I am a fan of HyunJoong and I am proud that we need not lose our intergrity just to want to win.

    HyunJoong IS and WILL forever be number one WINNER.

    Congratulations to wuri HyunJoong and to all his honest fans! Daebak!

  15. Anonymous12:55 AM

    I am very proud of HJL's fans who in this instance showed maturity, honesty just like their idol!

    We know the stance of Wuri HJ, to him, winning is not so much a big deal to him, but to acknowledge what his fans did for him is more important.

    Yes, everyone knows who the real winner is and I am very, very happy that his fans did not retaliat by going "dirty" too.
    I am soooooooo PROUD of his FANS !!!

  16. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Aigooo uri leader and uri SS501!! I voted night and day sleeping late and waking up early but still they didnt win!:( Well winning doesn't matter! I just wanted to show how much I love them and all TS also put lots of efforts into voting also love them! All I hope is for them to know how much we love them no matter what!^^ In my heart they r 4ever no.1

  17. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Publicity matters
    1.17:30-18:30 interrupted due to system error led to vote
    November 30, is expected to midnight voting deadline time
    Changed to at 1:00 on December 1 deadline.

    To the voting please understand the inconvenience you.
    2. Is now under investigation, and yahoo! Buzz awards relating to IP and ID.
    When special items that will be publicized through normal channels of non-voting figures published after the removal of the total vote.
    The end result is expected to be released later.
    Thank you

  18. Anonymous1:55 AM

    @anon 1:44

    is this announcement for real.Where this info come from? hope its good news for KHJ, if not im not putting trust in public voting anymore even for popularity award.He is popular already.I rather put my money into buying his album or drama dvd.That would be the real winning to my opinion.

  19. Anonymous3:12 AM

    @1:55am anonymous,
    That's is the translation fm the rect box on
    after you log in.

  20. Anonymous6:04 AM

    yes, is unfair!! i voted for him and ss501 as well and all sudenly he was no2...cause of fraud. its unfair, we should all complaint.

  21. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Leader, I really want to give you this award as a new year gift but...

    Manual vs Auto, so proud of everyone.

    I read on that guy fan board, they defend themself by saying that it's normal to use auto-click program, everyone do it, it's not hacking and it's not cheating.

  22. Anonymous1:31 PM

    will the so called winner and his fans be happy with this prize in order by 'cheating', hahaha...what a funny thing...but we,TripleS and KHJL's supporters will be together in one, no matter what happen, illegal means illegal, because god is watching us from the sky, so to those people, please don't do this anymore, for your own sake...anyway our LEADER is the best right? Let's look on the bright site^^everything will be fine...PEACE^^

  23. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Guy com'm we should be matured to accept the fact that our idol SS501 and Leaders did'nt make it, if leader has a huge number of votes all of us are happy and say thay hey he has alot of fans but if loss some of the fans say thay hey we have cheated, why accept the fact that not only us is a fan of an idol or any artist and also voted so hard to win their idol. Hope that all of as fans be more responsible and matured to accept the fact that we are not always number 1.

  24. that's BS i feel like punching someone in the face!!!! like wtf yahoo did nothing >/

  25. Anonymous3:32 PM

    how can we can't lose if YB itself do the unfair voting techniques???
