
Monday, March 21, 2011

Jung Min's Performing 'Forever Love' 03.20.11

Jung Min performed his own version of Wang Lee Hom's 'Forever Love' at the SG Fan Meeting Party held at Dragonfly in St James Power Station. According to those who were there Jung Min sang the song very well. Here's the video capture of posted on her YT channel. Much thanks!

Lee Hom is one of the few Taiwanese singers that I like. If you want to listen to him singing 'Forever Love' you may click HERE.


  1. tetsu girl4:23 AM

    ok, i'm biased, but honestly, i think Jung Min has become as good as "main vocal". *_* i know YS is always our angel voice and HJB is the most consistent and strong, but JM has developed his singing to the point that now he has the beautiful quality of YS (except on the lower scale) and the control of HJB.
    this song showcaes a good range and different ways to use the voice, and JM used them all to the best emotional effect and impact, about as good as a recorded version, showing his natural talent and honed skill.
    sorry, but i think JM is underrated as a really great singer with an amazing voice, too. <3

  2. Paige6:38 AM

    i agree, i think JM has the best voice after YS. but judging from the response from the fans, JM is really popular in singapore and im sure that if he ever had been underrated (which i doubt so) he wouldn't be anymore.

    somehow i feel that JM is different from during the SS5O1 days, he seemed more mature and manly and alot more friendlier now! i used to think he was vain and conceited but not anymore. i just hope that what we're seeing now is not just an on-screen personality that is specially "designed" or "crafted" for the audience.

    love him more and more these days!!

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I liked how Jungmin made "Forever Love" his own. His version was more soulful while LeeHom's version was more smooth. With this potential, Jungmin can definitely enter the Chinese market and provide some competition to the local talents!

    Actually, I felt his "Sexy Charisma" is more specifically developed for his fans during SS501's early days. His "sexy" is so different from his real personality. I never bought his vain and conceited image. I have always seen him a cute and sweet person. He is, for many of us, a perfect man: a man with a warm heart.

  4. tetsu girl11:09 AM

    i meant "underrated" because usually a group has just one main vocal that people pay attention to, so they kinda overlook the others' singing. but i think JM has reached main vocal level, too, and thankfully, a lot of people noticed JM's voice with 'Not Alone'. ^^

    they've all matured over the past 6 years, but i think JM's personality is still the same. in SS501, he just played up his diva persona to be noticed and remembered in the group, but he's always been warm-hearted (all 5 are). it's not an act, it's the side he wants to show as a male singer/multi-entertainer in Asia, not just a sexy idol. yes, he lays on the charm to please people, but it comes from a sincere desire to make fans happy and repay them, i believe. ^^
    he's certainly my idea of a perfect man.

  5. Anonymous2:37 PM

    for me there was two surprizing things about jung min when i start to know something about them
    1.when i watched their reality shows i felt like he is the leader.he could really rule over the group and was making decision generally.comments before bof was mostly about him.but leader was hyun joong.

    2.while reading youtube comments of ss501 songs i realized so many people say jung min voice is the powerful,emotional and beatiful.comments that which are about voice says generally jung min voice is the most mesmerizing one. now,i am the one of these people too.but when i learn young saeng is main vocal it was was not the thing that i understand from fans responses.i agree saeng's voice is good too but a little fragile not too strong.
    i don't think he is underrated.maybe not under title of main vocal but jung min's voice was really appreciated by fans.and it is still like that.especially from concert and orther live performaces vid comments,you can see people was in the concerts praise him so much.because his singing skill was all time good.maybe you heard or not ,Min once sang"asai yumeno hate"(ss501's japan song,but not famous)at saitama(japan)and so many people loved his version.and i saw even comments like:"his version is even better".dou you think still he is underrated about voice or he is just noticed because recent improvement of him.i think he was all time have the best quality and is the what in so many comments.i know because i read lots of them to know about ss501

    maybe you think why so many people not aware of him?but before wgm and bof he was the popular is just the changing of reign between hyun and jung min.despite of these he was the most popular one in japan and taiwan as a ss501 member.therefore he decided to expand his activities through japan and taiwan.this decision was not random.and he achieved that.he was the no1 korean singer on taiwan sales charts.and in both korea and japan his album sales was also good and attracted so much attention.of course he should show himself more.he is trying to do please don't be anxious about him.because he is so smart,hardworking and ambitious man.that's why he thinks to squeeze two drama and two album in one year.i hope and believe he will succeed in doing that too.

  6. white9:22 PM

    finally! i found time to hear our sexy prince's Forever Love!
    it was so gooooood!!!!!!
    almost cried at the chorus parts!
    so touching! :'') (Y)(Y)
    and look at his torso when he stood up.. soooooo lean and longgg! > <
    eat more, jungmin ah!!! :)

  7. tetsu girl9:46 PM

    yes, i read (and write ;) a lot of TS comments about JM having the best voice, but i think most people (TS and general fans) acknowledge YS as the main vocal and best voice. although a bit inconsistence (especially when doing strong dance numbers), YS can show a lot of power during high-note ballads, and he has the most "traditionally" beautiful voice (while JM's is more unique, more jrock than kpop standard). (HJB is the REAL underrated one. he's always shared main-vocal parts with YS, but he's never acknowledged as one. >_>;) i've always loved JM's voice, but honestly, he's improved his technique so much over the years. his voice has always been rich, but not always steady (he used to crack, strain, or lose breath more often), but now i think he's really earned "main vocal" status. (i didn't mean JM was not appreciated, just that his "Forever Love" made me realize how PRO he's become with his voice, even LIVE, especially after proper vocal lessons.) JM has a LOT of fans, but i still read many comments that said they never noticed him as a singer until "Not Alone", which makes me proud. ^^

    btw, yes, i've heard "Asia Yume no Hate" (i'm actually the one who uploaded the SS501 version on YT), and i agree JM's solo version is almost better than group. *biased*

    i'm not worried about JM. i completely agree with what you said. he is talented, charming, hardworking, and smart, and he will succeed in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan! (i just hope they all have time for SS501 to reunite this year, too!)
