
Sunday, January 02, 2011

[Trans] Hyun Joong Left a Message on his KOB (Ver. 1)

Much much thanks to Ode for the fast translation posted on her blog.

He seems happy and it seems that whatever personal problem that he mentioned he seems to be coping well.

Btw, with regard to the internet thing he mentioned, do you think that he will create a Twitter account soon so that we'll be more crazier over him?!

Hyun Joong, happy new year and things will be even greater!


Message of Hyun Joong from his Korean Official Board (KOB)

Korean to English translation by Ode / SS501Ode/

Wasn't able to take a photo of me praying for a new year wish ...'coz I had some personal matters on hand then..
So that explains why I'm up on the internet here belatedly moving over a picture of the rising sun here ..ㅡㅡ;;;;
Shall this be non-movable then ...kk
Mm I mentioned all the time (that fans will support him) didn't I ?????? I'm growing so much older now and doesn't even know if you can still guard by me well enough ... Anyway I'll work harder to the extent of an admission ticket kk
I will become one whom you have to fight for another 3 admission tickets to see after kk
Have you drunk the ricecake soup ????????
I'm gonna go drink it now kk, in fact I ate it just yesterday.. as a side dish that is
26 years old already ne ................. Darn, shit kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
This darn thing .. Such damning.... geeez geeeez geeez
Such xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kkkkkkk Just joking ...kkk
Be much blessed in the new year and be healthy, and for me, I'll work harder to become one who will make you go crazier over me
Now that I've gotten internet in our house, you sure are delighted ain't you?????? Even so let's just see each other on the net world
TT I'm chased out yet once more ...TT
Sonata...Annoying no??????? I will go watch it for once for sure kkkkk
Will release an awesome album in this new year, been crazily rehearsing and practising, to release 1 drama and 2 awesome albums is my yearly target ne kk
Only then could we meet one another next year delightfully ^^
Sorry I couldn't keep to my promise
And so instead, I'll become one whom you could better guard by about kkk


Original in Hangul...


  1. jc4lamb7:17 PM

    hope 2 see the translated version soon, really want to know his status, miss u much, our leader.

    Also, happy new year, liezle~

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    2 albums?

    is he talking about his solo album and SS501 album? LOL. i hope so :)

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    26 isnt that old, my dearly lovely sure u are getting more famous in this year, u always shine forever...

    goodluck for ur album and next u forever!!

  4. I posted it up in a shout out box in my blog for lyk 2 days now but i heard that his grandmother just recently passed away... that might have been the personal issue... but not 100% sure on this

  5. Anonymous8:45 PM

    he said tht he sorry fr not keeping his promise .wht promise ???

  6. Anonymous9:22 PM

    There are some translation error.

    "I've gotten internet in our house....let's just each other on the net world...sonata..annoying me?" - This part should be this:

    "My house(maybe address?) was revealed on the net (by someone), are you happy? But please look at it only in the net. Otherwise, I may be kicked out of my place again. Sonata(who revealed it)... were you taken aback??????....I passed it over this time (generously)......

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Leizle, I'm the anonymous 9:22. KHJ didn't mention anything related to his internet communication. It's from translation error.

  8. Hi 9:27! Much thanks for the info. I have actually posted another version of the translation which is the same as your translation above.


  9. Thank you, it was very interestingly.
    Wishing you Happy New Year!
