
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[Info] Jung Min on M Super Concert on 02.23.11

When Jung Min returns tonight to Korea [he is currently airborne] from Taiwan there will be no rest day for Jung Min as tomorrow he will be MC at M Super Concert.

Here are the details of his appearance and how can fans be part of it. Thanks to xiaochu of Quainte501 for the translation.


02/22 [info] Park JungMin - M Super Concert on 23-Feb

Credits : CNR media + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


CNR Media

M Super Concert (

1. Date : 23 February 2011, Wednesday
2. Time : 6pm
3. Venue : KBS DeungChon-dong 88 Stadium
4. Apperance : Park JungMin (MC)
5. Entrance by order of arrival on day itself.
6. Fan’s seats : Confirmed 100 seats – On that day when you arrive at the venue, the security will do the arrangement. (Will be confirmed by the staffs on that day, hope you can refer to them.)
7. Authentication method during entrance for fan’s seats : Park JungMin Not Alone album (CD), ringtone, choose 1 out of the 2

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    wuri mal is a very busy boy
