
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Hyun Joong Seen @ Jaksal Today 03.05.11

Some fans were at Jaksal today and they were lucky to see Hyun Joong at the restaurant. Much much thanks to iamsom for the tweets and heaps of thanks to her friend for taking photos.

Here are the photos taken by iamsom's friend. Do take note of the second photo. The TV at Jaksal was on and they're tuned in at M Super Concert [the show started at 7PM] . Can you guess who is performing and Hyun Joong is watching him?

Jung Min went on stage again at M Super Concert
and Hyun Joong was watching him perform on TV
while having
probably dinner at Jaksal.

Adding photos here. Another re-tweet from iamsom which came from puk_kondem. Thanks!


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    wait who is she watching??

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    i love him~ he never show his love towards the members publicly..his the quite type... but he really love the members even though he doesn't show it~~

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hyun Joong is enjoying with his good friends.
    KHJ, pls. come back soon.

  4. this is why i love kin hyun joong the most,! cant you see it.?? he doesnt show his love by action, so feel it by your heart, :)
    everyone knows :)
    ahh, their brotherhood is soooo amazing,!!!! kim hyun joong ah, i know that u are missing the other members501 right,?? :(((
    im missing them too, effing missing them, :((
    cant wait to see greenpearl ocean, :((

  5. Woo Ri10:45 PM

    im always realise this Leader through his heart. yes im so agree that he is the silent type in leading. he always keep it to his self. dont misunderstanding him again that he is selfish. he always doing something for the sake of SS501. and we never knows when he always burdened by something.

  6. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I want to go to jacksal chicken some day!!!!^^
    Leader is always keeping an eye on everyone and he is not only watching the members but also watching us green peas!^^

  7. Anonymous4:31 AM

    hyun joong has a soft heart beneath his tough persona. i always believed that. ^^ agree with anon @ 1.02am, haha, he keeps his eyes on us earthings and his members in his little ufo! then he silently *zaps* his love rays!! haha!

  8. Anonymous9:36 AM

    i just find the comments about him amusing - the way he loves blah, blah... it sounds so defensive....

    he is sooo detach and living in his 4d world that i dont feel his love

  9. Anonymous2:10 PM

    that's why i love my leader...
    he really is a great leader =)
    hyun joong<333333

  10. Spring5:34 PM

    so long not post comment here......
    just being silent reader.....;p

    now just want to say something...
    anoymous above.... glad u r amused by those love to our leader...;p just to take note that his fans are not defending anything... just they r happy seeing their leader watching over his bros.. cos we hardly see it... ya... agree that our leader HJ is always in his own world and look like he detach everything... sometime i wish leader will be more like other member who show his love and support in public.. u can see even his love to fans too.. he hardly show it out. his fans service is poor compare to other... but we can't forget what he did for his fans in return something more meaningful always...^^ that is Kim Hyun Joong just be himself... we love him as he himself... we dont want he pretend show love and caring.. in media, some of the things we see on screen or stage can be a fake to gain ppl heart or something... we know how much he love his fans and SS bros... like lover, only 2 person can understand each other love. only he and his true fans can understand that..^^ I only love SS501 and only fans of them.. i can see their sincerity heart always.. leader is just leader who not show sweet love like Kyu.. who not show friendly smile back like JM or not so playful with fans like babyJun and not like YS so quiet cool too.. he is just a tough strict leader. i love them all 5 as who they are themselves.. not cos of whatever...

    that's why i usually not comment.. i so talkative...;p my long essay just for one who dont feel his love.. it's ok if anyone cant feel his love.. he will not ask for that too and we r ok if other dont feel our leader true heart... he has us always forever... LOVE YA~~~~^^

    Thank you liezle for always sharing what u found out... i on and off check here too....:)
