
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

[Trans] Half Naked Jung Min @ Anan Magazine (Bigger& Clearer Scans)

Alright I am shoving this up as translation is now available courtesy of Slam posted on her blog.

Do check the translation after you've stared at Jung Min's half naked bod again. ^^

Oh geez, JM said that he thinks that the sexiest part of his body is his butt and collar bone. I agree! I agree! I have said it many times that I find those parts sexy as well of course his long legs. ^^


Hey, this set of photos of Jung Min in the latest issue of Anan Magazine is the most revealing photos of him that we've seen. Much much thanks to aimsom for tweeting. These bigger scan are from HERE.

I wonder how they made him do this. Next probably to Kyu Jong, Jung Min is the most conservative amongst Ss501 members.


[Scans & Trans] Hot & Sexy Park Jung Min @ Anan Magazine
Credit: as on pics + iamsom @twitter
Japanese to Chinese Trans: Pation @ No.43 Park
Chinese to English Trans:
Please repost with credits

Like soft & beautiful?
Like masculine smell?
Obscured by layers of
Modern Korean Idols with secrets
Korean stylish guys idols often love to associate with good physique
with full of masculine smell. Park Jung Min who Possessing shocking, sculpture-like body and having a natural beautiful body. Let us examine carefully about his body.


Crystal clear silky skin and naturally un-cosmetic body

"I don't really like to shred my clothes off in front of people, I will feel embarrassed and shy. This photo-shoot is my first, therefore I care about what comments others have about me. Tell you truthfully I am quite scared!"

After finished saying, Jung Min took off his shirt and walked out, showing his crystal clear silky skin with his long lean body. A body which has not gone through any cosmetic surgery and it flows with a different type of natural charisma, one can imagine it will cause how many other thoughts from all the girls out there.

"This year onwards I will be starting my solo activities, took me 2 months to shed off 12kg. Firstly I control my intake of food that is high in carbohydrate. I only consume drinks that is high in protein content plus chicken breast meat to maintain my fitness. I hit the gym everyday, and frequently go for massage to improve my blood circulation. In times of difficulties while maintaining my body fitness, sometimes I vent my frustrations at the crew around me, giving them a lot of trouble (laughs)"

All the hard work has been paid off, his lower jawline is now more prominent, the waistline of his jeans is now 29 inches. Transforming into a stylish guy, Jung Min's goal for this year is to become [The Most Hugable Guy]. To achieve this goal, Jung Min did not go for those kind of muscular figure looks, but to go for spa to make his body looking more soft and refined.

"Although I also look forward in having a muscular body but I am that kind whereby it is hard for me to work out that kind of body, the most important thing is that it is not suitable for my image. So I would like to use the soft and sexy approach to win."

For Jung Min, the parts of his body which he is most proud of is his butt and collar bone. "Perky butt and just like the bath water which is flowing past your collar bone, isn't it very sexy?"



  2. Anonymous8:27 PM

    i was shock to dead and liezl are you happy ......

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    he is not a guy anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Woow I'm so shocked and amazed!! I didnt see this coming! Our jung minnie showing the result of his body training!^^ Hope that someone will get us clearer scans of these!keke

  5. BeeSS9:01 PM

    Oh!Ah!...omo omo...i'm shocked!!!
    * speechless*

  6. Anonymous9:25 PM

    actually JM was the 1st one who took his top off before....not for a magazine, but for Adrian Kim Heritage return promo.
    It's nice to see the result of his diet and exercise payoff. ^__^

  7. Anonymous9:34 PM

    shocked!really shocked!hahaha...can't believed it! he's kind of conservative type even his shoulder he doesn't want to show it in their SS501 days, but this one is the first time. he really showed his half nude body.(not bad nice body) hihihi..(i'm kind of thinking naughtiness)...

  8. hi 9:25! oh yeah i remember that! that was posted somewhere here in my blog. ^_^ but somehow this is different and too revealing for JM, yah?


  9. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Wow! I just can't believe my eyes. Is this Jung Min? I never thought he'll ever let us see his topless body! Sexy...Sexy charisma!

  10. Anonymous9:49 PM

    OMG!!! Im speechless, the consevative one took his top off!! Luv it, luv it.

  11. Anonymous10:05 PM

    "I wonder how they made him do this. Next probably to Kyu Jong, Jung Min is the most conservative amongst Ss501 members."

    That's so TRUE!!!! I don't wish Kyu will pose for AnAn however :(
    At least Mal didn't do such scary pose with half naked girl.

    Eh, Mal also took his top off for condom CF right? But I'm agree with Liezle, this one is too revealing..
    *JittMal JittMal*

  12. btw, i love love the photo where JM is about to take off his shirt ^^
    next is when his his hands is on his pants. ^_^

  13. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Liezle...LOL at ur comment @10:23pm
    actually I'm more interested in Saengie (since his workout pics @ gym was show)

    A @9.25

  14. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Kinda shocked. I thought JM was the most conservative one, even during persona concerts he always wore "more" cloth than the others!
    But well, who can complain right!

  15. Anonymous10:44 PM

    i thought Jung Min is the most 'virgin'of all members in SS501, but after seeing this..gosh..Jung Min..what you've done to yourself..that's called DARRRRRINGGGG mannnn...i can't believe my eyes are sinfully looking at his body...ahahhahahah!!

  16. I'm speechless now :)) omg our Mal finally shows his body. I'd never thought of this would happen but it does.
    he's truly SS501 sexy charisma xD xD wait for the clear version :">

  17. Anonymous12:00 AM

    hmm... he's more handsome with clothes on.

  18. Anonymous12:23 AM

    OMG! shocking! Mal is that what you want to prove, which you mentioned before that you wish to become one of the person wants to receive with the "best body"? it's so seductive you know?haha.. love you:-)

  19. Anonymous12:39 AM

    urmm..excuse me...
    ..anyone has towel or shawl..or blanket ..i think..we should cover back that urmmm very sexy guy....well it's just that...i'm afraid many TS will be killed by looking at him...

    hehehe! ;)

  20. Sam Albea12:57 AM

    I like the pic where he's taking his shirt off and of course the one with his pants...LOL!

    Did I hear myself right?!
    I think I'm turning into a ------??? Oh no!

    Jung Minnie, cover yourself! Pali!

  21. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I one of crazy girls after saw these pics.
    thanks a lot Liezle

  22. super LIKE!! our jung minnie soo sexy!! whoa!!

  23. Erm... I must say our Jung Minnie looks sexier with his clothes on..

    He can show his sexiness very well just by using his eyes or expression..

    I mean, I'm ok with revealing photos, but they really gotta do it in an artistic way... If not tactful enough, will just end up like AV pix..

    Maybe in Hollywood they can take very nice pix, but Japan...Hmmm...

    Just hope JM will not pose like this again... And I believe he will look better if he put on some mass and definition...

  24. Chara2:20 AM

    Mal taking off his shirt? o.O
    Wow! Never thought he would. ㅋㅋㅋ
    Still, I think he's too thin~

  25. Anonymous2:28 AM

    wow..i am speechless..
    leader wud probbaly shout hentai if i said that the 2nd is ma fave..the one were he is taking off his shirt..damn..he is truly the sexy charisma..i feel like i am looking at porn cus i am worried about ma parents walking

  26. Anonymous4:27 AM

    is he taking off his pants? *nose bleeds* getting very hot now!!

  27. Peisu6:52 AM

    Oh my goodness, oh my soul!!!

  28. Anonymous8:41 AM

    (salivating! drools! palpitating! - oozing with male hormones)

    so do you still think Mal is conservative? ^^

    i really don't think he is, since at a young age he already has a liberal idea about using safe measures when having sex (condom ad)^^

    its just a matter of time for him

    i love what im seeing^^ if only i could rung my hands on his flat tummy - aww! (A)

  29. Anonymous9:10 AM

    mal mal mal you never cease to amaze me....but i like what i am seeing!

  30. sinthia8:10 AM

    OMG I'm so late on the news! hahaha
    I can't believe that he took these pictures! Even though he is our sexy charisma, he has always been so conservative about showing your body that is hard to believe that they have convinced him to do that. But of course I'm not complaining ... noway!
    I loved all the pictures, especially that where he is about to take off his shirt ... hmmm I loved the Dolce & gabanna he is wearing ... 8B
    After these photos, he piqued my curiosity even more about how your body will be after he work out a bit more and gain some packs heheheh.... In the future I wanna see him taking photos like this: REALLY! =B
    He surprised me so much with this photos, I hope this is not the last time we can see him like that... hehehe

  31. Anonymous10:25 AM

    omg mal cant believe that he is gonna do this next time i want to see saengie kekeke :)

  32. Anonymous10:31 AM

    i'd like to know how they did it, too! i'd never expect JM to do this! he said he'd do love scenes in Taiwan drama if he had to, but i didn't think he'd do a photoshoot like this. (not that i'm compaining, i'm drowning in my own drool right now XD)
    but he even said he's not very confident in his top half of his body, probably because he said he can't bulk up like other korean stars. but omg i think he looks gorgeous! he's got the long and lean body that the Japanese love, but also the more manly (not adolescent boy) and toned body that fits Korean male beauty. <3 i don't want JM to be a 'beast' with 'chocolate abs' or huge 'guns', just like this is great. ^____^

  33. Anonymous9:05 PM offence meant but he should gain some weight and do some more work-outs? He looks too painfully thin or lean and his abs, well, rather faint, not so well-developed, no? I don't care for the 'choc abs' or whatever the other idol groups are sporting too but well, for me's ok I guess. However as long as he's healthy and happy with it, then it's fine...

  34. Anonymous4:14 PM

    thanks a bunch for the trans, slam & liezle!
    thank goodness JM didn't bulk up. like he said, it wouldn't match him. his soft sexiness wins over the others' choco-abs any day!

  35. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I can't help myself! I keep coming back to this post to see these pictures. I love the way he looks, not too muscular. Slim, lean and sexy.
