
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong, KBOOM 2011 Feb Vol. 66

Much thanks to miyo of LoveKimHyunJoong for this very interesting translation from the magazine KBOOM.

Though the interview happened in December, it still is so nice to read something about Hyun Joong when we're kinda having drought spell when it comes to news about him. This is some sort of a relief. ^^


[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong, KBOOM 2011 Feb Vol. 66
Scanned by Elley
Japanese-English Translations: miyo

Special Interview – Kim Hyun Joong

Looking from his outlook, he looks like an “urban style man” who is at a fancy café terrace drinking espresso and at the same time managing his schedule on his smart phone. But in actual fact, he is far from the image that we had imagined to be, he doesn’t enjoy using not just the smart phone but as well as the internet too. He is the “Analog man” who you meet once in a while at the soccer field asking “How are you doing?” more than sending mails via the mobile.

His “cool” talk about Korean drama 「Playful Kiss」

- From TV version to YouTube version, it’s quite a long time spent for one drama.
When one of the works such as albums and dramas etc has finished, I would think that another one more of my works has increased which in future I could show to my children and boast about it. This drama 「Playful Kiss」 is one of such works.

- For the filming of the YouTube version, was there any special experience that you had…
Comparing to the broadcast on TV, there isn’t really much restriction to the “exposure of brand names”. During the broadcast on TV, as there are restrictions in regards to the exposure of brand names, there were many times we almost laughed out as we were trying to hide the brand names. Needless to say we have to also take note of the restriction in the midst of the dialogues and scenes…. So for the YouTube special version, we are free from all these restrictions and as we were able to act freely, which is very good as more possibilities are widened.

- This piece of work is your first drama as the leading actor alone, do you feel attached, regrets about it?
For this work, I can feel how much responsibility there is alone as the leading actor.

- Unfortunately the viewership did not increase, in regards to this what do you think about it?
Frankly speaking, I wasn’t worried about it. If I were to worry about the viewer ratings, surely from the beginning I would have choose a blockbuster drama. I have no regrets at all as I acted the character that I wanted to act as and I have work hard for it.

- how was the reactions around?
The people around are more worried about the ratings than I do. So on the contrary I encouraged and said, “As I have expected that it would be low, later it will go up”… (laughs)

- In the drama, with heroine Jung So Min having a sweet love story, is the style of love of Baek Seung Jo the same as Hyun Joong??
Totally different. Because I do not want to love like he did (laughs). He looks slightly unfriendly but in fact he is caring type of guy. While I’m acting as him, there are times when I could not agree with his style of love. I feel that if you like, you should express it out.

- while acting, in fact do you feel that you want to fall in love too?
In fact I haven’t really thought about it. Actually, I don’t really have the time for it…. The first thing that I could think of is “I want to sleep even for a minute more!” (laughs). This is how tight the filming schedule was. How can I be so carefree and think of “I want to be in love!” (laughs)?

- Following after 「Boys Over Flowers」, this time the story is also revolves around the school, other than the original story is adapted from manga, is there any other similarity?
Overall the lines seemed unnatural…(laughs). Yoon Ji Hoo and Baek Seung Jo’s lines and the way I talk, the words I used are a big difference. Well it can’t be helped since it’s a campus story.

- Have you thought about your next work or character?
I would like to try acting in action dramas or pure love story drama. As I have already acted as a romantic, kind character, I would like to try acting a bad character.

Analog boy, a glance at Kim Hyun Joong’s daily life

- when you are not working, what do you do?
Definitely soccer! Even during the time filming 「Playful Kiss」, no matter how little time I have to sleep, I will definitely join in to play soccer. The members are made up from junior high school and high school students to elderly people. I’m always playing with my trainer and dancers.

- Heard that you have excellent reflexes. Which position are you at?
Position doesn’t really matters in normal soccer team in the region (laughs). When I don’t have the strength, I will be at the back, it depends on the condition I am on that day and if it’s good I will attack. The position changed in according to the condition of the body at that time.

- Though there are a lot of artistes who are hooked onto smart phones and twitter, Hyun Joong didn’t join in?
I hardly play games or use the internet. Usually I will check my mails, look at my news articles, visiting my fan café and leaving message…, 30minutes would be enough. I also don’t use a smart phone as I have no interest in it.

- do you often keep in contact with TVXQ’s Jae Joong and Yoo Chun?
「Playful Kiss」 which I have acted in and Yoo Chun’s 「SungKyunKwan Scandal」 ended at the same time. Though it was decided to gather together but JYJ overseas activities had started so we could not carried out what we had promised…. I think when things have been settled, we would go have a drink together.

- It was said that you had a rival relationship with Yoo Chun. Even on the popularity polls, both of you were always fighting over the 1st and 2nd place….
Both of us have a lot in common, debuting from idol groups, started out our acting activities at around the same time. So we were being said as rivals. In such point of view, I think we are sort of rivals but in actual fact, we are really good friends.

Kim Hyun Joong’s roots, SS501

- music and acting, which do you greed for?
Which ever it is, it is hard to choose, to me both of them are important. Currently preparing the album to target it for May next year. There are a lot of things that I would like to try out next year. I would also like to have Asia Fan Meeting and World Fan Meeting.

- a lot of fans are worried about the future of SS501…
We have spent a few years being together almost everyday. We do not contact each other everyday like lovers do but we do tell about our status. As each members are in their new management company, we talk about things like each of our working life doing what kind of work.

- are you in good terms with the members?
There isn’t any reason to become bad. Recently I had been mailing Kyu Jong and Young Saeng. For this year’s Christmas, I planned to spend it with Young Saeng and a few other friends.

- when will we be able to see activities as SS501?
I will not be able to say when. It seems to look like it’s difficult to gather 5 of us to work but actually it’s simple. What is clear is that the 5 of us will gather together at any time for the fans. However I’m not making irresponsible comments for just wanting the fans to wait for us. I think that for now is the period for us to grow which is necessary for each of us. In due time, I want to hold a concert for all the fans.

- what kind of concert would it be?
It will not be a profit earning concert. For the sake of fans that have waited for us, I want to have a concert where tickets will be cheaper and all the profits will be donated. But of course, this will have to be approved by each of our management companies else it will not be possible…. I would want to do that.

- separated from the group and experienced having solo activities, surely you have realized the importance of the members?
During the time having activities as a group, the missing part of each can be filled up by other members but it is not possible when being alone. So I will have to work 5 times harder.

“Little Yong-sama” Kim Hyun Joong’s Challenge

- since when the nickname “Little Yong-sama” was attached to the front of Hyun Joong’s name. Do you feel any pressure about it?
Whether or not, I must accept this challenge. Because Bae Yong Joon sunbae, I have became a little famous, I’m very thankful.

- you have participated in the event at Tokyo Dome on 14th December right.
As this event was held with a wonderful purpose, a lot of preparations were done. Especially on singing and also the stage performance….

- Among the overseas fans, is there any particular fans that left an impression?
I received letters written in Korean from a lot of overseas fans and a lot of them wrote very interesting things…(laughs). There is this particular Japanese fan. In the letter she wrote, “I love Hyun Joong more than my hubby.” Feeling a little troubled over it… (laughs)
- have you mentioned that you wanted to get married early…?
I thought of getting married when I’m 30yrs old but when I really think about it and realized that this plan is out of the way…. Being a star, is to enjoy having the spotlight on own self but I still feel the pressure…. So be it either in love or married, I probably will not let anyone know about it…


  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    i have always believed in my boy. this interview proves it ^^ hwaiting, hyun joongie! you'll always have us by your side!

  2. Anonymous2:29 AM

    wow...not just a solo charity concert but a group charity concert? I will so look forward to this ^ ^

  3. Anonymous2:38 AM

    That's my boy! I'll always support you forever and ever FIGHTING!

  4. Anonymous3:32 AM

    He is such a level-headed person. He is honest, intelligent and funny. You could not have a better leader than wuri Hyun Joong.

  5. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Very nice article!^^ Hyun Joong-ssi is a very interesting person!haha Aigoo analog guy? Omo no chance of seeing him join twitter...T.T

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Showing his children Playful Kiss?????? He wants to make his children bad. What does he go to show his children from PK? How to kiss? How many times need to kiss? How shamful is that? He needs to rethink about how to be a good daddy before showing it. Most parents do not let their children watch it because it infulences baddly while they need to grow up well.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    In America, Playful Kiss will only be PG-13 or even just PG. I've seen kid show in America that has bad language, violent and lots of kisses but only PG-13.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    PK is love between two persons who are different from each other and still the love grows with each benefitting from the strength of the other. Is that bad??

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Even if ur children are 20plus years old...u'll still refer to them as 'my children'. HJL didnt mention at wad age he'll show pk to his children, so y r u assuming tat children refers to kids??

    Tis kind of ppl r out to create war again...ignore them...e more u defend, e happier they r...

    Anyway, hwaiting to leader. I've always enjoyed reading and watching his interviews =)

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Love him.
    I'm very happy to read any his interview, funny, intelligent, warm heart,...
    Fighting, Kim Hyun Joong.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Maybe he will show his kids how he met their mother, kekeke

  12. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I think from now on,
    in every HJL’s articles there will be some ppl using stupid thing as the reason to bashing him (like in this freakin funny though)
    jealous much? lol
    I don’t want to say this but seriously…there some jealousy TS that too jealous and become HJL antis just because he is too popular….
    Those are ppl who like to bashing him with every f_cking thing he does or doesn’t

    There TS who purely concerned about SS501
    but there also TS who jealous HJL for their favorite….those are ppl who covering their real intention, trying to blend in and create the war between fans
    at first I don’t want to say all this but it’s true…because there always some ppl like that…

    I think we should just ignore those jealousy comments
    Now I get used to it and find it funny….seriously those ppl really need to find themselves some therapist....

  13. Anonymous4:29 PM

    anon 2.33
    I agree with you 100%.These remarks made are purely jeolousy.
    I miss them all alas i shall wait till they return.Im going crazy with longing..

  14. Anonymous11:27 PM

    anonymous 2.33
    I agree with you not only 100% but 501%.....just ignore their commen and
    continue to support leader....

  15. Anonymous11:34 PM

    @9:42 If you have nothing nice or constructive to say, could you please refrain from commenting? Thank you! Thank you liezle for posting this. Eventhough it's rather late as the interview was done in December, still as you say, it is very nice and definitely interesting reading our blunt and 4-D prince interview. LOL! Not interested in smartphone or for that matter, IT? Wuri HJL is such a conservative person! Me like! Anyway, totally looking forward to Japan PK promotions and not to mention, his solo album in May! All the best to you, KHJL!!!

  16. Anonymous1:29 AM

    there must some ts like 9:42 who are so jealous of wuri hyunjoong and always bash about him... pls stop coming here and spend time for more constructive things.

    anony 2.33 pm, can't agree more to you! ppl should just ignore that kind of silly comments because the world know what an amazing/beautiful person our kim hyung joong is, in and out.

  17. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Poor Joong. Some TripS are now antifan to him.
    But it doesn't impact to his success and famous.
    Forwards, Kim Hyun Jooong.

  18. Anonymous10:09 AM

    i don't think the basher is
    ts but rather the fan of the girl they want to pair with HJ from a reality show. I read the same comment in their blog while PK was showing.

  19. Anonymous5:25 PM

    LOL, people who gives negative comment to leader aren't antis, they are Triple S that is not blinded and biased.

    Fans that only know leader or like leader from Boy before flower and Playful kiss are the one that is not a Triple S, they just like leader, and when they know leader is from SS501 and the fanclub called Triple S, they call themselves Triple S without even care about other members.

    That is very annoying to me.

  20. sweetandlovelyfanwhoreallyloveHJLandSS5016:11 PM

    ehem-ehem...excuse me anon 5:25

    yes, i knew leader from the boys over flowers drama, and then started to search his other talent and found out that he is the leader of SS501 because one of the BOF OST that i really love is SS501's. From that i started to find more about him until i realized how talented SS501 and they are awesome and yes i call myself a Triple S because i really love and support them not only leader but all 5 of them. and YOU should not saying a fan like me annoying and only like leader because that's really UNFAIR.One more thing i'm not a Triple S that can be blinded by all those negative comments and whatever comment it is..i will still and keep supporting LEADER(kim hyun joong) and SS501.

    sorry for the long post liezle.

  21. Anonymous8:24 PM

    @9:42am - you make me laugh. I m so sorry for you as u must lead a sad life. If you think that the type of kissing in PK, including the frequency, will have a bad influence on young people, I think u should just lock urself up as u will not survive in this world. Go read a nursery rhyme book. With a brain as small as yours, u probably will not even get it. A 5 year old will be able to talk more sense than u. Go take a nap.
    Anyways, thanks to miyo for translating this interview and to liezle for reposting. It's always a delight to read stuff about HJ. He is such an interesting person, very funny and very real.
    Sure he has antis, who doesn't. But one thing is obvious, there are more people who love him. This is a fact.

  22. Anonymous8:39 PM

    @8:24 I totally agree with u. Actually, the more leader gets bashed, the more popular he becomes. Maybe we should thank the bashers instead. Hahaha.
    Thanks miyo for taking the time to translate such a long interview. Leader is consistent with his answers. He is so funny too. Looking forward to reading more stuff about him. Thanks liezle for posting.

  23. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Every single of his words and even a little step of his act will definitely become hot topics. Some people will argue each other. It's natural that his step will not please all people. They attack him n the others defend him. That's Kim Hyun Joong effect. I love SS501 because of him, n me, love khj the most. How witty he is in wgm and how charming he is as ji hoo. Just hope n pray for their comeback.

  24. Anonymous11:21 PM

    what do u think will SS501 feel if they learned that TS are fighting with each other? all of us are TS that's why we support them. It's just that we have our own favorite member. But Im sure nobody wants them to be disbanded. right? So just stop fighting w/ each other. Let's keep our trust on them. Let's just wait for their comeback TOGETHER. Im sure SS501 will be very happy to see triple S still united, waiting for them.

  25. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I'm anony 2:33 PM

    TO anony 5:25 PM
    I think you are the one who blinded and biased.
    I know those who give negative comments are not all antis but some...
    (I think I already make it clear in my previous post)

    "There TS who purely concerned about SS501
    but there also TS who jealous HJL for their favorite….those are ppl who covering their real intention, trying to blend in and create the war between fans"
    I quote it here just FOR YOU...

    I've seen it in another fandoms before when one particular member is too popular something like this happens....
    oh humanity...

    well,this is the last time I'm going to reply something like this...

  26. Anonymous4:28 AM

    It's Leader fans who keep tricking haters into bashing the leader, no matter how much you defense Leader, haters gonna hate! The more you praise him and the more you become defensive about him, the more haters he will get..

    You see, how many comments Triple S made in every Leader's article? More than 30 comments because Triple S care more about their Leader than other members!

    Please give more attentions to articles about Jung Min, Young saeng, Hyung Jun and Kyu Jong!

  27. Anonymous9:33 AM

    @4:28am - you're delusional.. you're saying the more HJ's fans defend him, the more haters he will have. Your statement is devoid of logic. although I doubt if you know what I am trying to say. You want ppl to pay more attention to the rest of the boys and give less attention to HJ. Yeh, dream on. I don't call myself a TS but a Hyunnie but that said, I like the other boys too. I don't wish them any harm but wish them success as well in their solo activities.
    So PLEASE, try and say something more sensible. otherwise, don't say anything at all. I think this is mainly the request of most of HJ's fans. If you have nothing good to say or don't like HJ at all, then we have nothing against you. Just leave him and his fans alone. You can't blame HJ for being the most popular. He is. and as someone has said before, the bashers are making him more popular. This is certainly not far-fetched.

  28. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I'm sorry, but I find 4:28AM's logic very amusing, LOL. I have been avoiding using the "J" word, but with 4:28 comment, I have to say that's the example of jealousy.

    4:28 is saying that people are hating on Leader because he has too many comments on his articles. She's saying all Leader fans is the one that cause all this hate because we defend him too much??? So she has not taken into account that all this defensiveness started from someone saying (or implicitly implying) bad thing about Leader first. Has she not notice the articles where Leader got very little comments to no comment at all are the article where people don't try to say bad thing about Leader? Has she not been here long enough to see the articles from other member also has lots of comments too if someone say bad thing about other member?

    One thing I do agree with her, haters are gonna hate. So doesn't matter what I just wrote it doesn't change anything. And I'm not trying to convince anyone. I just find her comment so funny that I want to comment on it.

    Oops, I've just added to Leader's comment count. Did I just add another degree of hatred for Leader. Sorry Leader.

  29. Anonymous9:50 AM

    some people just wont stop. i only saw few not so negative comments on leader here but look at how his fans are jumping. i am a ts and bias to leader and i hear complains from other ts that leader's fans specially hardcore fans are a pain in the butt. it hurs because like what i mentioned i am a leader bias but on a different way. hurtful but true, his fans are being a liability to him. analyze your behaviour if you love leader.


  30. Yay, this is getting to be a usual occurrence whenever there’s a HJL’s article. Why is it like this?

    I am closing down the comment box again.

    If I am to make a scoreboard I think I know who the winners are… silent, levelheaded, sensible and rational fans.

    Really there is no need to fight… fandom is supposed to be fun, right?

