
Monday, January 31, 2011

01.30.11 S/Tweet Treats

Translation of Kyu Jong tweets yesterday is out much thanks to the very hardworking xiaochu for always bringing to us this much needed translation at Quainte501.

I like so much the photo of Kyu Jong with his friend... so handsome even without any make up. Really like it much. ^_^


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 01.30.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2011-01-30 @ 12:17am
2kjdream With my friend GangMin who is working hard^^ Tough guy ma bro~~~

2011-01-30 @ 12:31am
parkggang37 Coming to the shop~looking for phone for manager hyung's mother~kkj~~~^^

1 comment:

  1. sinthia10:12 AM

    Oh, then the cell wasn't to him but to manager's mother! Kyu is so kind heart. His friends are so lucky for have him like friend! ^^
    He looks handsome with or without make up. Sorry Saeng, but Kyu was born to be a prince too! =b
