
Friday, February 11, 2011

[Pix] Kyu Jong Gimpo Pix 01.24.11

It's been three weeks since Kyu Jong arrived from Japan from their fan meeting together with Young Saeng when this photos surfaced tonight.

Below pix are photos lifted from Much thanks to 00lanse for posting in Baidu.


  1. Anonymous1:27 AM

    i was reading the manila fan account by and according to her if fans say anything to the boys or if they're noisy it would anger the korean staff. which is why when they sang him happy birthday song or snow prince he went "ssshhhh" to the fans.

    i don't understand why and am abit angered by this. if this is really true what right do the staff have to get angry? liezle or any TS, is it true there's such thing?

  2. hi 1:27. are you talking about singing at the venue? because as far as i remember the singing of the birthday song at the venue was loud and we even sang twice. and why would the korean staff be angry singing at the venue?

    could it be the blogger was blogging about keeping the silence a bit down at the hotel?


  3. Anonymous2:33 AM

    hi liezle, thanks for your prompt reply. it puzzles me too but this was really what i read, from here :

    look at point no. 4, she wrote "4. Bodyguards and bouncers would always advise us not to say anything to the boys because the Korean staff around them would get mad. One time, we sang 'Snow Prince' while Young Saeng and Kyu Jong are leaving the hotel for their rehearsal, Kyu Jong give a hand gesture such as putting his pointing finger in his mouth it's like he's saying 'Sssshhhh', he's probably worried that Korean staff would get mad at us and prohibit us from seeing them."

    how true is that?

  4. well, i guess the boys and their staff are probably worried about the noise that fans will create at the hotel especially if it's at the lobby. because there are other guests in the hotel.and also hotels do not tolerate such behavior and can even ban guests if this things happen whenever the boys come and go.

    at the hotel i saw fans at the main lobby but most of the fans that i saw were at the ground level entrance. the boys didn't use the main lobby to go in and out of the hotel but the other entrance.


  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    i don't know man, but if anything it should be the hotel staff and guests to get angry, not the korean staff so i really don't see the logic behind. moreover i feel that hotels should tolerate such behavior, afterall you're talking about famous and popular TV stars/singers coming here, what kind of peace and quiet do you expect? if the hotels are really so strict about it then they should not allow fans to even enter the hotel or keep the boys' skeds a secret.

    what i was thinking is, i just hope that the korean staff are not bias, and that they do not hate fans.
