
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[Article] Hyung Jun said that his heart feels less full when...

Ode translated two interesting interview again from TVDaily on her blog. I am shoving one of them here now. Thanks much again Ode for the hardwork.

Go and read and learn more how caring and mature Hyung Jun has become.


[Article] Solo transformist Kim Hyungjun, "Having lesser fans than SS501 days, kinda sad"

Source : TVDaily
English translation by Ode /

Re-post with full credit please.

Kim Hyungjun who's returned as a solo singer and not the maknae of group SS501 - we saw the more matured side of his this time. Has he broken out of the guardian shell by his brothers? In his eyes we saw eagerness. Whilst we listen to his gag-filled talks, we also see his beautiful smiles spread across his face - as usual. The moment he talks about music and his business, he turns into an ecstatic mode almost immediately. He may still be at a tender age, but having started social life early, his thoughts were as equally deep, and dreams equally big.

In releasing this first album under the name Kim Hyungjun, he has had put in alot of concern throughout the process. As soon as he talks about the album, his eyes shone and becomes playful like a child as if he discovered a new-found toy. Though he is naive and innocent like a child, that didn't seem to be bothersome at all.

"I like sophisticated kind of music, and I pursue after the pop genre of music, and I wanted to do that kind of music. At first, I actually didn't like a song like 'oH! aH!', but as I was recording for it, I began to grow really fond of it. It's really true that you gotta undergo the recording of a song first before the true feel of a song is felt. Even the sound of it is unique - the mystique and dreamy feel. The entire concept in this time's album is about sophistication and simplicity, and at the same time, pop-oriented and neat on the whole. It should only be filled with music that I fancy isn't it (laughs)".

As he described each song inclusive in the album, passion and seriousness was very evident in his eyes. His pride for each song that was produced meticulously by top craftsmen was stinging.

It used to be five members standing together on stage, but now, he needs to stand on the stage alone and fill the presence. Standing on that huge stage alone, filling the presence in front of many fans and adapting to fans' anticipation could bring huge burden for one, however, Kim Hyungjun dismissed that, "I've been thinking about whether or not this is the path that I should take, and after thinking, I realize that I actually like doing it alone", as he laughed it off simply.

"This is the first album under the name Kim Hyungjun so it's very much meaningful, and was produced with alot of effort and concerns. It used to be five of us doing these, but now that I'm doing it alone, I do feel a little empty. I know it'd be tough and hard but right now, more than fear, I actually am getting anticipated about what I should do in the road ahead".

"This burden was huge in a way it can't be expressed in words. There were also many worries. But hmm could it be because I've been doing alot of personal activities already that, as I'm carrying out solo activities now, the burden was washed away very immediately. That's because I'm able to do the things I want to do in a little more relaxing manner. Now, even if I may think about whether this will be my path to walk or not, it actually seems good in doing it alone. It's really blissful right now. Our members are always watching over me and also rooted on for me by asking me not to tremble too much nor get nervous and strive for No.1".

Could it be because of his bright and positive personality that even with this burden caused, it seemed to have been dumped aside as though insignificant. To Kim Hyungjun, doing solo activities is more about feeling any possible tinge of sorriness and disappointment for his fans, rather than burden that he will feel.

"If I do activities alone, obviously there would be good sides to it too, right. When you sit in vans, there is enough space for yourself; and when I'm in the waiting lounge, I have plenty of time to do thinking on myself. I get to realize what is it that I need to show to people, and this could seemingly allow me to appeal to people. However, I don't personally feel the same amount of huge love received like last time. There were people who have liked me since last time, and also some other people who likes the other members, too. To be honest, my heart feels less full as compared to when the five of us were together back then. I feel a little sadness for that".

Kim Hyungjun did not just talk about how he feels sad and disappointed that he does not feel the same, equal amount of love received as before. Instead, he's a very caring and concerning man who knows how to first tend to fans' feelings wherein they feel sad about not being able to see SS501 on a same stage together for the moment.

It'd be great for us to keep anticipating on what this bright, cheerful and extremely positive man with deep consideration for others would have in store for us on the road ahead of him.


  1. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I'm sad after reading that he doesn't receive the huge amount of love from the fans like when he's still together with SS501. It's the truth anyway, so far I know Hyung Jun is the only member who has less fans, fangirls might find him annoying with his childish behavior or misunderstood him..

    When the fangirls were screaming on the airport, I could only hear Leader's name, Young saeng and JungMin.

    Since I followed SS501 for quite long time, SS501 became popular because of Leader who joined WGM and acted in BBF and Playful Kiss.. Most of you knew SS501 after watching WGM, BBF and PLayful Kiss, right?

    So of course not all triple S are the true Triple S, they only like Leader and wants to follow his news

    What can we expect? DSP failed at promoting their idols, SM and YG promoted their idols very good (BigBang and DBSK) so all the members have equal amount of fans! long Splus doing a good job for our Hyung Jun, he keeps working hard and doesn't want to give up on his dreams, I have a vision that he will do well for his future, he will become the next JYP like he wishes to be...

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    wow, what a nice reporter! he/she actually understood Hyung Jun's bright, hardworking, caring personality and even explained that Jun wasn't sad about having less fans, but for fans' feeling sad about not seeing all 5 together and he himself missing them. that's an important distinction.
    and i'm glad they didn't cut or mis-word what Jun said about "enjoying doing it on [his] own", because he always continues with "although it's hard and lonely, but because of SS501 members' and fans' support". <3 he could never be happy doing solo if he didn't have his group and fans behind him always.

    thanks very much, ode & liezle!

    7:07PM - i'm sure lots of fans shout Jun's name; maybe it's just hard to distinguish Hyun Joong and Hyung Jun, so it all sounds like Hyun Joong? honestly, i'd think Jun would get more shouts because fans know he will interact with them a lot (like how JM fans are kinda louder and more straight-forward, because JM will always treat them like friends. =)
    i understand your frustrations, but it's normal for solo to have less fans than group, even for HJL, whom we know has more fans than the rest of the members.
    (but before this turns into another fight, let me clarify that we are NOT saying that HJL-bias TS are not true TS; we're talking about just-KHJ fans who do not support the others and are not TS. there's a difference, so HJL-bias TS, please don't over-react. ^^;)

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I'm not sure why the first Anonymous said Hyung Jun has lesser fans. Perhaps I should add this, for SS501 last come-back..Love Ya on Music Bank, Hyung Jun had the loudest cheers from his supporters. Many were shouting for Hyung Jun more than other members (maybe bcos his fans were more vocal? I'm sure all other members have many fans there rooting for them too). I was there to witness this, so this is not some kind of weird rumors.

    Like what the 2nd commenter mentioned, it's easy to mixed up the names of Hyun Joong and Hyung Jun when one is shouting.

    But I think its true, whether its for Jung Min, Hyung Jun, YS or other members...of cos it feels like less fans as compared to SS501 because we all TS have different "favourites" and bcos many of us are students, we cannot afford to go for ALL activities of the boys when they go solo, or even afford to buy EVERYTHING that was released. so I believe what he said was true. Only when the 5 come together, the true power of TS will be unleashed. :)

  4. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I agree with Anon 9:46's statement about many of us are actually students..I am a student n financially speaking I honestly couldn't afford to go to all of their activities when they go solo..I believe many of us facing the same dilemma where we have to carefully choose..It's not that we dun support them coz we do wholeheartedly...I believe when the time come where they comeback as 5 again, Triple S power will be unleashed n wow others too..

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    hehe.... my bro BabyJun...... u r still my baby... cant be my man yet...keke... of course dear, sure less fans when go solo... all members will feel it when come for their solo stage. 5 of you together is the best... like above anonymous said we all r not so rich and free to go all actives... i also so sad seeing less fans in activities... u can sad too... but plz not disappoint to TS.... TS power is stronger when all together too like SS501 5 together... just keep work hard, follow your heart and make dream come true.. we TS are always there for you 5... no matter who bias... because we love all 5 together more....^^

    and 1st anonymous might be HJB bias too...:P agree point that SS501 more popular after leader join WGM, BOF. me too know them after BOF. that's why i really so so Thank to JH sunbae who intro these 5 lovely men to me... right that DSP really not did promotion well for SS501... luckily leader did good job in WGM and BOF that their popularity increase. leader doing it like promotion for his group too. remember he said he joined WGM cos no matter how they work hard, their album sales not go up. so he joined WGM to promote his group too. BOF is his company planned him to act. should thank their leader for his good job that there is more TS now. if not, sure less than now. of course cannot jealous leader for having more fans. cos he is known as JH and loved by a lot BOF fans. so he has TS leader bias fans and non TS HJL fans as well. i think leader will get critic again when he comeback then has more fans than other lol... plz not forget, he is not only known as SS501 leader but also well known actor. for those who just like HJL, they not claim themselves as TS too. cos i have few friends just HJL fans. but i think there may have some untrue TS??? i dont know. if there is, i want to know how many...;p cos I always see this problem people thinking leader bias fans are not true TS. it's not fair to conclude it. not fighting back to them too. just i think not fair to say always like that. it hurt to those true TS. I am loving all 5 of them so much and supporting all solo now too. buying all their solo album, DVD, photo book, attend their FM etc.. not just to show support too. doing all with my heart. i believe there is a lot TS did that too if they can. i was saying we need money 5 times more now since all go solo. it's really bad for TS...:( i believe they 5 will come back together one day to us when they r ready. then like above anonymous said will see TS Power fully... my bro BabyJun and Jun bias fans, please understand TS.... Love Ya Forever here~~~~^^

  6. Anonymous1:16 AM

    i know a lot TS become fans of SS501 through HJL BOF, WGM. agree with 11:22pm anonymous that should thank much to leader instead of jealous. because a lot my TS friend changed bias from leader to Kyu, HJB, JM since HJL always so cool act to fans and JM and HJB are most friendly to fans. Kyu is center sweet always. I also become Kyu fans in the end.:) leader always have to get that thought by others. but he's ok. just take it and continue work hard. so, ya please not say HJL bias fans are non TS. TS should be united always as SS501. sure they need to work a lot harder for solo. they may feel less love in solo. it's just a fact to accept since all go solo now. we TS will wait together them. HJB Hwaiting!! if he work harder, sure he will see more and more new fans for him after go solo too:)

  7. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I wasn't saying we werejealous of Leader, I said base on the fact that TS like to cover up their lacking.. Leader fans always accused people who don't like their bias for being jealous wecause he has a lot of fans....

    We're NOT jealous of leader but we PITY the other members who also want to shine individuality and of course we don't want them to keep standing in Leader's shadow like a follower or back up dancer..

    Back then at 2007, all members had an amount equal of love from the fans, they have equal share of fans until Boys Before Flower boomed, new fans came and joined SS501 forums and screamed Leader's name but they didn't know who's YoungSaeng and who's KyuJong.. I knew the history of SS501 before and after BBF because I've been a TS for 6 years...

    Fans need to understand, if they really love SS501 you have to support their solo careers, even though the power of five is strong but they need to step up as the real singer not an idol anymore.. You need to know they're working hard for their careers and future, they have dreams....

    Not because we "jealous" of Leader but we want all of them , all the members have a successful career not only Leader deserves to be popular and successful because he's bringing up SS501's name, it's because Leader had been given an opportunity by DSP to shine while other members need to work hard from zero to shine by their own..

  8. Anonymous4:36 AM

    From Nate (Korean search engine)

    SS501 has 377 fans

    Kim Hyun Joong has 656 fans

    Heo Young saeng has 250 fans

    Park Jung Min has 296 fans

    Kim hyung Jun has 186 fans

    Kim Kyu Jong has 161 fans

  9. Anonymous5:58 AM

    4:24AM, i have to agree. we don't begrudge HJL's popularity; we just want the same for the other members because they deserve it just as much!
    and some KHJ fans only "support" SS501 because HJL is in it, and they don't care about the others and will always blindly defend HJL, even bashing the other members and their fans, claiming "jealousy". in one such instance, the zealous commenter even said, "how to love other members?" i'll never forget that. =|

    4:36AM, ouch. that really hurts my heart. we already know it, but to see it in numbers is so sad. T_T i don't understand how SS501, which is KHJ PLUS 4 other amazing guys, could have less than KHJ himself? that's like choosing a cheese pizza even though you could have a supreme. (sorry for the weird analogy, i'm hungry. =X) maybe HJL just had a headstart with his solo career (thanks, DSP -_-)? hopefully the others can catch up now and shine on their own and gain their own fans, too. because they're ALL beautiful, humble, hardworking, and multi-talented!

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    anon@4:36 What is the point of those numbers. If they are fanclub numbers then you should know that these numbers are just one part of the picture. A lot of people can be fans of a member but may not choose to join a fanclub.

    I don't know how this became a comparison of the members popularity. Hyung Jun was just pointing out that one of the things he had to deal with was less fans when doing solo activities. This is natural. Before he was known as only a group member and now he's making a name for himself. He's just expressing what he's experienced. That's it.

    HJL got to do solo projects first and became very successful and popular. Now the other members are also doing solo projects and the same will happen to them. Comparing popularity levels is pointless right now since only now do they have an equal chance at doing solo projects. No one should be so defensive of their biases that you can't even handle a statement being made about your bias (which wasn't even a criticism)without throwing out the word jealousy. No one should be defining who is a true Triple S. This is something that we decide for ourselves.

    I apologize for the long post and hope I didn't offend anyone. The comments on this article have been pretty polite, I just want people to stop comparing the members' popularity levels. It should just be enough that we like them and are supporting and rooting for them just like the members are doing for each other.

  11. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Very well-said, 7:12 AM anonymous.

  12. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Is it sinful if I love HJL and support SS501 because HJL?
    I don't have much money and time to buy products and follow the activities of other members except HJL.

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    anon@11:51am No one is saying it's sinful. They are just stating the fact that their are fans who only support one member and as a result the members have less fans during their solo activities then during group activities. This cannot be denied. Again no one is saying there is anything wrong with this. No one expects every fan to love and actively support each member. People are just acknowledging the reality the members are facing now. Please do not be so defensive. No offense was meant.

  14. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I am not sure why ppl thinks that it was purely DSP giving chances to HJL to start the solo activities in WGM or BOF?? o_0?
    If you had read the news before, the WGM PD see HJL's potential in "THX to Wake me up" and appoint him to be in the show. Sometimes whether or not you can be success in any project is of a portion of luck and whether TV audience like you and of course your own ability.

    This is the market demand determining who they want to be in the show.

    I really hate to see that "A FEW" other members' bias fans did not see the hard work paid by HJL and claimed this is unfair to your own bias. Not every individual can be success even when you work very hard and be perfect. Yes, the world is unfair but it does mean that you can blame the others. If you think your bias should be success too, please be strong and support every his product and promote him to others to increase his fans base rather than blaming others.

    Even with the last SS501 comeback in Love Like this, this is not that "successful" either on both albrum and digital sales.

    Their popularity in Korea (I mean pop singer idol field) had been flopping since 2008 but some so-called "long-being" SS501 fans just refuse to admit it...
    Pop idol group's popularity cannot least long unless they grew into different areas.

  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    To: Anon above

    Excuse me, every member is working HARD, first thing as HJL mentioned in Radio Fishery, most important to get more fans and to be a successful idol is charisma, this is the only thing that can attract people and a good look because majority of the fans are girl and yes LUCK is a good support, so working hard is not enough without charisma and a help from agency

    I bet HJL is your bias, listen no body is blaming HJL for being so lucky, don't be SO negative...

    The first anon meant HJL is the main reason why SSS501 can be so popular right now.. Yes, he's helping SS501 to gain more fans,if HJL didn't play WGM, BBF and PK, the popularity of SS501 would be so so.. This is not a blame but the FACT!

    Yes, HJL is lucky and he has a handsome face and charismatic, so NO ONE will blame him, here some people who are NOT his fans only stating their own opinions without looking from bias point of view..

    Accusing people who don't choose HJL as their bias for being jealous is childish!

  16. Anonymous2:18 PM

    totally agree with 1:24.
    in addition, Group 8 choose HJL as Jihoo because he's always netizen's 1st priorty for Rui in korea.
    that means, HJL's success was NOT given by DSP. he made it all by himself. please remember it.
    DSP? it's the only company which refuse Group 8's audition offer for BOF twice. twice! can you believe that? DSP even coudn't realize how big chance it is. if Group 8 gave up to cast HJL because of their stupid refusal, we could't watch HJL's Jihoo. how horrible!

    frankly speaking, DSP is a very incompetent company. no one was given a single chance to shine by them including HJL. but things are changed. isn't it?

    if someone deserve to have famous or people's love, he will have it. that's true. so if you believe someone's potential, just keep going support them instead of disparage other's achievements please.

    solo activity won't be easy for every members. but it's time to stand on their own feet. it might hurt, but everyone can gather in their own sucess. won't they?

  17. Anonymous2:33 PM

    excuse me 2:12?

    who 'Accusing people who don't choose HJL as their bias for being jealous is childish!'?

    i think you misunderstand something. 1:24 just wanted explained that HJL was NOT given chance by DSP just like other members. that's it.

    there's a comment HJL's sucess was not his own achivement but because of DSP's help. that's not true. then, why can't we remedy it?

    please don't go so far. NOBODY tells like you summarized. No offense, so please don't be angry.

  18. Anonymous2:39 PM

    anon 2:33

    I wasnt saying that to anon above but to ALL HJL fans who think people are jealous if they don't like their bias..

    I have no idea why HJL fans talk differently about HJL, only to defend him ..?

    HJL fans on Allkpop said DSP told HJL to go to BBF Audition and luckily he'd been who's right and who's wrong..??

  19. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Quotes from HJL fans in Kpop Secret:

    "FYI, it was the DSP CEO who convinced Hyun Joong to audition for BOF. HJ was iffy about it at first 'cos he's never acted before and because SS501 was supposed to make a comeback during the time that BOF started shooting."


  20. Anonymous3:05 PM

    To Anon 2:39 PM,
    "ALL HJL fans who think people are jealous if they don't like their bias.." I am a HJL fan and I DID NOT Think that. I am so happy that you are NOT liking him (thanks god).

    I am wondering what you posted related to the subject. Was it DSP owned G8? It was G8 appoint HJL for the role and had DSP to talk to HJL giving that DSP had rejected twice as per the news.

    To Anon 2:12 PM,

    I am Anon 1:24PM. Would you please read? I DID NOT mention any "childish" on my comment, didn't I?

    Sometime, hold back a little and read again helps to crease misunderstanding.

    I use "blame" here. I am not referring to the target to be HJL (but sometimes he does in other Group sites) but those his personal fans or HJL bias. From above comments, it clearly stated that HJL's personal fan did not support other members' activities and this is the fact.

    But the point is if they are personal fans on one artist. Why they had responsibility to support his members also? And may I ask what is the point on mentioning this "fact"?

    Yes, I am a HJL personal fan for 4 years and I did not ever say any negative comment to other members and I delighted to see them together on stage also.
    I do think that the members can shine on their own with their ability and charm. I purchased all albums issued in the name of SS501 and HJL. I supported their group activities and attended their concerts in a few countries. I just don't know why we as personal fans need to be pinpoint by a few so-called group fans. HJL's personal fans are the blaming target in most of the time but there are also many personal fans for each member (see the various fan site).

  21. Anonymous3:14 PM

    To Anon 2:59,
    "ALL HJL fans who think people are jealous if they don't like their bias."
    I am a HJL personal fan and I DID NOT think you are "jealous" if you don't like him. I am so grad that you are NOT to be honest : ).
    However, I never questioned why other people not liking him and even they are SS501 group fans because each one had its own tasted as long as be considerate when express their feeling.

    I am not sure what you post related to this subject matter but did G8 own by DSP? It is G8 want HJL on this role and have DSP to have HJL accepted given that DSP had rejected twice before approaching HJL. This is also from the Korean portal news?

    To Anon 2:12 PM,

    I am Anon 1:24PM. Would you please read? I DID NOT mention any "childish" on my comment, didn't I?
    I did say that even you work very very hard doesn't mean the result pay.

    Sometime, hold back a little and read again helps to crease misunderstanding.

    I use "blame" here. I am not referring to the target to be HJL (but sometimes he does a few sites) but those his personal fans or HJL bias. From above comments, it clearly stated that HJL's personal fan did not support other members' activities and this is the fact.

    But the point is if they are personal fans on one artist. Why they had responsibility to support his members also? And may I ask what is the point on mentioning this "fact"?

    Yes, I am a HJL personal fan for 4 years and I did not ever say any negative comment to other members and I delighted to see them together on stage also.
    I do think that the members can shine on their own with their ability and charm. I purchased all albums issued in the name of SS501 and HJL. I supported their group activities and attended their concerts in a few countries. I just don't know why we as personal fans need to be pinpoint by a few so-called group fans. HJL's personal fans are the blaming target in most of the time but there are also many personal fans for each member (see the various fan site).

  22. Anonymous3:15 PM

    we "other members' fans" never said HJL didn't work hard or didn't deserve his chance or fame. we only said that the others work just as hard and are just as charming and talented and deserve it just as much.

    again, we're not blaming HJL. but you have to admit that once HJL started getting more attention from viewers, DSP focused mainly on him because they knew they could capitalize on that. it's just business, and it did help SS501's popularity, but naturally the others got less attention from DSP and fewer opportunities.

    we know it's not HJL's fault that viewers/PDs like him. like you said, the world is not always fair; we are just pointing out the harsh reality of showbiz. not everyone who deserves attention gets it. but we're not saying those who have it don't deserve it.

    everyone, please don't be so defensive. HJL fans defending his achievements by his own work makes it sound like the other members simply didn't work hard enough. saying it's not HJL's fault that people like him more is close to calling others "jealous", even if unintended. this causes other fans to counter, and soon defense is read as offense and things get out of hand. let's all calm down please. ^^

  23. Anonymous3:19 PM


    what's your point? i don't get it.

    DSP CEO interviewed himself that he refused BOF audition twice. but Group 8 gave him 3rd offer, so he asked his friend 'what it is', and his freind answered him 'just grab the chance. it's a big deal'. after that, he forced HJL. that's exactly what's going on.

    my point, if there is somebody helped HJL to have a chance, it's not DSP but people who want HJL to act as Rui. so if someone tells DSP gave him a chance to shine, it's not true. HJL attracted a lot of people with his own charm, and it made him have a chance. that's his ability. so please don't tell like DSP made him as a super star.

    anyway, this is not the point of this article. so please don't waste our time. isn't this HJB's interview?

  24. Anonymous3:28 PM

    anon 3:15

    I agree with you with this...

    "..HJL started getting more attention from viewers, DSP focused mainly on him because they knew they could capitalize on that. it's just business, and it did help SS501's popularity, but naturally the others got less attention from DSP and fewer opportunities..."

    anon 3:19

    Those are quotes from HJL fans who defended HJL in Kpop secret!

    How did u know DSP didn't give him a chance? DSP was his agency and if someone wanted to hire HJL they had to get a permission from DSP..So in other words, DSP gave him a chance to shine and opportunity!

  25. Anonymous3:33 PM


    just curious, after BOF project, Were there any projects that mainly on HJL expect the ads shooting that requested by customers?

    Expect the group albums and concerts, I really not aware of any project from DSP focused mainly on him from end Mar 2009 to Jun 2010 (giving that DSP rejected the chance of being a host of a variety show and many drama proposal)

    However, it is fine that you do not notice that if you are not care anyway

  26. Anonymous3:53 PM

    some of you tells about HJL fan's deffense. but do you think why it caused?

    "me clarify that we are NOT saying that HJL-bias TS are not true TS; we're talking about just-KHJ fans who do not support the others and are not TS. there's a difference, so HJL-bias TS, please don't over-react. ^^;"

    i know she didn't mean to offense. but let's think. JM and HJB both released solo album. but their sales result is different. what does this mean? bias fans only support their bias members. or indivisual fans only suppory their members. that's usual. but some of you just poited out HJL's fan, and told those fans who didn't support other members are not true triples. is it fair? why always HJL fans has to have different rule?
    every members has their own bias fans AND indivisual fans. so please don't try distinguish HJL's fan from them.

    and those who think like 'Leader had been given an opportunity by DSP to shine while other members need to work hard from zero to shine by their own'.
    i know you just feel so sorry for other members, but even for HJL, DSP was not a good company. so if you said so, it can make HJL bias fan very sad.

    if there are comments like these on and on, somebody has to protect HJL. because that's not fair. so, please stop arguing and just focus on supporting our members. O.K?

  27. Anonymous3:57 PM

    If not for HJL, there won't be so many SS501 fans now.
    It's thru BOF that many got interested in HJL and found out that he's the leader of the group SS501. It's from there then many got to know the other 4 members' names.
    If not for HJL, not many would have even heard of SS501 or even Kim Hyung Jun.
    So Hyung Jun should thank his leader, I'm sure he knew in his heart the facts if not he ought to wake up and face the reality.

  28. Anonymous4:01 PM

    in LLT, HJL got 9 seconds part. focus on him? i don't think so.
    DSP wanted to focus on other member(s)instead. don't you know it?

  29. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Agree with Anonymous@3:57PM, HJB and the other 3 knew it's through their leader's popularity that SS501 become so popular. They should know the truth and nothing but the truth and the facts and figures. HJL was the winner of so many popularity polls and awards, they can see it for themselves!

  30. Anonymous4:08 PM


    you kind of answered your own question. HJL got all those endorsements, not just because his popularity and advertising value soared after BOF, but because DSP made those deals. it's not as if HJL does all the leg-work himself; lacking though DSP is, it was still his management company that arranged all those projects. i'm not belittling HJL's natural charm and genuine hard work, but you can't say it was ALL because of HJL alone.

    if it were up to HJL, he probably would have refused BOF and continued with SS501's planned comeback for late 2008. and if he did BOF, without DSP, he wouldn't know which products to endorse and how to write the contracts, would he? i give HJL credit where it's due, so you should give DSP credit, too.

    which brings us back to the point, that although all members are charming and talented, HJL had a headstart and DSP didn't have the resources to deal with his sudden mega-stardom AND the other members' careers, so only now they're getting their chance. ^^

    one last thing. i'm quite offended at your suggestion that i don't notice because i don't care. just because i don't see things the same way as you, because i'm not HJL biased, doesn't mean i don't care about HJL. i love all of SS501 and that includes HJL! you're calling ME biased?

  31. Anonymous4:09 PM

    From Day 1, the focus has already been on KHJ, the leader of SS501.
    That explains the number of fans turnout at solo activities. What's all the fuss?
    HJB knew this.

  32. Anonymous4:12 PM

    May I ask how come nobody approach DSP for the other 4 for dramas and commercials if they are equally good looking and talented?
    Yes, DSP did all the legwork and negotiations etc etc, but KHJ is the star. Get it?

  33. Anonymous4:24 PM


    do i have to have exactly same opinion with other HJL fans?
    i've never read allkpop's article before, but i think she had less information than me.

    DSP's CEO has been refused BOF audition twice. that's true. so i can't agree he helped only HJL to suceed. it's just an unexpectable lucky to him.

    usually, entertainment company's CEO do a lot of lobby for their stars. but HJL's BOF case is totally different. can you deny it?

    who helped him. Mr. Lee? no.
    korean netizens, viewers, casting director etc. helped him all but not Mr. Lee. that's it.

    give a permission is a chance? you know it's kinda ridiculous. BOF project can earn a lot of money. it surely did. do you think DSP forced HJL to do it for his sucess or for the money?

    if there was any other big project offer for other members, do you think DSP didn't give a permission?
    of course they do. cause it can make money. that's what business.

  34. Anonymous4:25 PM

    actually, JM and HJB's album sales are about the same.
    but anyway, you misinterpreted. my point was that everyone has their bias, and there's nothing wrong with mostly supporting your bias. therefore, there's nothing wrong with being HJL-biased TS.
    we're talking about fans of Kim Hyun Joong only, who do not care at all about SS501. that's okay, too, as long as they don't claim to be TS then look down on or even insult the other members and fans, giving HJL-bias TS a bad name.
    i tried to explain this so that HJL-biased TS would not take issue with the comments, but sorry, it looks like it didn't help. because now we have HJL fans defending him at the cost of semi-insulting the others again. -_-;
    how many times do we have to fight about who made who? SS501 made HJL or HJL made SS501 famous? that's like the chicken and the egg. just STOP. stop promoting HJL by belittling the other members. it's shameful to TS!
    HJL wasn't born a star, DSP helped him. but DSP promoted the others less, that's why they got less work and less popularity, of course. the other 4 have to "face reality"? you don't think they know that KHJ is more popular than them? they're just trying to make a name for themselves with their own talents like KHJ did. why do you have to put them down by shoving that in their faces, just to "protect" HJL? >< T_T

  35. Anonymous4:32 PM

    4:08 PM

    It seems that you have omitted "IF".
    and I did not mention "biased" in response to your post.

    You has right to claim what you are but others had right to judge from what was said and it totally fine as one had its own taste and not every one is identical.

    Artist are paying major part of their income to the agent and this is their duty of doing this legal work. I didn't say that this is ALL HJL on archiving this. we have cody noona and many staffs helped him. However, on managing and planning for star prespective, DSP is not qualified (only my opinion). We are expressing our own opinion and seems that we cannot convince each other as we are standing from different point of view.

  36. Anonymous4:40 PM


    Why did DSP helped HJL and not any of the other 4? And why did DSP promoted the others less?
    Please explain.

  37. Anonymous4:47 PM


    are you telling about look down?
    now, some of TRIPLE S(including you) is telling that HJL's sucess made from DSP.
    that's what look down means.

    how should you so disparage HJL's achievement like this?
    you may not realize it, but you are insulting HJL to protect others.

    face reality?
    they got Mpick, TFWMU, TFRMU together.
    and they showed up WGM together.
    they had been had chance to DJ(what HJL didn't get), MC, musical, unit activity, too.
    didn't they?

    less promotion...
    if they did, do you think it's DSP's intention?
    what did they do give a permission for HJL, then?

  38. Anonymous4:53 PM


    I am not sure what give you right to tell who can be TS and who cannot. According to Korean site, TS includes personal fans of all 5 members.

    DSP is just doing business and does not have relationship or knowing any of HJL’s relatives that DSP need to provide him more care and resources.

    HJL’s fans did buy group albums, attended concerts and do various support that is benefit to the group as a whole and I am not sure why they needed to be pinpointed / finger pointing by those holy group fans given that each members had their own personal fans goup.

  39. Anonymous4:56 PM

    like others said, it's just business. HJL was always the face that caught people's attention in SS501, so obviously to promote SS501, DSP would put HJL on more shows, which leads to more viewer attention, which leads to more work, which leads to PD attention, which leads to bigger work, and so on.
    DSP promoted the Trio's "UR Man" album pretty well, but once HJL reached superstardom after BOF, DSP had a responsibility to HJL and to the company to "strike while the iron's hot" and focus it's resources on HJL. we all know DSP is lacking; it probably didn't have enough to give to the others.
    the others did have their own smaller side projects, and DSP did relatively well in SS501's Asia promotions, but obviously HJL's star power had already far exceeded.
    there's no one to blame. it's fact. but you can't deny that it could have been any of the other members if they had been given the opportunity. and there's certainly no reason to constantly point out that fact, as if SS501 "owes" HJL. that's downright insulting and mean.
    i know we can all positively support SS501 and our biases without belittling other members, we just have to be careful with what we say. ^^;

    i've been commenting anonymously so you can't tell, but i also wrote 4:08PM, in which i fully acknowledge HJL's hard work, but you should also acknowledge DSP's part in his career. i was by no means looking down on HJL to protect others, so please don't say that HJL build himself up by himself as if the others didn't work hard or didn't deserve attention like HJL did. they all deserve it, and hopefully now that they each have a good company looking out for them, they all can get it. ^^

  40. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I am anon 4:53 PM
    sorry I mean 4:25 PM instead of 3:53PM

  41. Anonymous4:59 PM


    I am not sure what give you right to tell who can be TS and who cannot. According to Korean site, TS includes personal fans of all 5 members.

    DSP is just doing business and does not have relationship or knowing any of HJL’s relatives that DSP need to provide him more care and resources.

    HJL’s fans did buy group albums, attended concerts and do various support that is benefit to the group as a whole and I am not sure why they needed to be pinpointed / finger pointing by those holy group fans given that each members had their own personal fans goup.

  42. Anonymous5:07 PM

    "but you can't deny that it could have been any of the other members if they had been given the opportunity"

    Whether or not the other 4 suits with the Role of Ji Hoo, I do not want to comment as everyone has its own taste but yeah, JM will have drama shooting in Taiwan that it used to having high attention and I sincerely thinks that he will be successful.

    So instead of blaming the passed opportunity not to your bias, please look forward. I believe the 5 will definitely be better under the new hands.

  43. Anonymous5:11 PM


    I disagree with you on this -
    "but you can't deny that it could have been any of the other members if they had been given the opportunity. and there's certainly no reason to constantly point out that fact, as if SS501 "owes" HJL. that's downright insulting and mean."

    Supposing it was any of the other 4 who get to act in JiHoo's role, you think this member can be as popular as KHJ? The fact is no PD want any of the other 4. Not that we think the other 4 "owe" him anything but the truth is such.

  44. Anonymous5:17 PM

    i'm 4:25PM. i admit i don't hold authority on who can join or call themselves TS. i'm just very protective of TS, and to me, a person who is a fan of one member but does not like or care about the others or the group itself should not be called TS. and i don't know why they would even want to be called TS if they only liked 1 member, it doesn't fit. @_@
    i see lots of new PJM fans who had never even paid attention to SS501, so they are just-PJM fans, until they learn and love SS501 itself, then they could call themselves TS.
    so i don't mean to point to only just-KHJ fans; it's just that they are the largest group. but i'm sure just-PJM fans & etc will grow, too, and if any of them insult the others just to protect their bias, i would single them out as non-TS, too. TripleS refers directly to DoubleS, and call me sanctimonious, but i think that's a special bond.
    i'm sorry, i don't quite understand your 2nd paragraph. i meant DSP gave more resources (funds, time, staff) for HJL's career, as it required and deserved, but it left less for the others. that's all i'm saying.

    PS - it does not have to be the role of JiHoo specifically. XD; just more work in general and more opportunities leading to more popuarlity, you know?
    5:07, i agree, they'll all have their time to shine and prove themselves now, and SS501 will return better than ever!

  45. lol i don't know whats happening here but i only came on here on give support to hyungjun considering that it was an article about him nd when i saw the number of comments on this post..i was so excited that there were so many ppl showing support but whoa i was totally surprised to find that this was another one of those discussions bout ss501's popularity and DSP and leader and bla bla bla..
    cmon guys we shud focus on the
    present nd just continue to wish that all the members do well in their solo activities nd forget bout what happened in the past..this year has brought a bright future for all the members..lets continue to think them equally nd hope for the day when they unite where a green sea of fans new nd old await them and not once wud anyone doubt their soaring popularity then!
    hyungjun fighting!
    ss501 fighting!!

  46. Anonymous6:04 PM

    thank you, Christina. very well-said. ^_^
    i don't know how this snowballed into another one of "those" discussions, but i'm sorry if my comments fanned the flames (no pun intended XD;).
    i just want to say that i love SS501. i love each and every member, together and individually. i love my TripleS, no matter who their bias is. and yes, i do appreciate all fans of individual members for supporting the guys i love.
    i love these men so much, i just want the best for all of them. and they have such good hearts, so i want to defend them always.
    but let's end this now and agree to support SS501 as much as we can, even if we are only able to support one at a time. let's make Peace, Peas! ;D
    SS501: Kim Hyun Joong, Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min, Kim Hyung Jun, fighting! <3

  47. My dear Triple S, let us not fight over this matter. :) We take pride on being the MOST PEACEFUL FANBASE, don't we? It's not nice to hear that fellow TS members are fighting over SS501's popularity.

    breathe deep and cool our heads. :) Relax guys!

  48. wow wow wow..... just one HJB comment as he feels less love in solo than group can make all these very long discussion.

    i read all and kind of dizzy now. keke... agree all points here and there.

    i think all these started by 1st comment.;p it makes snowball to start roll and all are trying to say the facts and protect their bias and SS501. I think in future there should not have that kind of comment started. i think no one is insulting anyone (fans or members) but when we discuss about facts, it may sound like insult or offend.

    let's focus on future with SS501 together. when read this kind of article, we should just let it pass and keep support as we can to whoever we want.

    SS501 Hwaiting!!!^^

  49. Anonymous1:03 AM

    ya right. we should just let it pass when there is this kind of article (we may see HJL got many fans in his comeback article. i just guess.) media will sure make thing big. so, even we want to say personal sadness in article, we should try not to give a point to start comparing topic. if someone accidentally did, sure it will make people to response. if other see this, it's not good. Green Peas should be always peace.:D

  50. Anonymous2:00 AM

    I always wonder if Kim Hyun Jun has ADD. Everytime he say something it will create a chaos among TS. He needs to speak less and be more humble.

  51. Anonymous4:28 AM

    anon 2:00 am

    WTF are you talking about? did u read the article, it's not HyungJun's fault but it's HJL fans' faults who easily get irritated and sensitve if someone commented bad stuff about their bias..

  52. Immagnen5:05 AM

    All the comments on this article are disappointing. How did an article about Hyung Jun become about something else. This entire thing is ridiculous.

    And to Anon at 2:00AM, how you're accusing HJB have having some kind of mental illness, what is wrong with you? Whether you are a Triple S or not, that is crossing the line. HJB is one of the most humble people I've read about in Kpop. You may not always agree with his words but accusing him of any mental defections his downright rude.

  53. Anonymous6:42 AM


    do you think this is HJL fan's FAULT? wow~~~
    can't you see why it started? that's because of the first comment. if she didn't start to compare members and just show her support to HJB, it won't be that bad. and some of other comments, surely DEFFENSIVE FOR HJB. i think that's not bad. because they're fans. but you may think HJL fans can't do the same thing for their bias. why not?

    why you guys blame HJL or his fans for everything? did they started this chaos? no. but you still blame them. is this HJL fan's FAULT agian? Huh!

  54. Anonymous6:44 AM

    so sorry. i meant 4:28, not 2:00.

  55. Anonymous10:24 AM

    How did the first person attack Leader or Leader fans. She/he merely stated two facts: SS501 become as popular now because of Leader's activities and that if you are a Leader fan and choose to not supposed the other members then you are not a Triple S.

    In my opinion there is a big difference between being a Triple S and being leader biased and being solely a Hyun Joong fan. Triple S support all 5 but have their own biases. If you choose to support only one person in a group, how can you call yourself a Triple S? I would say the same thing to someone only supported JungMin, or only supported YoungSaeng, or only supported KyuJong, or only supported HyungJun.

  56. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I just check this cos curious stop aldy or not. hope not another one started again. Not who fault or what. As fans we just need to be careful when we comment too. not to pinpoint out. cos it will make people to react it. and just wonder why HJL fans are the main point always in who do not support other. I think other bias members may not able to support all other actives in solo too because of budget and time. I know strong Kyu fans and she is student. She likes all too. but when JM and baby solo out or when they come our country, she didn’t go. Want to save for Kyu. So something like that for HJL fans too.

    I think if anti fans want to make TS un-united then it’s very easy. Just say one words fact that HJL has more fans, it will start. Sometime I wonder it will be good HJL get fewer fans. He and his fans will not have to face this fact. When someone wants to pinpoint out, notice always HJL fans is the one get. just pity for that.

    HJL and YS is the coolest members in SS501. baby and JM most friendly. Kyu is center and sweet. If leader is so friendly and sweet like JM and baby or Kyu, his fans base might increase more than now. Leader’s fans service quite poor compare to other. Leader has a lot to improve since now he going full solo. Some leader fans switch to JM, baby, Kyu, YS after know SS501. some even switch to other band after that. It’s like JH BOF introduce Kpop to some. If HJL did not do good job in WGM and BOF, what will happen? As I know YS has most fans before BOF boom. so, just to treat fair to all and better not start point to compare. Baby just saying what he feels the fact. I don’t think he will like people start talk about it.

    Have a nice day to all..:)

  57. Sssasuke5013:07 AM

    baby hwaiting!!
    ss501 hwaiting!!
