
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

B2M Entertainment opened its official twitter account

There is something exciting that happened in Twitter today especially for those who are SS501 fans particularly fans of Kyu Jong and Young Saeng as B2M Entertainment opened its official twitter account@b2ment.

So, guys if you have Twitter account better follow them as I believe they will be tweeting a lot of interesting stuff about Kyu Jong and Young Saeng. Sample were actually given today as b2ment tweeted these some three hours ago

b2ment Meanwhile, Kyul Oppa has been enjoying a good time practicing expression for 2 hours~~ hehe

b2ment And the Mysticism and the Peak. Oscar hehe

b2ment Cutie Young Saeng who's recording in the recording studio and our snacks~~^^

Heaps of thanks to chobeeSS501 for the translation on Twitter.

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