
Saturday, February 12, 2011

[Vid] Hyun Joong @ Tears of Heaven Opening 02.12.11

Much thanks to iamsom for tweeting the link to anpan2H YT Channel. TVDaily posted clip of stars who were at the opening JYJ's Junsu musical 'Tear of Heaven'. Hyun Joong appeared from mark 40 to 57.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Hehe! Darling KHJL looks so shy and awkward! But as usual, gorgeous as ever! Very glad that he looks healthy and yummy-licious in that get-up. Love and miss you so, KHJL!!!

  2. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Yeah, gorgeous as ever. Glad that he is friends with JYJ.

  3. Anonymous12:42 AM

    OMG, I'm very happy to see Leader after 1 month.
    Love & miss him so much.

  4. sorry that i've to delete one comment that i think will again trigger word war. if i see such comments i will definitely delete it. if it becomes uncontrollable i will close again this comment box.

    i hope everyone visiting this post will be sensible and sensitive.

    thank you.


  5. Shocked...confused...shy...awkward...yet so adorable :)

    Thanks for the clip Liezle

  6. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Hmm.. I think I can pretty guess what the other comment is all abt..

    It's so funny looking at Leader's reaction... I think he is still in sleeping mode, seeing the media and flashlights kinda woke him up..


  7. Anonymous2:38 AM

    yeah me too,I can guess what the deleted comment is about....
    just think about that comment make me pissed already....

    Hyun Joong is so
    don't be shy are so gorgeous !

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    gorgeous Hyun Joong, always my No.1 leader......

    i think people always asking too much from HJL, i have enough point to believe he is the best leader of SS501 and that's why i will follow him forever and ever!!!!

  9. Anonymous7:27 AM

    After all this years and his status as a halyu stars. I think it still surprise him the attention he gets. He is just so adodable being so shy. I like him this way. Fame never gets into his head. Such a gorgeous adorable young man.

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    people who blaming HJL on this,they're not even like him in the first place...
    with or without knowing a reason,
    they're already blaming him!

  11. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Though KHJ became a top celebrity, he's still shy and innocent and adorable he is!!! As the above 7:27 said, fame never gets into his head. I can't help loving and supporting him even in this point let alone all his great attitudes and thoughts. What an amazing young man!

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    is the comment about leader not showing support for Baby's musical? ... well it is your blog.... you can do that..... but the other visitors are merely expressing their opinions, and probably hurt why as a leadr he does not show visible signs of support to his members... well, what do we know of HJL real reason... maybe he wants to be dissassociatd with the members since he can stand on his own.... whatever the reason, its his choice ....sad to say, the other 4 should live with this

  13. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The real Triple S are questioning about HJL, because he's the leader and fans care so much about his relationship between the other members.

    We want to see him and those members supporting each other,thats why we are questioning!

    If you are not Triple S, you only like the Leader, automatically you don't care anything about his relationship with other members because your eyes and thoughts only focus on him and only him.

    I don't want to blame Leader, I'm sure he has his own reason that no one knows.

    This is why, it's hard for a group to go on when 2 members having a chemistry but their personalities don't match.

    I love Leader as the whole, even though I'm a bit upset how close he is with JYJ, sometimes I want him to show his public affection for his SS brothers! This is just my 2 cent!

    I still believe that he still loves his SS brothers, he just doesn't want to show it!

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    This is happens when you got too much attention I guess....
    being in his shoes must be tough...

    come on ppl...stop it already!

  15. Anonymous9:40 AM

    i know ss501 because of him from wgm! he is my first fav member!
    but i cannot denied my feeling, that im dissapointed with him!
    i mean, where is him when baby had a birthday party? when all the rest of member come where is him when ys and kj and jm had a fanmeeting? where is him when all the member watching baby musical?

    come on! he is ss501 leader! cannot he show up for just once, to show his support! please.. i love him.. i love ss501.. but i trully sad..

  16. Anonymous9:47 AM

    @anon 9:40 AM

    Very well said, and my thought exactly. I'm a Triple S who support all SS501 members. I just want him to at least show up to support his members to avoid rumors and issues.
    Because negative comments about leader, hurts us too. I can't help but feel disappointed about leader.

  17. Anonymous9:52 AM

    where is he this
    where is he that
    ohhhhh come not like you with him 24/7
    everyone has their own reason
    and NO ONE here know his reason yet but isn't someone already blaming him?????????

    I'm so tired of this

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Tug-of-war again between two groups of fans.(Some are triple S and some not). Nobody knows the truth accept KHJ himself.Only time and what happens in future will tell us which group is right.

    All who support SS501 can only hope that they will eventually come together as 5 again and show us their power as a group. Each and everyone of them had shown that they can make it alone or as a duo. Nobody is dependant on any of the other members to make it on their own. Each have their individual talents to be able to garner their own fans.

    But one large group of fans support them as a group and will always look for signs that the bond among the members is still there. The saying 'actions speak louder than words' is true in many situations and 'words are meaningful only if its followed by actions'.

    Therefore when words are not followed by actions, questions will always be asked. Meanwhile all fans who question his actions will have to continue to wait for KHJ to show that his bond with the other members is still there.

    Be patient. The truth will be known one day. Till that day comes,all we can do is cotinue to support them.

  19. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I think he didn't expect that he had to greet the media and fans. He looks like he's not prepared. So cute.
    Funny, how fans expect him to do this at that. It's his life in begin with. We don't know him or any of the other four members that much, or any detail behind the scene. Why questioning and disapointing????... and creat such a bad atmosphere among fans

  20. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I'm a Triple S too and I think this is so funny.

    Won't you guys think that our Leader has an extremely bad luck? When he is so busy, fans want him to rest. When he goes somewhere to entertain, fans ask him why he is here and weren't at another place when he was dead busy. So funny. God creates an unjust schedule for him, doesn't he?

    Anyway, I'm happy to know he is fine after a long time. :)

  21. Anonymous11:05 AM

    This situation where fans are questioning Leader's non-visible support of HyungJun, JungMin, KyuJong and YoungSaeng reminds me so much of the strife that went on between Justin Timberlake and the rest of NSYNC back in early 2002 when JT came out with his first solo album and appeared not to have any association with JC Chasez, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick. JT fans, NSYNC fans and JC fans were up in arms over this, claiming JT no longer supported nor wanted to be a part of NSYNC. NSYNC didn't even bother to tell the fans that they were going on hiatus/disbanding and did not answer fans' questions nor dealt with fans' concerns for the group. At least SS501 is addressing fans' concerns about the group staying together; HyungJun, JungMin, KyuJong and YoungSaeng keep reiterating that their contracts will allow them and Leader to come together again as SS501 when the time is right. NSYNC still has yet to say that. At least HyungJun, JungMin, KyuJong and YoungSaeng are being open and honest about the future of SS501 and are showing support for each other. I do wish Leader would show visible support to the other members, because I can only go by what I see him do and hear him say. He's not saying anything about SS501 these days. It does make me wonder if he might do what Justin Timberlake did to his NSYNC buddies - throw them under the bus with little notice and leave them and the fans wondering what happened and why it happened. Hopefully Leader won't do that. I was very disappointed in Justin Timberlake when he did that, but it did pay off for JT in the end - he's a huge solo superstar now.

  22. Anonymous11:11 AM

    @11:05 AM

    eh? He did mention SS501 several time....

  23. Anonymous11:11 AM

    anon 10:12 AM I agree with you!

    'actions speak louder than words' is true in many situations and 'words are meaningful only if its followed by actions'.

    Therefore when words are not followed by actions questions will always be asked"

    To : Kim Hyun Joong fans

    You don't know the feelings of people who support SS501 as the whole group, not individuals, it's not wrong for fans questioning Leader's bonds with SS501..

    Leader fans said, "why questioning?" "stop blaming Leader!!" etc

    You're saying all these because You only like Leader, as long there is a news about Leader, you are happy, you don't care about the four members, you don't care about their bonds at all and the future of SS501!!

    He's not working hard to show his supports for SS501..! Why he has to work hard for it..? Fans don't ask him to do this and that.. Fans are just wondering...

  24. Anonymous11:21 AM

    you can questioning
    but you can't blaming him before you know the true behind all this!

    so just blaming him without knowing the true is fair ???
    this is ridiculous !

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I guess no one knows what happens behind the scenes. One might also say the silence from the other four members during the Playful Kiss filming and fan meetings was deafening... They may well all be supporting each other in non onvious ways

  26. Anonymous11:27 AM

    @ 11:21 am - Actions do speak louder than words and Leader has not shown any support for the rest of SS501 in months as far as I can see.

  27. Anonymous11:30 AM

    you don't need to be in law school to tell that this is fair or not.....

  28. Anonymous11:32 AM

    @11:27 AM
    then any members show support to him when PK got poor rating? any comfort? NO

  29. Anonymous11:33 AM

    They are not blaming him, they are asking him why he didn't show supportive actions towards his members while he shows support for other singer who is not part of his idol group for more than 5 years!

    No body here is blaming him, it's Leader fans who are acting too negative and bashing the other fans who ask a question about Leader.

    I like Leader too but I don't want to be blinded, we have eyes to see, we have brains to think!

  30. Anonymous11:40 AM

    He need to do everything in public?
    if he do that I think someone go to say he do it because he seeking for attention....

    I says JUST WAIT AND SEE !

  31. Anonymous11:46 AM

    @11:33 AM

    nobody here blaming.....are you serious?
    really JUST ASKING ?
    the way they asking just to harsh to handle....

  32. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I'm going to admit flat out I don't trust Leader. His no show of support of Baby, JM, YS and KJ when they continually show support for each other makes me highly suspicious of Leader's support of them. And maybe they didn't publicly show their support to Leader when he did Playful Kiss because he didn't get their blessing for the project? Maybe they were against it because they knew he wouldn't support them in whatever they did? Just a thought.

  33. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Leader shows his support for Junsu in PUBLIC.

    Junsu was a part of DBSK and is now part of JYJ!

    DBSK has got more than 700.000 fans while SS501 only has around 240.000 fans from daum (korean website)!

    Do you think people say he's seeking for attention?

    Yes,just wait and see! Only time can tell!

  34. Anonymous11:49 AM

    no one blaming
    goshhh I can't believed my eyes when I read this

  35. Anonymous11:52 AM

    He don't need to seeking for attention because he always get it without trying

    look what happens here

  36. Anonymous11:53 AM

    ppl believed something and starting to blaming someone

    This is so high school

  37. Anonymous11:54 AM

    It's Leader fans who drive many others to blame and bash him!
    From one person who questioned Leader and suddenly the army of Hyun Joong defensive force came and created a big war!

  38. Anonymous11:59 AM

    yeahhhhh its all HJL&HJL's fans fault

    Those who blaming without knowing the true is right....yeahhhh I got it

  39. Anonymous12:00 PM

    "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice "-- Joseph Dunninger

    Perhaps everyone should just calm down and agree to disagree

  40. @8:48, no it's not a post about HJL not support HJB's musical.

    alright, i decided to close this comment box again. i've read enough.
