
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Full PUSH EXCLUSIVE Interview with Kyu Jong & Young Saeng

Link to watch this vid was posted yesterday on the sidebar, I am reposting the video again, this time via Youtube. Much thanks to mukamuka501 for uploading this. Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.

Sometimes, I wish that interviewers will stop asking questions about girlfriends or lovelife to any of the members because as it is we know we would not get real answersI do hope though that they give the question/s some twist like asking questions about girls not directly to the the person in subject but to the other member or revealing naughtiest thing a member knows about one member. In a way, we get to squeeze some juice, yah? Do you guys get what I mean? ^^


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    the way kyujong gets all coy when asked about girlfriends...i think he has one now! another stupid question was during the fanmeet on one of the letters youngsaeng picked. the question was whether it was possible to fall in love with a triple S or something? he very diplomatically answered that its not possible to fall in love with just one. i really think this kinda questions are so uncalled for.

    kyujong also mentioned something like when it comes to love, race doesn't matter. of course he'll say that. even if he thinks race matters he wouldn't tell the truth. which is why sometimes i really hate interviews cause they always give "politically correct answers".

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Yess, I have to agree with this! Almost all interviews keep asking about their love lives etc or girlfriends and the boys will try to give answers to please everyone!
    But yeah it'd be more interesting if they were asked more fun things!XD

  3. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I also have to agree with it.
    And as you watch their body lanugage you will find the right answer. Both of them have a girlfriend!
    They couldn't say that they have a girlfriend because the fans would freak out completly but on the other hand they are not good lyers and try to answer evasively.
    In one interview YS also said that he has no girlfriend and if they would ask other idol groups they would say the same. What kind of answer is that?
    The last few month they had enough time to meet with girls and I'm really sure they found one.
    And if you are all honest to yourself you know I am right.
    And if you don't think so, go and ask someone who studied bodylanguage and he will tell you that YS is lying when he said he is single!

  4. Immagnen11:13 PM

    I agree with you. I'm so tired of the girlfriend question, we get the same answer everytime. They have been trained since before their debut on how to answer this question.

    I also agree with the other posters, that at least one of them has a girlfriend now. They were so awkward in answering the question, its pretty obvious. I replayed that moment twice just for a laugh, the awkwardness amused me.

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    also, sometimes i feel that the ideal girl thing is like pretty rehearsed also. this is actually to prevent fans from probing further. kyujong said his ideal girls are oh se jung and yoobin, if really that's the case that oh se jung or yoobin likes him also, then why aren't they together after all these years?

  6. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Totally true!! besides that, I feel kind of sorry for them. That's a huge pressure, being asked about girlfriends by loads of women who are willing to pay just to date them for a day.
    I wish there are more questions about the other members involved. I don't care whether they have gfs or not, it's impossible to date them anyway. I'm much more interested in their relationship with each other, how they see each other.
    After all, that and their music and personality are what have brought a fangirl inside of me.

  7. Haha anonymous 10.55, I thought about the same thing too. They were indeed pretty free during the last few months!

  8. I also think that Young Saeng is the one who is taken.
    First of all his reaction. No I'm Single - BIG SMILE - looking awkward in the camera.
    And than, did you watch the fancams from the airport in Korea?
    He was ALWAYS on his phone checking his stuff. He also almost crashed into the door because he didn't looked up.
    If he just want to check the mails from his buddys or what's new than why don't he wait until he is in the car.
    He couldn't wait to check his phone and that looks really like he is taken!

  9. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Totally true!! besides that, I feel kind of sorry for them. That's a huge pressure, being asked about girlfriends by loads of women who are willing to pay just to date them for a day.
    I wish there are more questions about the other members involved. I don't care whether they have gfs or not, it's impossible to date them anyway. I'm much more interested in their relationship with each other, how they see each other.
    After all, that and their music and personality are what have brought a fangirl inside of me.

  10. i also have to agree with all of you..young saeng really look awkward when he answering the question..looks like he hesitate a bit to let out the answer..and that answer is kinda too short right..opcho..kerocho..
    their awkward reaction continue when they were asked about their ideal girl..haha really love to see that shy expression on young saeng cute..

  11. Anonymous12:42 AM

    I guess this kind of answer is for fans who are delusioned or are stupid enough to believe what they say. Seriously I think alot of fans are deluded, going to the extend of calling the boys "my hubby" or "Kyujong oppa is waiting for me in bed, i must go now" etc, pretty disgusting to read D:

  12. Anonymous5:24 AM

    to be fair, maybe they just reacted that way because they, too, are getting tired of that question. every single reporter from every single country they visit, they get asked about girlfriends. XD;
    and maybe they're just shy/embarrassed about NOT having girlfriends. YS even said, "used to when i was young" lol! (i always feel bad when they call themselves old. they're only 24! it's senior for idols, but not for artists/musicians. ^^)
    but i'm not being delusional. i agree it's quite possible they are dating and just naturally hiding it. i actually thought it was KJ since he barely answered the questions. ;D
    anyway, thanks for sharing!

  13. @5:24
    on 2nd thought,yeah you might be may be kyu jong or it also may be young saeng..actually i dont mind which one..hehe..i just hope they are happy with their love one,if not now maybe in the future...

    still,i wish they were more open about least we as their fan can share their happiness..but well they are idol right, so why i ever expect for something like that..hehe

    and also as liezle said,the interviewer should kn0w how to extract the will be more exciting..hehe

  14. Anonymous4:37 PM

    right right! i agree...interviewers really sucks sometimes..asking the boys things that green peas already know the answer of..or know the rehearsed answer for that matter..what does it matter if they have girlfriends?..come on! didn't green peas agreed to support them all the way? and that includes supporting their girlfriends too.. they are normal people just like us..fact is we can love them, we can cry for them and we can fight to death for them for that matter BUT we don't own them..


  15. fangirling5018:32 PM

    i do feel its easier said than done, its only a minority of fans who will truly feel happy for them if they are attached. its only human nature to feel envy and jealous coz i will feel that too if i knew they have girlfriends. perhaps not confessing is to protect their partners from anti-fans.

    im curious though, if they're really attached where could they possibly bring their dates without a horde of papparazi or fans taking pics and making a big hooha? given their popularity i don't think they can keep it a secret for long.

  16. Anonymous12:13 AM

    haha, funny reaction of Kyu
    in 1:56, it's like, "oh here we go again..."hehe
    5:08 Kyu. think..think think which is which..hehe
