
Sunday, January 23, 2011

More Videos from the Jung Min's 1st Fan Meeting by Prettyboy

Alright before you check the added vid there is this Anonymous visitor again that keeps on posting in the comment box nasty word about Jung Min. I really hope that you will stop torturing yourself by coming to my blog and reading/viewing post on Park Jung Min. You're so pitiful showing your manners here.

Anyway, back to blogging.^^ Sorry about that.


Prettyboy is giving us so many videos from Jung Min's 1st Fan Meeting in Seoul particularly that of segment where Hyung Jun was on stage to greet Jung Min. Here are two more video's from Hyung Jun's fan club. Much much thanks for sharing!

If YT vid is available I will replace this videos. Please give me tip! ^^

If you can't view the above vid, please click HERE.

If you can't view the above vid, please click HERE.


Do check this video from TVDaily which keitawingsmin posted on her YT. The first part shows Jung Min dancing and singing to 'Not Alone'. There is also a longer portion of the bobo segment.


  1. Btw, to the ill-mannered Anonymous, I know you don't understand English much from the way you post... this is simple... STOP. You can still change. ^_^


  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Jung Min looks sooo much more happier when Hyung Jun is around!^^ Ahh makes me want to see all of them together on stage! Thanks liezle for posting and hope that anonymous person will stop putting disturbing comments!^^

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    they are tooooo cute!!! they can't stay still hhahahahah! and the bobo is just so sweeet!!! goodluck toh members on their schedule's!!! i'm really looking forward for their comeback as 5 soon!
    btw, who's the MC?? is she Japanese?? i thought that it was Jung JooRi the korean female comedian...they have similar voices and i seeing things?? or am i right???~
