
Monday, March 21, 2011

03.21.11 S/Tweet Treats

I was about to go to sleep at 2:40am (KST) earlier when Young Saeng's Twitter laugh made me wide awake. Then a few minutes later he tweeted again to explain why he was laughing. Everyone must have been worried and tweeted him to cheer him up.

Check out the translation of xiaochu posted on Quainte501 which I am shoving here to know why.


[Trans] 03.21.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please

2011-03-21 @ 2:42am
mystyle1103 puhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

2011-03-21 @ 2:48am
mystyle1103 Because my mood is extremely gloomy.. because my mood is so bad.. because I want to be fine when I laugh like this.. kekekekekekekekeke

2011-03-21 @ 2:54am
zerotic0124@mystyle1103 That's scary, would you stop that

2011-03-21 @ 2:54am
tongkenfish @mystyle1103 Right, at times like that, it's good to just laugh like that~ Cheer up!! pat pat

2011-03-21 @ 6:26am
Soie2e @mystyle1103 Don't feel gloomy!! TT

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    that tweet seriously made me feel really worried. been thinking about it from the time i saw the trans of his tweet. i remember the time when he left the msg with the wings of the world lyrics on it. he seems really depress and sad too at that time. YS can really show how depress he is through his writing. i don't know what he is going through right now but i sincerely hope its not that big of a burden to him and i hope he will feel better soon. i don't know why but i feel unease and im really really sad. i hope he tweet again today and say that he's fine. pls do youngsaeng-ah.
