
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Young Saeng's cute & funny answers in Cosmo Q&A

Wish granted! ^_^

Much thanks to ladies, Honeyeee and Wonderrrgirl [ladies with triple 'e' and 'r' ^^] for doing the translation of the article from the Feb issh of Cosmopolitan.

Young Saeng ah, you are so cute and funny! What?! You were dumped 5 times? Are those ladies blind? Alright, gals go read more stuff that Young Saeng revealed on the Q&A that Cosmo has on its Feb issh.


Fashion Magazine Cosmopolitan February Issue
Heo Young Saeng "Q & A"

Source: SS601
English Translation: Honeyeee + Wonderrrgirl @
Please repost with full credits!

Q: My Name is?
A: Heo Young Saeng~~!!

Q: An event which I'd like to do for my girlfriend on Valentine's Day?
A: A CD which includes a song and a video written & created by myself as a gift.. ^^

Q: Mushy things I wish to say to someone I love
A: "It seems like i have been saving these words up till now so that i can say to you... "'I.Love.You."

Q: The greatest thing i've done for a girl i love is?
A: Got cheated 5 times but turned a blind eye..

Q: I am not dating... reason is?
A: Despite me crazily being nice,, but seems like girls prefer bad boy more!!!

Q: If i fall in love I will change
A: Modestly

Q: What is your method of dealing with girls?
A: Pretending to be indifferent!!

Q: The last time when i fell out of love was because?
A: I was being too nice

Q: The reason why i dont have a girlfriend now is because?
A: I did all that I've done!!

Q: If i have a girlfriend, the first thing i'd like to do with her is?
A: Simply talk about everything honestly over a cup of soju!!

Q: Gift which I want to receive and give for Valentine's Day is?
A: I want to receive a car and give my heart


  1. Cheated 5 times by the same girl? :)

  2. Haha Liezle! The girls with the triple e & r! ^^ I like that. The rest are always commenting about this triple letters thing too. ^^

    I guess this interview is clear already why YS is so determined to be a bad boy. He clearly thinks girls like bad boys more ^^

    P.S all YS fans out there can start saving for a car, if you want his heart. (and no, toy cars not counted, unless you want a toy heart! ^^)

  3. jc4lamb10:38 PM

    I'm agree with u, liezle, the ladies are blind, how can they do that to such a great guy... what's a pity young saeng, I think the best is not yet to come, fighting~

  4. hi wonderrrgirl! hmmmm i can give him my car if he gives his heart to me.^^ hee, i just hope that he's not into expensive car though. ^^


  5. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Haiii... i hope that wuri boys can find their true love soon!!

    Saengie oppa, your answers are soo cheeky!!

  6. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Aww... Saengie is so adorable and nice

  7. hi everyone what "Got cheated 5 times but turned a blind eye" mean??
    i could get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:?

  8. Anonymous1:17 AM

    la!can't even afford to buy one for me,saengie! you are so cheeky!!

  9. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Does that mean if I give YS a car, I'll get his heart???:D I gotta save some money huh!haha Omo poor him got cheated!T.T I love nice guys not ALL girls like bad guys!!

  10. saengieluv3:15 AM

    he seriously wants a car and will exchange in return for heart? he needs a sugar mommy, not girlfriend! haha

  11. Anonymous3:16 AM

    @SS501arab fans: he means he was aware the girl(s) was cheating on him but he ignored it as though it was not happening. Maybe he just couldn't believe why someone would cheat on him.
    Oh saengie, don't be too naive next time so u won't get hurt. We love u.

  12. Anonymous6:02 AM


    i wonder who the lad(y/ies) who broke his heart... and he even turned a blind eye - now, that is like the silliest joke i heard from him

    another joke is him asking a car... hehehe maybe its the other way around babe, you'll give a car to a girl who gives you her heart and that would be ME

    thanks for this article (A)

  13. Anonymous3:16 PM

    i bet the girl who cheated on him is regretting her actions now! that girl don't deserve to be with YS unless YS still loves her.. but i just don't understand her! HOW CAN SOMEONE CHEAT ON YS???
    he's so funny!! let us all TS all over the world gather up a lot of money and buy YS the car of his dream (which i don't know) and then he'll give his heart to all TS.. it's a win-win situation! hahaha just kidding!
    anyways all the members are doing great as soloist!! they'll be more popular ang successful than before when they comeback as 5!! SS501 mansae!!!

  14. Chara7:45 AM

    Some thoughts:

    Q: An event which I'd like to do for my girlfriend on Valentine's Day?
    A: A CD which includes a song and a video written & created by myself as a gift.. ^^
    --> that sounds very familiar...

    Q: The greatest thing i've done for a girl i love is?
    A: Got cheated 5 times but turned a blind eye..
    --> I'm sorry but... IDIOT, you shoudl have "kicked" her. You are much to precious to get cheated on... honestly.

    Q: What is your method of dealing with girls?
    A: Pretending to be indifferent!!
    --> Che... Too familiar... makes everything too complicated.

    Youngsaeng... ~_~

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    @ Chara: yeah...he will do it in his coming album, this feb....may b...waaaa....can't wait anymore...
