
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Young Saeng Performing 'All My Love' @ the Japan FM 01.22.11

Much thanks to peacejerry for tweeting the link to this short segment of Young Saeng at the DVD & Photobook 'Summer and Love' Fan Meeting held at Shibuya, Japan yesterday.

In this short video from HSScandal Young Saeng in singing 'All My Love' as if proposing to someone. Thanks as well to garibi00 for uploading in YT.


  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    OMG!!!! THAT LUCKY FAN!!! (>O<)

  2. wow this is the most japanesse songs of SS501 i like >___<

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    'All My Love' was my favorite from their 2nd Japanese album!!!! Ahh!!! This is the 1st time I heard any of the member singing the song(or part of it)! Does anybody know if SS501 performed this song anywhere else? I would really love to see it.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Ys, you made me cry TT_TT

    That girl is soooooooooo lucky to see you up close and personal, chosen by you, serenaded by your beautiful voice, given a flower and hugged ---> arrrghh, o my bleeding heart... i wish i was in that lady's place TT_TT

  5. Chara4:30 PM

    Have to agree to all of you! LOVE THAT SONG! And oh my god, I want too, I want too!!!

    OMG, YS making me "jealous" :-P
