
Thursday, February 24, 2011

02.24.11 S/Tweet Treats

Updated : 8:18PM : Kyu Jong tweeted more and he has received more tweets from friends. Btw, check his all English tweet to Sean Alexander! ^^

Jung Min also tweeted to Hyung Jun. JM's tweet is sweet. But I read on Twitter that it seems tat HJB is down with a flu.


Updated 12:34PM : More tweets from Kyu Jong and greetings from his friends. ^^


It is Kyu Jong's birthday! And the first one to greet him is no other but Park Jung Min via Twitter (though JM forgot to tag 2kjdream on his tweet^^)

Here's translation of JM's greeting as well as tweets from friends and Kyu Jong's replies plus trans of Hyung Jun to his little bro KiBum. Ahh, HJB is such a big bro to his little bro. I hope that KiBum is coping up well.

Thanks to xiaochu of Quainte501 for the translation.


[Trans] 02.24.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2001-02-24 @ 12:34am
JungMin0403 Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday~~! My dearest KyuJong!! Happy Birthday!!^^ This year, let each and everyone of us work hard and have a huge success that will urprise others!! I love you~!

2001-02-24 @ 12:38am
HyungJun87 @90KKB My dear brother, even though it's tough but because you will always be filled with good people and good things, so it's fine if you don't worry too much,

2001-02-24 @ 12:39am
HyungJun87 @90KKB Because in life, this and that thing do happen, let us laugh it off^^ I love you brother

2001-02-24 @ 12:40am HyungJun87 Because everyone will know the truth, let's live a wonderful life my brother

2001-02-24 @ 12:41am HyungJun87 @90KKB Because everyone will know the truth, my brother Hwaiting

2011-02-24 @ 12:49am
mjjoo0326 KyuJong-ah~~Happy Birthday!! KkyaOl~ Later I should sing you a song, Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~

2011-02-24 @ 1:14am
WarrenBONBOO @2kjdream Ae man! Happy Birthday to you. Tanked up to you!~~~~
xiaochu : not too sure what he meant by tanked-up

2011-02-24 @ 1:25am
eunjinsocial Uh!! So it's KyuJong's birthday!Happy birthday!!RT @JungMin0403: Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday~~! My dearest KyuJong!! Happy Birthday!!^^ This year, let each and everyone of us work hard and have a huge success that will urprise others!! I love you~!

2011-02-24 @ 1:39am
2kjdream @JungMin0403 Mal Min!! Thanks heehee Aigo TT !! Our telephone convo always got on too long, so answer now heehee LEt's meet soonnn!! Let's spare some time for a cup of coffee!! hee
xiaochu : The part about the phone call sound weird. I dont know if he had a typo or sth..Or simply that I cant understand.

2011-02-24 @ 1:40am
2kjdream @mjjoo0326 Thanks^^ Woowoo always hwaiting!!! heehehee

2011-02-24 @ 1:41am
2kjdream @eunjinsocial Noonaaa~~ We must go and have something delicious!!!!^^ heehee Time really passes fast TT Already coming to March!! hee

2011-02-24 @ 1:41am
2kjdream @WarrenBONBOO Man Bro~~ Hyung^^ I will go visit at your office!! You know right?! heehee

2011-02-24 @ 2:17am
HyungJun87 @2kjdream Happy Birthday KyuJong, I love you, quickly go back!

2011-02-24 @ 2:34am
2kjdream @HyungJun87 I am going to sleep now!! hee I said I'm sleeping!! Call me tmr~~^^

2011-02-24 @ 2:41am
WarrenBONBOO @HyungJun87 Oing there is no live radio broadcast today?

2011-02-24 @ 2:42am
TaewanakaCLuv My dear KyuJong, sincerely wishing you a happy birthday!!

2/24/11 1:44 AM
parkmaehee @2kjdream So it's KyuJong's birthday.. Happy Birthday.. Hope your acting and album will all be a big success this year^^

2011-02-24 @ 2:45am
zakkykim @HyungJun87 Missing your calls - - ; @2kjdream Happy Birthday KyuJong!!Bold
2011-02-24 @ 3:05am
eunjinsocial @2kjdream That's why~!! Let's meet soon~~^^

2011-02-24 @ 3:17am
Steven_Lee_ @2kjdream Quickly go sleep kekeke

2011-02-24 @ 10:29am
2kjdream Really really really...!! Thank you..^^ Delicious seaweed soup* yum yum..!! Today is 24-February!!!!!!!~~~
*they drink seaweed soup on birthdays!

2011-02-24 @ 10:57am
2kjdream Aigooo Thank you fans in Korea and overseas fans! I only have apologies that I am not able to thank you one by one .. Thank you very much. Really!! Thanks!!^^

2011-02-24 @ 11:01am
eunjinsocial @2kjdream It's your birthday, shouldn't you be smashed with birthday cake? kekeke

2011-02-24 @ 12:06pm
2kjdream @eunjinsocial Aigoo heehee Let me go for once!!!^^ Today's weather is very good~~heehee

2011-02-24 @ 12:10am
2kjdream Well!! Today 24-Feb is our B2M Representative Gil JongHwa's birthday* (even though hyung kept saying it's still called birthday...) It's birthday*~hee Hyung~~ Happy birthday !! !!!~
*kyu used honorific form for birthday. And so the representative is asking them not to use honorific form indicating he's not that old yet. We usually use honorific form for birthday for elders and parents

2011-02-24 @ 1:07pm
Joker891219 KyuJong hyung happy birthday!!!!!

2011-02-24 @ 1:40pm
2kjdream @Joker891219 Thanks!!!!!!^^ Soon!! Let's go and eat something delicious~~ today's weather is very good~~~

2011-02-24 @ 2:38pm
seanalexander23 @2kjdream HAPPY BIRTHDAY! smile.gif

2011-02-24 @ 2:42pm
skullhong KyuJong hyung happy birthday^^ Because I sent you a text message in the (wee hours of) morning so it's fine that I'm alittle late in twitter right??keke

2011-02-24 @ 2:52pm
2kjdream @seanalexander23 thank u sean!!! so cute !! ~How r u today!~this weekend i'll meet steven and my friends~ invite you to Korea !! [liezle : KJ tweeted this in all English!]

2011-02-24 @ 2:53pm
2kjdream @skullhong heehee thanks!! I'm thankful anytime~~ Timing is not of importance heehee When are we meeting~ I must learn to bowl~~ Bowling man!!!

2011-02-24 @ 2:57pm
seanalexander23 @2kjdream I'm great thank you! I wish I was there with you guys to celebrate! I gotta go to Korea sometime soon.

2011-02-24 @ 3:08pm
JungMin0403 @HyungJun87 Jjun~~ Is there anything you want to eat????^0^*

2011-02-24 @ 3:32pm
WarrenBONBOO @2kjdream @joker891219 KyuJong-ah JunHyung-ah... delicious things taste even better when eaten with many others... ke

2011-02-24 @ 4:47pm
2kjdream @WarrenBONBOO heehee Shall we (eat) together~?^^ I should go visit you at your office!! heehee

2011-02-24 @ 5:48pm
Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream Happy Birthday|~~~ Bbambbarae~~~~^^keke

2011-02-24 @ 6:13pm
Joker891219 @2kjdream Yes hyung heehee Go bowling and eat delicious stuffs too kekekekeke


  1. I'm still hurting from that U-Kiss incident. )':
    I want a brother like HJB...

  2. Micah071:32 AM

    Funny, Kyujong doesn't even bother thanking his fans who've been wishing him since few days ago, taking photos of their gifts for him and all he does is thank those he's following. Sometimes I really pity the fans, so many of them are pleading with him that he would at least reply to those having exams, or having exams etc but he doesn't bother?? How come?? Unless I'm wrong that he does thank them in private by emailing them but I doubt so. While I understand that he can't possibly reply everyone but at least those who plead? Say a word of encouragement of those having exams or birthdays? Nothing, absolutely nothing at all. Makes me sad :'(

  3. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Ohh jung minnie is soo sweet!^^ Seems like he's been really missing everyone!
    And I feel very sad for kiss me and for ki bum and alexander!T.T Hyung Jun is being a good hyung and supporting his dongsaeng in this difficult time!

    @Micah07 Being a fan is a one-sided thing. We would all like them to answer us, but replying one out of thousands of fans, mayb they dont want to create an uproar! Dont worry, I'm sure Kyu Jongie is feeling immensely grateful to all his fans out there although he is not showing it through his tweets! He loves his pretty peas!^^

  4. Micah072:24 AM

    Thank you anon 2:01 for telling me this, I really felt better after reading your reply and you were really straight to the point and so true too - being a fan is a one-sided thing. I guess I was kinda comparing celebs who'd reply to tweets and then feeling upset that the boys don't. I guess I was also saddened when I saw pleads from the manila's "hand cream girl" from the fanmeet as well as her friends, tweeting to Kyujong for a reply and response. Maybe I shouldn't hold my expects too high, it's one-sided afterall.

  5. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Hyung Jun must feel hurt too when he heard the news about his younger brother got kicked out from NHM, now he's the only one left and must work hard to survive in Entertainment Industry! Hyung Jun and Ki Bum, please keep strong and Fighting!!

    My brother is an actor too so I knew the bad and the good about this industry!

    Happy Birthday Kyu Jong, you're such a sweet person!

    Jung Min, you seem to have good relationship with Kyu Jong too btw I got your CD yesterday hehe

  6. Anonymous6:36 AM

    HJB is really a good caring brother to KiBum

    and Mal is just too sweet as always

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Happy Birthday Kyu Jong

  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I'm so tired of it fans always complaining that KJ, YS or one of the other doesn't reply to fans.
    C'mon what do you think? If they would reply to their fans they have to spend 24/7 on their computer. And if they only reply to a few fans the others would be upset and a new drama will start!
    why aren't you happy about the fact that they use twitter and let you be a part of their personal life?

  9. 501% agree with 4:06 PM!


  10. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Agree with 2:01 AM n 4:06 PM,,besides..Kyu Jong Oppa already thanked all his fans in one of his tweet,,the one with pink baloons pict:)

  11. My 3 fave tweets here are:
    3- Kyu tweeting to Sean Alexander in english :)
    2- Min asking Jjun if he there's anything he wants to eat :)

    and of course ——

    1- Min's and Jjun's birthday greeting to Kyu :D !!!!

    Those tweets are so sweet!!!

  12. thank you so so much for the many tweet trans yesterday, xiaochu!!
    i love JM & HJB for sending loving birthday wishes to KJ right away. i love HJB for loving and supporting his brother so much. i love JM trying to cheer up HJB. i love how so many people love KJ because he's the sweetest guy ever. i love KJ for his sweet thank yous to all fans! <3 happy birthday, dear KJ! :D

  13. Anonymous10:55 PM

    after this we will going to miss HJB sing U-kiss song at Music High lol...
