
Sunday, February 13, 2011

[Article] Hyun Joong talks about his music and solo album in depth

Much much thanks to Lafone for doing the translation of the interview done my B-Pass to Hyun Joong last December.

In the interview Hyun Joong talks about in depth his music and album which was announced to be release in May of this year. Yeah, yeah, I know many are already excited and anticipating.

Here's Lafone's translation of the interview. Btw, according to Lafone B-Pass is a rather professional music magazine.


[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong talks about his forthcoming album

Interview done in December 2010
Source : B-Pass
Japanese to English translation by Lafone /

Q1: What kind of album you have in mind? ( to be released in summer?)

A : Now in the process of selecting songs from the candidates. I have not yet decided the contents. I received roughly 300 candidate songs. I will select 5~6 songs till the end of December.

Q2: Any tips for Japanese fans who are anxiously awaiting your album ?

A : Well, the dance numbers are focused. I would like to write some lyrics by myself, though I still wonder I can compose a song or not. I will include a Japanese version as well. The album will have a variety, a China version, Taiwan version, to be addressed to the Asia. As I will upgrade performance as well as vocal, I would like to promote showcase activities. I will do my best so that I will be able to have a promotional showcase in Japan.

Q3 : You previously talked that you were composing songs by playing a guitar, or piano in your private studio at home. How about your recent music activities?

A : As I am too much occupied that I cannot have such a private time. In order to prepare for my solo album, I would like to have a dance lesson first. For that purpose, a famous dancer is coming from NY , who choreographed for Usher Raymond IV(R&B singer), Justine Timberlake, and Ne-Yo. I will take a private dance lesson from him.

Q4: Wow, we can expect a genuine dance performance !

A : Yes, please look forward to seeing it. Therefore, I would like to challenge to guitar, or composing songs after I upgrade my dance performance to the level I feel satisfied.

Q5: Recently, Kpop is getting more and more popular. How do you feel about it?

A: I am very happy that many Korean activists are active in Japan, getting high reputation now. Though the center of the popular artists are now boys group as well as girls groups, I would like to make my best efforts by myself so that I can prove that Korean solo artists are fantastic.

Q6: Wow, it increases our expection !What kind of music, do you aim?

A: The music I would like to aim is “ performance music “ . With fusion of music, dance, and a beautiful video art, I would like to show audiovisual performance which stimulates sense of vision and hearing.

Q7: What kind of film or audiovisual, do you like the best?

A: First of all, I like SF. Among recent films, I like “Transformer” and “Avatar” .
I am interested in that kind of vision.

Q8: Do you think of creating something, reflecting such SF-like audiovisual into your MV?

A: Yes, that is right ! My MV will be something new and very unique one, being inspired by those creations. I have something in my mind now. When you have my next album in your hand, you will understand, “ This is what Hyun Joong wanted to realize !”

Q9: From now on, you are going to expand your activities to Japan, China, Taiwan and so on, to the global world. What you would like to achieve in Asia?

A: I would like to have a big charity event with all the fans from Asia at one spot.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    thank you for translating and sharing, lafone & liezle!
    ooh HJL will finally have time to start writing songs like the rest of the members. ^^
    and i'm excited about his "new and unique sci-fi" MV. it'll probably be about aliens. lol XD
    wow, multiple versions. i dream that someday, SS501 will release Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin versions of an album, and then they'll be the #1 Male Group in Asia. *_*

  2. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Thank you so much ^__^
    I'm so excited *scream*
    can't wait for his album and MV!

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Very ambitious, yet very exciting. Can't wait to hear his new songs and see the MVs.

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Sounds interesting...can't wait for your new album!!!

    Thanks Liezle and Lafone for sharing.

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Happy to know that he currently practices dancing with teacher from USA.
    Fighting, Kim Hyun Joong.

  6. Anonymous6:45 PM

    sci-fi is totally Leader!! i won't be surprised if he'll include a scene of him going to the outer space and to the other planets.. than maybe he'll land on one and found the other SS501's members! gosh i'd love to see tht! but what kinda song will fit in tht kinda MV???haha.. anyways Leader is always 4-D.. good luck HJL!!!

  7. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Hyun Joong+SF+mv = Hyun Joong wearing alien outfit in MV!LOL

  8. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Thanks Liezle for sharing this post! Have to say, really can't wait for PK promotions in Japan and his solo album in May. I'm sure his MV'll be a blast and perhaps like what anon@1:18 and anon@7:34 said, there'll be something about aliens! LOL! Btw, thanks for being so generous and patient with all the hullabaloo at the comment section for HJL's attendance of Junsu's musical. I'm getting tired of all the same old, same old questions/accusations...

  9. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I am happy to see and hear leader's vision and aspiration but i am also afraid of late fans are squabbling over him and ss401Fans can be a joy and a pain too and i feel sorry for liezle whom take great pains to gives us i think to teach these divided fans a lesson liezle should close the comment box for good so that they can vent their displeasure to themselves only and not gives you a headache anymore.

    Sorry its just my opinion and im not anybody biases...

    Have a good day...

  10. comments such as ss401 is no good. there is only ss501. so please stop using such. it'll start another word war.

    i am not closing the comment boxes of my blog. will only close particular post/s if i find it necessary. there is nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion. i just want visitors and posters (whoever your biase is) to be more sensitive, sensible and open minded.

    i am pretty sure everyone knows that my blog in not biased to anyone. i love a SS501 and i love them individually. you write hurtful words to any member i'll surely delete them.

  11. LeaderBias11:16 PM

    usually i'm always give a comment whenever news about Leader..

    but lately there's so many negatives comments about him and it really hurtful to read those comments..

    i just hope Leader will really succeed in the coming solo album...

  12. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Leader heard fans missed him so much,so he came out for a walk.....end up so many ???????????????? mark on him,aigoo!

  13. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Oh...4D boy and very ambitious and positive as usual! Can't wait for hyunjoong's first solo album. Will give out every possible support for it!!! Missing him so much....

  14. Anonymous12:38 AM

    I can't wait! Exciting already!

  15. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Yes Liezle , I strongly support you to close posts of all negative comments. Everyone knows what your blog is abt : LOVE of SS501. Knowing that, these people still want to make negative comments, they are just unhappy people so, the correct and positive way is to cut them off.

    Thank always for all your updates !

  16. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Yehey, another news about leader. Always happy to read any news about Leader.

    Read the comments in the other post. Just so sad fans want to dictate how he should behave. SS501, soccer, drinking soju with friends, playing guitar, charity works are among other facets. Let the boy live his life the way he wants it with no obligations imposed by fans.

    As a mamafan, I am just glad to see his happy face. Makes my day!

  17. Anonymous3:20 PM

    can't wait .... love u kim hyun joong

  18. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Love you, Kim Hyun Joong.
    Very hapy to read any news about Kim Hyun Joong.
