
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kyu Jong @ Gimpo 01.21.11 by HeStory

Heaps of thanks to veggiedelight for sending link to eednaka yt channer where vid from HeStory is uploaded.

I am really curious why Kyu Jong is hiding his face.It seems that the ladies he met were laughing at something. What could it be Kyu Jong?


  1. Felicia6:41 PM

    woah who are those ladies? and one of them is touching his elbow >:( i notice kyujong likes wearing all-black to the airport haha

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I wonder that too! Why hide his face?hmm.. No one is talking to YS?

  3. portia8:25 PM

    i think the ladies are part of their staff, or maybe their coordi noonas.
