
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Music Core Perf of Jung Min 01.29.11

I am home and feeling so relax. Love the message that I had this afternoon. ^_^

Hee, now back to blogging as I haven't been blogging much as I wanted for the last 2 days.

I'm sure you guys have already seen from other sites. ^^ I'm posting here now Jung Min's Music Core performance for today as you may want to see his superb performance once again. Much thanks to kbank1004 for the HD upload on YT and to veggiedelight for the tip.

Btw, after Jung Min's performance again in MuCore, he was on the real time top search once again.

Here are some secreencaps posted on TVDaily news that I got from Naver.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    great perf..but something's off in this perf.. idk how to say it but something's just off..

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    he sounded off and breathless.

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM

    He seemed pretty tired during Music Bank. He sang fewer lines than he usually did during the broadcast so I am not surprised that he sounded breathless during this broadcast. I just hope he gets enough rest and drink more tonics to keep his body and health up! I don't want to see him faint again from overexhaustion.

  4. Anonymous3:32 AM

    hmm really? i didn't think he sounded breathless. he sounded great to me. i know the day before (Music Bank), he did seem to have a bit less energy (also, his bangs kept covering his eyes, so we couldn't see that usual spark/fire). but i think he was much better here. i love his outfit again. ^^
