
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hyun Joong Left a Message @ Docomo

Surprise, surprise. Hyun Joong left a message in Docomo. Thanks to hl2412 for translating and sharing on Twitter.

Hyun Joong never fails to humor us whenever he leaves a message. He signed this message 'God of Universe'. ^_^


[Trans] HJL Docomo's Msg to Fans...
Translation courtesy of hl2412 @ Twitter

Hello everyone,
I'm Kim Hyun Joong, it's already 2011.
I'm now preparing my new album.
Actually, my words are not pretty, don't really like to write letters, but because Japan fans wish to receive my handwritten letter, so I wrote it with care.
Because in the new year want to show a good album and work, a little nervous, must be healthy in this new year.
Wish everyone will have many happy things happening.
God of Universe

Here's original message. Thanks to the anonymous from the comment box.


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    where is this docomo ya..first time seeing it..maybe outside korea ya..har har just speculating cause being busybody.

    Anyway leader fighting!!!!

  2. Anonymous3:25 AM

    i heard that hyun joong is already in the USA preparing for his album.

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "God of Universe"

    what does hyun joong mean? is he referring God? or is he comparing himself with God....whatever the case maybe, even if its a joke - it could be viewed as sacrilege...he MUST be careful with his choice of words

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    @ Anonymous 12.01

    ya need to take a chill pill. HJL is an catholic and quite religious himself so I don't think he wants to be taken in blasphemy. I think God in his meaning is another kind of God in korean. In my language, "god" has many meanings/terms and not the only God from Christian beliefs.
    Just so u know^___^ our lovely Leader will never want to offend anyone.

    Leader fighting!

  5. Anonymous11:47 PM

    The word for God used in Christianity and the word for god as a some kind of supernatural being is very different in Korean and Japanese. God is hananim in korean and the word Hyunjoong used is shin. He was definitely NOT referring to the holy creator God. He even drew a funny picture of an alien next to "god of the universe". You can see the message at

  6. thanks 11:47 for the link.

    i am closing this comment box as i don't want further comments regarding religion.


