
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hilariously Cute! Jung Min makes a 'boy' blush! ^_^

Much thanks to cllslam10 once again for tweeting this nice clip and putting info on her YT channel. Thanks as well to No. 43Park for the clip.

This show was shown on SBS last Feb 4.

Below info was lifted from cllslam10' YT channel...

This is hilarious. There are 4 kids on the stage. 3 of them are girls & 1 is a boy. The guests have to guess who are the girls and boy. The MCs called out 3 guests up the stage and 1 of them is jungminnie. The MCs told the guests to put hv a little skinship with the kids eg like putting their hands on their shoulders. Cos usually if guys touched girls, they will turn red with embarrassment. The kid that Jungminnie touched turned red with embarrassment. The MCs told Jungminnie... if the kid is a girl, how can he touched her like that? But after that, the MC told jungminnie to do the same thing to other kids to see their reactions... ^^


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    umm i don't get it, so which one is the girl? the 1st one that jungmin put his arms around her?

  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    haha, funny jungminnie. So the 2 kids in the middle are girls because they turned red. who is the 3rd girl then? bcoz then still pretending. hehe

  3. Anonymous11:39 PM

    nope! if you have watched the whole show. you will know the 1st person that JM put his arm around is a man!!!
    Park Charisma ah!!!
    even make guy blush ^^ keke

    p.s. the other 3 is girls.

  4. Anonymous11:55 PM

    jungmin is truly the sexy charisma of ss501.even boys can't resist his
    i just gotta say that he looks even more handsome than usual in this vid!!
    thanks for sharing

  5. Anonymous12:48 AM

    The first guy Jungmin put his arms around is actually not a little kid, he's older than Jungmin! His dongsaeng came later on and his age was 30! So this hyung is already 30 something! This was the Youth Contest where contestants look younger than their actual age so the other "kids" are actually all 23 and 24 years of age.

  6. Anonymous12:57 AM

    the first contestant is a 24 years old guy. the rest are all females, ages 33, 22 and 24 respectively. the first and fourth were trying to throw ppl off. the 2nd and 3rd couldn't control their reaction to jungminnie's touch. lol.

  7. i lol so loud when the MC ask JM not to "hug" until like that~~~!

  8. @12:48 and @12:57 thank you for letting us know about the show.

  9. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I watched the full version of this show, no subs so I had no idea what they're talking about! ^^ but Jung Min is so charismatic, handsome and tall! Love him everyday, he used to be my favorite member, I think I start to like him again!

  10. Anonymous4:53 AM

    it was so funny seeing those 'ahjumas' getting excited to see the kid's reaction....

    and i agree with 4:42
    jung min is so handsome and tall and charismatic and manly him more and more...

  11. Anonymous6:02 AM

    waaahhhh!!!!! i wish i was the one Minnie was hugging^^

    very mischievous of Mal to do that^^, of course, i will be delighted and concious if he back hugs me

    thank you for the vids and thank you as well to anonys 12:48 and 12:57 for your inputs (A)

  12. Anonymous2:48 PM

    anon 4:53 AM

    I'm not only attracted dues to his physical appearance, I love his warm personality and his loyalty and supportive action towards his band members..! he makes me to love him!

  13. Anonymous5:53 PM

    If he back hugs me like that,I'll die of happiness!
